View Full Version : Haw Minime

Big Col
20th December 2004, 04:36 PM
How did the move go? Did you break anything/anyone?

20th December 2004, 04:44 PM
possibly himself if he doesn't reply to this post? :eek:

Mini Me
20th December 2004, 07:33 PM
All's well in the Broon hoose,will be unpacking fur weeks though,you open the garage door and it's just boxes...Oh and man from SKY,drilled through the wrong wall in my sons room and took the tiles off the bathroom wall.
And to top tha off can you belive my wife had the cheek to phone me at 4.30am sunday morning,to come home and find the calpol for my little girl (in garage somewhere),when i was out having a perfectly out noght out.....

Big Col
20th December 2004, 08:09 PM
Burds man!

21st December 2004, 01:30 AM
Out until that time in the morning! At your age aswel, gony need to watch yourself Broon.

Where did u hide your Walking Stick when u were at the dancing!!! ;)