View Full Version : clique?

27th January 2005, 09:17 AM
I've run several online communities and currently run one that averages 700 new posts a day and 16 new members a day for the past 6 months. One thing i notice is that cliques and certain groups of people form that usually either dont get along with others, make no attempt to get along with others, ignore others at events / get togethers / gigs etc etc. I'll be the first to put my hand up and say that i've said some controversial things during my time here, but those that really know me know that i dont mean anything by what i say in the way i say it.

I was wondering if anyone is getting a feeling like that about NMS? i am. When i think back the only time everyone has genuinely been open with each other is the Cullen Run. That is to say i'm referring to runs that i have participated in. But even with the Cullen Run, there were still people that either didnt mingle due to feeling left out, or those who didnt mingle due to not wanting or bothering to make an effort. Of course people shouldnt be forced to mingle if they dont want to, but when their reason is that of arrogance then i think its a bit lame.

I've made some good friends on this site, and i've met some people i'd like to be friendlier with, Big Col especially ;)

There are also people who dont go on the runs anymore than i miss and wish they'd come more often.

I'm not trying to offend anyone here but i've always maintained that mingling needs to be increased at NMS related events and on the website... i'd love to see name badges on runs. The website has gotten too personal. I dont think its open enough for new members to really get a foothold and join the community. Too many 'in jokes' if you know what i mean.

We get lots of new members but how many of those post regularly. The majority of people that post regularly are those who joined the site in its infancy, but thats just how i see it.

27th January 2005, 09:30 AM
I've definately noticed this on the site, i mean in a sense its to be expected but can be hard for prople who are new, or even who don't post as much to 'get noticed'. I've noticed that on some threads a group of prople will post ... well loads which is cool, but then other posts go ignored. I mean not everyone can be as active on the site as others, and this shouldnt give the impression that they arent included, or their posts wont be given the same sort of attention or whatever, just something i've noticed and could be worth thinking about.

As far as the runs go though, have to say that people have mingled well. Of course friendships build up from the longer standing members compared to the new ones, but they have done their best from what i see to include all new members and involve them and so on, there is only so much u can do and only so much friendships can develop over the course of a run and so on. Though i wasnt at the latest Cullen i cant comment on that tho.

Just feel the site could do with being a bit less clique, or just appearing so... tho i suppose prople who want to be known have to spend more time posting and getting themselves chatting and so forth.

Just my 2 cents .. or pence :)

Big Col
27th January 2005, 04:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by KJ_innit
I've made some good friends on this site, and i've met some people i'd like to be friendlier with, Big Col especially ;)

Way hay!!!! :D

I've only been on a couple of runs so can't comment all that much but if I was cliquey when I was there it wasn't intentional. It was just because I'm a shy big buggar! 8)

Monsta Mo Mini
27th January 2005, 06:05 PM
quote:there were still people that either didnt mingle due to feeling left out, or those who didn't mingle due to not wanting or bothering to make an effort. Of course people shouldnt be forced to mingle if they dont want to, but when their reason is that of arrogance then i think its a bit lame.

Sad to say that's life - there are those that will and those that won't - for whatever reason.8)

I have noticed that online, it is generally a core group of 20 or 30 members who do a majority of the posting which to a newbie may appear to be a bit cliquey. I like to think that any newbies in these forums and at any events have been made to feel most welcome.

27th January 2005, 06:12 PM

You may have a point I am relative new in joining last year and have been on a few runs.

People are a mixed bunch but you will find that in all walks of life some people speak some ignore and I'm no bothered as long as some one speaks to me anyone really because I'm just so shy;):D.

27th January 2005, 06:29 PM
I can see where you are coming from KJ but I don't have any answers. I don't think that what you describe is unique to NMS or even online communities in general; it happens in all walks of life. Life sucks then you die!:(

I don't think anyone turns up at events with the intention of ignoring anyone but some people are more gregarious than others and find these things easy while others are more reserved and hope that others introduce themselves to them. Your suggestion of name badges is a good one; it might make it easier for the people that don't find it so easy to introduce themselves.

The same kind of applies to posting. Some people reply to every topic whilst others only post when they have something specific to say. We actually have loads of members who visit the site regularly and have never posted! (come out and declare yourself lurkers! We know who you are!!8)) Again, as in all walks of life banter will develop between certain members (sometimes even more ;);) say no more!) but I am sure that nobody would like to think that they have formed an exclusive clique at the expense of the wider community.

Back biting and bitching unfortunately are always present in any organisation, workplace or club and online communities are no different. What I would say is that I have seen far, far less of this in NMS than in other online communities. In general the mods have a pretty easy job here as the site is pretty much self policing (although at times the grammar and spelling can be pretty dodgy;)).

