View Full Version : Floods

10th January 2005, 11:31 AM
Dunno if this is in the right forum but just wanted to pop on and give you all a message ...

Ive been listening on the news that u guys up in Scotland have really strong winds and lots of rain and some places even flooded, just wanted to say that i hope you and ur families and ur minis are safe and well. Was thinking about u all on NMS while i was in bed poorly this afternoon.

Take Care of urselfs guys!!!!!!!!

**virtual hugs to everyone**

Big Col
10th January 2005, 04:55 PM
Thanks for that Vivki. Hope you get well soon.

10th January 2005, 05:05 PM
Don't I know it!!:( Our house is surrounded in sandbags! I was out at midnight on saturday digging wee channels from our house to every drain in the world! Our house sits lower than the surrounding fields, which wouldn't have been a problem if our wonderful neighbour hadn't dug a channel from the nearby ditch onto the road to stop his house flooding!! Ah well, at least the garage is higher!!:clown:

10th January 2005, 11:24 PM
hope it's not too bad Julz, nothing worse than flood damage :(

10th January 2005, 11:38 PM
We were a bit more prepared this time, already had the sandbags waiting!:clown: (and we're now insured, only just moved the last time and the insurance hadn't transferred!!:eek:)

11th January 2005, 03:15 AM
If any of you saw 'North Tonight' earlier, the bit at the Isla Mouth, were the Isla meets the Tay, is not far from where I live (those of you that did the Harvest Run might remember it!)! Some of the tracks where I go on my bike are under nearly 2m of water:eek: I think I might start building a boat!:p

YIKES!!!! (http://northtonight.grampiantv.co.uk/content/video.asp?movie=mediaassets/video/TAY-10-01-05_56k.mov)