View Full Version : Caught speeding

19th January 2005, 01:46 AM
burger got caught speeding on Saturday 15th got a letter through today 41 in a 30 at the roadworks on A9 north kessock but the thing is I thought I had got away with it.:mad:

It was one of those white vans with the camera on the side my road angel was on but didn't alert me what was that all about:question:

Hope I only get the fixed penalty didn't say I would on the notice only said I might. burger:mad:

19th January 2005, 02:50 AM
I'd be :mad:fumin:eek: (poor you). All that dosh on a RA & not a whimper from the bugger as you approached / drove past the van. Had thought about purchasing RA as I drive down London 3-4 times a year , maybe not now.
Sorry to hear this & hope you get away with the FP

19th January 2005, 07:53 AM
I think I got done a few days ago as well at the bridge of dee in ABZ. Didnt see the roadside warning, wondered why the jeep in front of me was going so slow and pulled out - 47 in 40 zone. Pulled back whenever I spotted the roadside camera at the other side of the road but I think it was defo eyeball to eyeball contact if you catch my drift. My road angel didn't utter a word either :disapprove::disapprove:. Are these things as good as they claim. I do have some doubts. To date its never warned me about mobile cameras. Maybe I havent passed any but with the high milage I do I'm suspicious. Oh well, at least Wee Eck was sparkling clean for his first 'mug shot'.

19th January 2005, 08:09 AM
Must be the season!

I got done before Xmas in our panzer - and it was also the tail gunner in the white van that got me too.

Had the NIP sent off for a while, just awaiting the consequences now.

Sheilz - I thought Road Angel was a GPS based system and not actually a radar/laser detecting bit of kit?

The worst thing is, I have a Valentine 1 sat in a box waiting to get fitted - doh!

Oh well, you live and learn. Catching us real criminals must be worthwhile eh? It's not really just an easy way to reduce crime statistics and plunge us for fixed penalties??



19th January 2005, 05:23 PM
The road angel and road pilot have laser attachements at extra cost - but it isnt an exact science. The laser guns get a lock on you very quickly and can be aimed at a very localised area of the car (usually at the front or rear number plate or the top of the windscreen) if your detector isnt located in this location it may not be triggered. Often by the time your laser detector is triggered the cop will already have a lock on you anyway.

19th January 2005, 06:22 PM
quote:Originally posted by MartinSullivan

The road angel and road pilot have laser attachements at extra cost - but it isnt an exact science. The laser guns get a lock on you very quickly and can be aimed at a very localised area of the car (usually at the front or rear number plate or the top of the windscreen) if your detector isnt located in this location it will not be triggered. Often by the time your laser detector is triggered the cop will already have a lock on you.

I've got the new road angel that has the laser detector thing built in.

Travelling up and down the A9 a lot I've had a few laser warnings on the thing it flashes beeps the whole lot but by the time this happens you've been done if you are over the speed limit.

This time nothing not a thing from Road Angel zip. On the notice it said Video eveidence I think I'll phone the road angel people and ask why it didn't pick up anything then blame them:D

Kinda mucks at my driving plan for Saturday travelling down to Leda in Essex's oh well 70 mph here we come:( first real blast in the Cabrio not.

I've been caught three times for speeding over the years and this is the quickest notice sent to me it only took 2 days so I reckon if you've passed on of these vans recently and haven't anything through the post you'll be ok.

19th January 2005, 06:24 PM
i got caught as well coming back from inverness after being up to see scottie coop last month ,71 in a 60 .sent away the form saying i couldnt remember who was driving, that didnt work ,i got 3 points and a 60 quid fine bugger!

21st January 2005, 05:42 AM
they have (from memory) 14 days to send out the details from the mobile camera, if you haven't received anything, you will be OK. getting caught at 41 is bad luck as most of them only trigger at 40. I would be VERY surprised if it is not just a fixed penalty... It might be worth checking with the council that they had an "order" active for that stretch of road. What I mean by this is when they are reducing the speed limit in any area, (for road works etc) they have to get permission, therefore if there was no order in place, then the "temporary" speed limit does not apply. Also, were the signs properly visible, if not then you can also complain. The van should also be fully marked up and not just a white van with the back door open. OOOh also there must be a sign on it saying that it is recording video images. Thinks that's it all:D

21st January 2005, 07:59 PM
There is a website somewhere that lists where all the police cameras are going to be on certain days.

Craig - if it's a company car or a rental car they have more time to track you down. Other than that, very useful mate!

