View Full Version : Aaaarrrgghhh!!! I-pod

Willie M
6th December 2004, 05:05 PM
That's it! I've had enough of this effin' thing :mad::evil::mad:

18 months old and the bleedin' battery's completely goosed :dead: Won't switch on, won't recharge. Gubbed :blackeye: And no, I won't be sending it back to the factory to have a new battery fitted. Think I'll perform a ceremonial drowning in the Forth and Clyde canal :evil:

Good while it lasted but not worth the money IMO. You should have a look at some of the Apple forums sometime, it's amazing the ammount of problems this 'icon' is still having.

Time for me to move onto something, perhaps less trendy, but fit for purpose.

Rant over. I'm away for a wee lie down in a dark cupboard :sleepy:

The Dogfather
6th December 2004, 05:15 PM
My IPOD is only 12 months old and the battery never shows full even when it's been on charge all day.

Could my battery be on the way out as well? How much is it for a new battery anyway?

Big Col
6th December 2004, 05:39 PM
<waits patiently for BS to come on and defend his altar that is iPod>

6th December 2004, 06:32 PM
Willie, dinnae chuck it away yet! New batteries are only £30 and are very easy to fit, only takes 2 minutes. I was talking to someone the other day who explained that disconnecting and refitting the old battery often also sort of rectifies the problem, well it reclaims about 80% of the battery life back. The problem is not that the battery is flat but that iPod thinks that it is flat, if you know what I mean. Removing and refitting sorts this. If you would are not sure about replacing the battery yourself I'm happy to do it for you, I've done a few before, pish easy! :p

The Dogfather
6th December 2004, 06:46 PM
GAJ - How???

6th December 2004, 06:49 PM
Oh mighty mini IPOD oracles - please help!

I love my I-pod, sometimes inappropriately :I

But, I've managed to scratch it to buggery over our time together - is it possible to buy a replacement case and fit it myself :question:


P.S. Willie, sorry for the hijack mate ;)

Big Col
6th December 2004, 06:53 PM

6th December 2004, 10:22 PM
I will never ever go back to a non iPod MP3 player no matter what condition the battery gets into ;)
They are the dogs danglies :)

Big Col
6th December 2004, 10:43 PM
There we go. What kept ya BS? :)

6th December 2004, 11:56 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col
There we go. What kept ya BS? :)
Wanted to make a grand appearance ;)

7th December 2004, 12:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

GAJ - How???


The Dogfather
7th December 2004, 02:23 AM
Gunny no!

7th December 2004, 02:50 AM
quote:Originally posted by GAJ


7th December 2004, 03:06 AM
You can sort scratches with some Brasso metal polish , it works on the plastic front and back takes all the scrathces out but if there are scratches like the grand canyon then look for some replacement covers on ebay!!

p.s ipod's rule!!!:D:):D:p

Willie M
7th December 2004, 05:18 PM
Okay. I've postponed the 'drowning' for the time being. Might have a word with Gaj on the battery replacement thingy.

I have to admit that the I-pod wins hands down on looks and the music quality certainly isn't bad. Now I'm fairly computer, and gadget literate BUT I really can't believe what they (Apple) get away with in terms of reliability and service.

I've bought Linda a Mini I-pod for Xmas and I dread to think what I'll be going through with that in 18 months time :mad::mad:

It really hacks me off when you buy, and pay a bit extra for a 'quality' product with the Apple name on it and end up something with so many bugs and faults which the consumer is just supposed to accept :disapprove::disapprove::blackeye: Oh, and before anyone starts. Yes. Microsoft are just as guilty of releasing substandard product into the marketplace. I give you Windows XP.

I'm not bashing Apple here. I'm just a very unhappy customer.

