View Full Version : Front Brake Pads . . .

9th January 2005, 11:28 PM
Ive been lookin for ages now, does anyone know a link to a site with step by step instructions for brake pad fitting for a numpty?

im going to attemp it myself, but wouldnt mind some pics to help me along, any help appreciated!!



10th January 2005, 03:20 AM
Here is (http://www.webbmotorsports.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5/) a pad and rotor guide for front and back - should be able to pick out what you want

10th January 2005, 11:16 PM
Much appreciated Martin!

hopefully, i'll get on ok!



11th January 2005, 01:52 AM

i know prob not a mechanic, but . . .

i dont see anyting on that guide relating to replacing the sensor?

also, nothin relating to takin the fluid cap off? and bleeding?


garage calling . . . .

Duncan Stewart
11th January 2005, 05:43 PM
You should not need to bleed the brakes although you may need to take some fluid out of the master cylinder to avoid the fluid overflowing - a very carefully used a bit of sponge can be used to do this.
Why not try the local tyre fitting place - quick job for them to do brake pads due to their equipment so should not be expensive.

11th January 2005, 10:12 PM

Cheers for the help!!

just taken your advice, and put her into a garage to get it done. . .

first time i've ever had to pay a garage, hence why im so keen to do it myself! (tightfist!)


12th January 2005, 03:27 AM
Got the brakes changed, but the warning light is still lit on the dash!

how do u reset this? or should it have gone off automatically? :disapprove:

theres next to no info on this in mini2 or anywhere else, surely other people have had this!