21st January 2005, 08:39 PM
quote:Originally posted by craigd

they have (from memory) 14 days to send out the details from the mobile camera, if you haven't received anything, you will be OK. getting caught at 41 is bad luck as most of them only trigger at 40. I would be VERY surprised if it is not just a fixed penalty... It might be worth checking with the council that they had an "order" active for that stretch of road. What I mean by this is when they are reducing the speed limit in any area, (for road works etc) they have to get permission, therefore if there was no order in place, then the "temporary" speed limit does not apply. Also, were the signs properly visible, if not then you can also complain. The van should also be fully marked up and not just a white van with the back door open. OOOh also there must be a sign on it saying that it is recording video images. Thinks that's it all:D

van was fully marked up with the mobile camera stickers but the back door was defo not open but how do I prove that:(

would it be the roads department of the council, the contractor or the police you would ask to see if they have a order for the speed limit.

22nd January 2005, 07:53 PM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

quote:Originally posted by craigd

they have (from memory) 14 days to send out the details from the mobile camera, if you haven't received anything, you will be OK. getting caught at 41 is bad luck as most of them only trigger at 40. I would be VERY surprised if it is not just a fixed penalty... It might be worth checking with the council that they had an "order" active for that stretch of road. What I mean by this is when they are reducing the speed limit in any area, (for road works etc) they have to get permission, therefore if there was no order in place, then the "temporary" speed limit does not apply. Also, were the signs properly visible, if not then you can also complain. The van should also be fully marked up and not just a white van with the back door open. OOOh also there must be a sign on it saying that it is recording video images. Thinks that's it all:D

van was fully marked up with the mobile camera stickers but the back door was defo not open but how do I prove that:(

would it be the roads department of the council, the contractor or the police you would ask to see if they have a order for the speed limit.

Just checked and they now can have just a wee hatch on the back door or side door open to "poke" the camera through....Sneeky wee b's. Check with the council, because they have to give permission for their road to be dug up and they would deal with the Health and Safety bit for the reduce in speed limit. Best of luck.

22nd January 2005, 11:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by MartinSullivan

The road angel and road pilot have laser attachements at extra cost - but it isnt an exact science. The laser guns get a lock on you very quickly and can be aimed at a very localised area of the car (usually at the front or rear number plate or the top of the windscreen) if your detector isnt located in this location it will not be triggered. Often by the time your laser detector is triggered the cop will already have a lock on you.

Martin.. A laser detector should always pick up the lazer beam because it has to be directed at a reflective surace for a good reading. With a good reading comes MAJOR scatter which your detector should.. well... detect.

However, the moment your beeper beeps is the same moment the copper gets his reading so your screwed.... unless you have breaks like that of a formula one car because the copper must get two single readings and take the mean value. This means you have the time between the two beams to brake to a slower speed which will average to a legal speed.

Unfortunaltely this means that you would have to brake from (in scotties case) 41mph down to 19 mph to give an average of 30 mph and only a few seconds to do it.

HOWEVER...Im pretty sure that the reason Scotties RA didn't alert was because there was no laser involved. Some of these vans carry digital speed cameras. These work by taking two very accurate stills of your car at any given point on the road (can be over a mile away) and the computer works out the distance covered divided by the time it took to cover it. No detector in the world can detect that!

I think thats all correct..

26th January 2005, 12:53 AM
quote:Originally posted by choc

i got caught as well coming back from inverness after being up to see scottie coop last month ,71 in a 60 .sent away the form saying i couldnt remember who was driving, that didnt work ,i got 3 points and a 60 quid fine bugger!

Snap!! I got caught playing in my S (87 in a 70) I asked for me photie and was going to try and spin it out cos "i couldn't remember who was driving occifer!!" Chickened out when the photo (you couldn't tell it was me) and lettering telling me I had 7 days to comply!! 3 points and £60!! :( They are really quick mine was through in about 2 days too. My dad tried the road angel going down the A68 to my grans a few months ago!! (speed camera central) He was not impressed cos when it did actaully give him a warning he was only about 100 yeards away from the bloomin thing and had already seen it himself!!! I agree about money for the revenue tho, just easy money!! Speed cameras on motorways for gawds sake!! :mad:

The Dogfather
26th January 2005, 01:04 AM
I get really annoyed when I see a speed camera out on the open road they are just there to make money. I heard that one of the regional forces in England have gone speed camera loopy and instead of the number accidents going down they've gone up, puts a hole in the safety arguement.

What's needed is a campain of civil disobedience with people going out covering up/masking the lenses of cameras which aren't there for safety reasons with black bags/sticky tape. No damage caused then so you can't be done for criminal damage.