I'm away to rake my 8-track player out the loft :approve:

Monsta Mo Mini
7th December 2004, 06:06 PM
Out of all the electrical gadgets and gizmos I've bought and worked with over the years, I have never had an Apple product go bad on me. The odd software glitch here and there but nowt that couldn't be fixed in minutes and they're usually pretty quick off the mark with updates (We'll forget about the initial release of OSX). Sorry to hear you're not happy Willie - it'll be fine once you get a new battery. I'm sure Linda's iPod Mini will be fine aswell - yer getting paranoid again! 3 years of MINI ownership does that to you! ;)

Willie M
7th December 2004, 07:13 PM
Eh, eh <looks around himself, and under the desk>... who said that?
Paranoid? Me? .... Never <wibble, wibble, gibber> :p;)

7th December 2004, 07:18 PM
Go for it WillieM - BASH THAT APPLE! :p

But also worth considering is the life you get out your mobile phone battery - 18 months of constant charging out a totty wee cell like that isnae bad.

7th December 2004, 10:49 PM
My Apple monitor is currently goosed. It cost about £800 or £900 about 3 years ago and now the bottom third of the screen is not illuminated properly. This is a known problem (See here) (http://homepage.mac.com/wysz/Studio_Display/) but Apple have so far refused to acknowledge it. I dropped my monitor off yesterday to see if it can be repaired at a reasonable cost and was told that that is very unlikely and that I will have to pay £35 just to have it looked at, whether they fix it or not. They recommended I just buy a new one! Apple's current cheapest similar model is now £999!! No thanks! Hello Formac!! However when I had a wee rant the guy phoned the service department who claim that they had just received an email from Apple which relates to my monitor, but he could not provide details of the content. David, can you shed any light? I'm on a bit of an Apple downer just now too!!:(

Big Col
7th December 2004, 11:01 PM
quote:Originally posted by Wul

Go for it WillieM - BASH THAT APPLE! :p

But also worth considering is the life you get out your mobile phone battery - 18 months of constant charging out a totty wee cell like that isnae bad.

SEE!!! He's gibbering on about a something else entirely AGAIN!!! Useless. ;)

7th December 2004, 11:19 PM
quote:SEE!!! He's gibbering on about a something else entirely AGAIN!!! Useless. ;)

Sigh!............Colin Colin Colin!

You really need get a new routine - this one is like soooooo last week!;):clown:

Big Col
7th December 2004, 11:28 PM
<blinks> It is??? I only thought it up this morning did I not? <looks worried>

8th December 2004, 12:32 AM
quote:Originally posted by GAJ

My Apple monitor is currently goosed.
David, can you shed any light? I'm on a bit of an Apple downer just now too!!:(

Sorry to hear about that GAJ, it sounds like you would be cheaper upgrading to a new G5 iMac? :(

I was never impressed with the previous Apple CRT trinitron AV monitors because they used to pack in after a couple of years and required a repair that was not cost effective either. ("Head Unit North failed"). After that we bought 3rd party CRT monitors then LCD. I haven't used any 3rd party LCD monitors with true digital interfaces, only ones that use SVGA analog inputs and they are not nearly as clear and stable as a proper digital input.
Touch wood, I haven't had any problem with my G4 iMac LCD or my PowerBook G3, I did have an old PowerBook 5300CS that had 2 displays fitted under warranty.

From the info on that web site you referred to it does look like it is something that should be fixed for free given the known fault. I'll ask my local repairer if he knows anything.

8th December 2004, 12:36 AM
GAJ (sorry to hijack Willie's thread) - I am waiting on a call back re the possible repair of the display. More details later.

8th December 2004, 01:05 AM
GAJ, Have you tried the monitor on another computer? Have you tried changing screen resolution and back again? - apparently sometimes it isn't a hardware fault with the monitor.

8th December 2004, 04:41 AM
quote:Originally posted by 3GGG

GAJ, Have you tried the monitor on another computer? Have you tried changing screen resolution and back again? - apparently sometimes it isn't a hardware fault with the monitor.

I'll email you and give Willie his thread back! Willie, I'm happy to fit a battery in your iPod anytime.

Willie M
9th December 2004, 05:06 PM
No worries guys. I'm quite pleased to have established the 'Apple Angst Forum' ;):D
Any more for any more? :approve:<smug>

Big Col
9th December 2004, 05:23 PM
quote:Originally posted by GAJ
I'll email you and give Willie his thread back! Willie, I'm happy to fit a battery in your iPod anytime.

fnar fnar.

Willie M
10th December 2004, 04:44 PM
<ouch!> :I

10th December 2004, 06:21 PM
hope it's just a AAA one and not a 12V car one :eek::p