I suspect that you may not be the only one that thinks this, and I think that everyone has a role to play in making sure that new members don't think that NMS is a site where back biting exclusive cliques rule the roost.:D

Big Col
27th January 2005, 06:35 PM
At the end of the day if you think the site's cliquey then you can pi$$ off 'cos we don't care! :p

NOTE!!! This is a joke!!! Any lurkers (The eyes...THE EYES!!!) please say Hi! We don't bite unless that's your thang! :)

27th January 2005, 08:16 PM
*Steps out of the shadows*

Guess I'm a lurker! :p

I don't find NMS cliquey. Sure there are some old-timers who have long-running jokes, but everyone is welcoming and friendly. The runs I have managed to go on have been great fun. (Really hope I can go on some more every now and again, now I'm way down in London).

*steps back into the shadows*

Big Col
27th January 2005, 08:31 PM
<huddles together with the other regulars> Pfff. That Astrohaggis is a creepy sod inne! Lurking in the shadows like that. ;)

The Dogfather
27th January 2005, 08:35 PM
Me? I'll talk/argue with anyone. Signposts included (don't ask).

NMS cliquey? Not really, if you jump in with both feet you soon become part of the furniture.

27th January 2005, 10:06 PM
Been on 3 runs since June & so far I,ve only posted 60 odd messages/replies. Guess I,m in the "visit every day but ony post when I have something to say category". 1st run was kinda strange but by the end of the day most people on the Harvest Run had said hi , in particular Angus & MS. Since then the Karting (got that Eggy dude first prize) & then the Blair Atholl runs have been really good as you get to know more folk (including those who are on their first run). Sure all the folk that have known each other for a long time will talk more but that's only to be expected. Never ever noticed anybody being unfriendly & I,m really looking forward to the next outing (pity nothing in the near future though).
Name badges (with your log on name) would be a great idea especially for the newbies.

Big Col
27th January 2005, 10:10 PM
quote:Originally posted by crombers

Name badges (with your log on name) would be a great idea especially for the newbies.

Now THAT is a really good idea! Crombers you may not post much but when you do it's a belter! ;)

27th January 2005, 10:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col

quote:Originally posted by crombers

Name badges (with your log on name) would be a great idea especially for the newbies.

Now THAT is a really good idea! Crombers you may not post much but when you do it's a belter! ;)

well if Angus has remembered I should have ScottieCoop on our polo shirts :D:cool:

Big Gordy
27th January 2005, 10:34 PM
But how do we see your polo shirt beneath the waterproof jacket;) :p:D:approve:

27th January 2005, 11:06 PM
I'll own up to having been here a while but not being on any runs. There are mitigating circumstances though (like moving to London before I could do a run). Had I still been in Edinburgh I'd have loved to come on a run with you lot and hidden at the back in shame at not having my car gleaming :) However, I do feel a fraud at times as I can't come and do any runs with you so I don't feel I always fit in.

I don't think it's TOO cliquey, but the trick is getting people from the introduce yourself board to the other boards. I don't know how you'd do that.

As an aside, if anyone takes exception to me now living in England and being on here, I'll quietly shuffle away.

27th January 2005, 11:26 PM
I agree with basically everything GAJ said!:clown: One of the main problems with runs is there never seems to be enough time when it comes to the socialising side, that's why Cullen is excellent! So much of the time you're trying to catch up with the old timers and meet the newbs and it can be difficult to keep an even balance:I

(Hopefully no-one can accuse me of not mingling, last year I had 40 complete strangers come and trash my house:p)

27th January 2005, 11:57 PM
quote:Originally posted by Julz

I agree with basically everything GAJ said!:clown: One of the main problems with runs is there never seems to be enough time when it comes to the socialising side, that's why Cullen is excellent! So much of the time you're trying to catch up with the old timers and meet the newbs and it can be difficult to keep an even balance:I

(Hopefully no-one can accuse me of not mingling, last year I had 40 complete strangers come and trash my house:p)

so you'll no mind me parking my caravan on your lawn along with my big ugly 4x4 then;):D

28th January 2005, 12:03 AM
quote:Originally posted by euan

I'll own up to having been here a while but not being on any runs. There are mitigating circumstances though (like moving to London before I could do a run). Had I still been in Edinburgh I'd have loved to come on a run with you lot and hidden at the back in shame at not having my car gleaming :) However, I do feel a fraud at times as I can't come and do any runs with you so I don't feel I always fit in.
I don't think it's TOO cliquey, but the trick is getting people from the introduce yourself board to the other boards. I don't know how you'd do that.
As an aside, if anyone takes exception to me now living in England and being on here, I'll quietly shuffle away.

Get a grip man!! We have 'real' Englanders on here too, and they get to stay.. ;)
It's just not an issue! We have member in the Stated fer feck's sake!! not much chance of most of them coming on a run! :D:D
It's not all just about the runs! It's the community, and the mix of personalities comes with it! Life would be way too boring if we were all the same.. It keps life interesting, and the forums lively!! :D;)

28th January 2005, 12:28 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop
so you'll no mind me parking my caravan on your lawn along with my big ugly 4x4 then;):D

Yes, cause the only way you'd get a caravan on the lawn is by going off road over the roses!! You can park up in the drive though!!:p

28th January 2005, 02:41 AM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col

quote:Originally posted by crombers

Name badges (with your log on name) would be a great idea especially for the newbies.