26th January 2005, 01:06 AM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini
What's needed is a campain of civil disobedience with people going out covering up/masking the lenses of cameras which aren't there for safety reasons with black bags/sticky tape. No damage caused then so you can't be done for criminal damage.

But could be done for perverting the course of justice........

The Dogfather
26th January 2005, 02:27 AM
Not sure it would be perverting the course of justice as that relates to the administration of justice not enforcement, there'll be some other offence though.

26th January 2005, 03:09 AM
Well, whatever, i'll let you try it first. ;)

The Dogfather
26th January 2005, 03:42 AM
Need to find out what I'd be charged with first :p

I'm surprised nobody has done it yet.....

26th January 2005, 04:41 AM
quote:Originally posted by Kirsty

quote:Originally posted by choc

i got caught as well coming back from inverness after being up to see scottie coop last month ,71 in a 60 .sent away the form saying i couldnt remember who was driving, that didnt work ,i got 3 points and a 60 quid fine bugger!

Snap!! I got caught playing in my S (87 in a 70) I asked for me photie and was going to try and spin it out cos "i couldn't remember who was driving occifer!!" Chickened out when the photo (you couldn't tell it was me) and lettering telling me I had 7 days to comply!! 3 points and £60!! :( They are really quick mine was through in about 2 days too. My dad tried the road angel going down the A68 to my grans a few months ago!! (speed camera central) He was not impressed cos when it did actaully give him a warning he was only about 100 yeards away from the bloomin thing and had already seen it himself!!! I agree about money for the revenue tho, just easy money!! Speed cameras on motorways for gawds sake!! :mad:

Kirsty, you can change the distance the RA starts warning you about speed cameras. It has three settings. Cant remember which setting I use but I recall finding the highest far too long. I dont use the school alerts though since almost every other road in Aberdeen seems to be associated with a school!
I still havent had anything through from GP. Fingers crossed!

26th January 2005, 05:19 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

What's needed is a campain of civil disobedience with people going out covering up/masking the lenses of cameras which aren't there for safety reasons with black bags/sticky tape. No damage caused then so you can't be done for criminal damage.

<has visions of Max and Paddy;)>

The Dogfather
26th January 2005, 05:28 PM
Yeah! Paddy! Paddy! Paddy! Paddy! Paddy! Paddy! Paddy!

That was v.funny.

I actually think that cameras distract drivers, when you spot the camera nearly all your attention switches from driving to watching your speed.

27th January 2005, 10:45 PM
Yay, guess what i got in the post today :evil: it would appear that my 61 mph entering the 50 mph roadworks on the A90 (70 mph) just north of Stonehaven is ok now :D
All i have to do is phone up and get my money back and my license reinstated to 0 points
Seemingly there were errors in the road departments request for the restricted speeds resulting in me getting off with it, i'm guilty but am innocent.

Don't you just love British justice ;)

27th January 2005, 11:44 PM
Lucky for you mate!

I got my wee letter at the weekend to let me know I'd won three points and it had cost me £60 for the pleasure.

Still, I shouldn't complain I suppose, it's not like they've caught the tosser that smashed the passenger window on my ex-panzer and relieved me of my mobile phone that was tucked away in the centre armrest compartment.

As the sticker says - fleecing, not policing :mad:



29th January 2005, 01:38 AM
that's it letter arrived today £60 fine 3 points:(

now I put on my cruise control 34mph every time I go through the road works

Still a bit worried because on the road south M6 Saturday I saw another one of those vans on a bridge over the road was doing between 76 - 80 mph.

Oh can some one tell me what are the vans you see mostly down south looks like the police but its yellow and black stickers with a orange flashing lights and they have the words VOSA on them:question:

29th January 2005, 02:58 AM
VOSA is Vehicle and Operator Services Agency - they check vehicles for roadworthiness, tacograph testing etc

31st January 2005, 02:12 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

that's it letter arrived today £60 fine 3 points:(

now I put on my cruise control 34mph every time I go through the road works

Still a bit worried because on the road south M6 Saturday I saw another one of those vans on a bridge over the road was doing between 76 - 80 mph.

Oh can some one tell me what are the vans you see mostly down south looks like the police but its yellow and black stickers with a orange flashing lights and they have the words VOSA on them:question:

martin has it bang on re VOSA - what you also get is the DVLA vans checking tax discs on the overbridges also. The last one I saw was on the M6 and it was brown also. You would think this government would want to do something else than just persicute the motorist...

Big Col
31st January 2005, 07:38 AM
They seem to be busy on the A9 with these buggars! I passed one today. I THINK I was doing a lil under 70...<crosses fingers>

31st January 2005, 08:06 AM
so do you two posts :p