Now THAT is a really good idea! Crombers you may not post much but when you do it's a belter! ;)

Cheers Col. On the Harvest Run when introducing meeself as Allan then ok fine but if I said Crombers then it was ah yes I,ve read some of your posts , blah blah etc etc (nuff said really)

28th January 2005, 03:21 AM
There's no way NMS is cliquey!!

You should try some of the classic Mini forums......

Now THAT'S cliquey......

Can't say I've never felt welcome, either on the forum or on runs, even when speaking to complete strangers.
I'd agree that it's tricky to socialise on the runs though - maybe we should swap passengers every so often?! :D

Mini Me
28th January 2005, 04:27 AM
Cliquey, nae chance.I've only been on here a couple off months<cant get on a run ,cos i have to work all the bloody time>:eek::disapprove:
But the banters good ,and i would like to think i have made lot's of new custo......Friends:p;)
Good buch of peeps, then of course youv'e got Col and VD, sorry spelling ain't that good ,meant BD.......:blackeye::evil:

The Dogfather
28th January 2005, 05:39 AM
quote:Originally posted by minime
Good buch of peeps, then of course youv'e got Col and VD, sorry spelling ain't that good ,meant BD.......:blackeye::evil:

w anchor!

I know what you mean about spelling!

28th January 2005, 05:49 AM
my 2 euros worth :

You chaps & chappesses run a fantastic site here - easy to join in, welcoming (especially on runs) and take into account all the diversities that living brings.

You have some gems in the people who pay for and keep the site running, those who keep the humour element up and those who spare the time and talent to help others who have problems.

Rejoice that it belongs to you all and no one else.

mmmm - now I feel good I can go and have a beer !

Mini Me
28th January 2005, 05:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

quote:Originally posted by minime
Good buch of peeps, then of course youv'e got Col and VD, sorry spelling ain't that good ,meant BD.......:blackeye::evil:

w anchor!

I know what you mean about spelling!

Is it not past your kennel time :p

28th January 2005, 06:42 AM
quote:That Astrohaggis is a creepy sod inne! Lurking in the shadows like that. ;)

CREEPY?! ME?!? :eek: ...nah! :)

You can stop "huddling" now! :I:p

28th January 2005, 09:20 AM
quote:Originally posted by GAJ
(sometimes even more ;);) say no more!)

What ever do you mean?:I I have to agree with Smurf as we have both ran foul of a cliquey forum recently! As with all clubs/groups/workplaces there are some people who are more vocal and involved than others. Some people feel more comfortable communicating through forums/email and others prefer communication in person. That's what makes up the rich tapestry of society. And as for Col's comment about being shy....shh HAVE A WORD!:p
As for the name badges.....would seem a bit too much like a teambuilding course (shudders!). I always find a simple "I'm Heather and you are...?" works for me.

28th January 2005, 09:38 AM
i want a name badge because i'm speshul

Big Col
28th January 2005, 04:42 PM
But...but...but...I AM SHY! All this bluster and bravado is just a front! Honest!

Big Gordy
28th January 2005, 04:55 PM
Don't let him kid you folks;) It's a cuning ploy he's mastered after years of practise :p:D:approve:

Willie M
28th January 2005, 05:12 PM
Okay, so I haven't been as regular of late (note to self: stock up on the prunes n' All Bran) but I've always found NMS to be a very friendly, and welcoming group. Like KJ, I've been involved in a good few web groups and forums over the years and I have to say that NMS has been the best one ever. Can only echo Heather and Smurf's comments regarding 'another' forum. Tried really hard there for a couple of years, met some great folks but there were a definite element that never made you feel truly welcome.

It's inevitable that as the site (NMS), and numbers grow, it will be more difficult for everyone to know everyone and yes little groups will form. That's life I'm afraid.

Anyways, I've found everyone here to be 'gorgeous'.... except Big Col of course.... he's simply stunning :cool:

Big Col
28th January 2005, 05:23 PM
I've missed you Willie! :D

28th January 2005, 05:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by Willie M
Anyways, I've found everyone here to be 'gorgeous'.... except Big Col of course.... he's simply stunning :cool:

Or stunningly simple!;):p

28th January 2005, 06:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
I've missed your Willie! :D

Leave that for the private Emails please!! ;);):D:D:cool::p

Snigger snigger snigger :D

28th January 2005, 06:47 PM
quote: That's what makes up the rich tapestry of society.

Jaysus Heather... Have you been overdosing on the 'Mills and Boon'????

28th January 2005, 07:00 PM
No!!! Just too much discovery channel!:D