View Full Version : SHEILZ... OR WAS IT???

4th December 2004, 09:20 AM
SHeilz, Im 99% sure I saw your car, with your reg plate, about an hour ago 11:30pm approx, at the lights on Anderson Drive, beside the new flats where the hotel used to be (the junction with great western road)...

I waved, but I didn't think it was you driving. Or was it. It's not been nicked has it??

4th December 2004, 06:36 PM
Aye it was me. Spotted your car but wasnt sure if it was green or black! You were whizzing past before I recognized you. Went for petrol to give ma poor heid a break from trying to get this mp3 thing sorted. Imagine being beaten by a bit of plastic - shocking!:I
If anyone has a long black hat with a pointie top, ideally with a big 'D' written on it then I think I must be its rightful owner.:eek::dead:

4th December 2004, 06:54 PM
Sheilz, it's easy to say it, but, it is easy to convert MP3's from an audio CD :blackeye:
Can you describe exactly what it is you are trying to do and with what :question:
I'm guessing you have an original music CD ;) and you are trying to make an MP3 disc from it, although you mentioned elsewhere you had 140 tracks on it, so, either e-mail me or reply back here what it is you are doing :)

4th December 2004, 09:09 PM
Well, I installed roxio and was bamboozled by it :I so next I downloaded itunes and accessed my music files. itunes converted them (into what I am not sure!:I) and when I went to burn the disc it told me none of the tracks could be burned to a disc. :dead::dead:. On checking they were identified as mp4 (never heard of it)
I also have media plus installed so by pure chance I discovered it has a facility to change file format and it did this with some of the files quite successfully but with others it said they had been changed with warnings attached to them. I think this meant it wasnt able to change the whole file. i got sidetracked this morning so havent got back to it but thought I might try deleting the files that it wont convert and trying to do this from the original cds.
Everyone else seems to find this very easy but i'm finding it incredibly difficult. I think its because I'm not familiar with the jargon so am going by trial and error - lots of error:dead:;):D
Any help much appreciated.
Media Plus appears to be jargon free, even i understood the simple choice of converting to mp3!

4th December 2004, 09:57 PM
Actually, I was just home from a 30 mile round trip via Edinburgh, GLasgow and Livingston, and the car was actually black from al the crap on the roads. You cant actually read either number plate and the water from the washers has streamed dowm the sides of the car leaving a very interesting design!

5th December 2004, 03:51 AM
I was in Montrose early this morning and Eck was in an equally filthy state by the time i got home. He's all washed and wiped now - till the next time! :D:D:D

The Dogfather
5th December 2004, 05:06 AM
Sheilz - If you want me to pop round and give you a hand give me a shout!

5th December 2004, 02:08 PM
Thanks for the offer but I DID IT and IT WORKS!!!!!:p:D:D:D

5th December 2004, 07:08 PM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz
Thanks for the offer but I DID IT and IT WORKS!!!!!:p:D:D:D
So, you gonna let us all know what you were doing wrong :I

6th December 2004, 01:24 AM
Actually, I saw you again yesterday Sheilz, in more or less the same place, just after 4:30pm

6th December 2004, 01:28 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz

I was in Montrose early this morning and Eck was in an equally filthy state by the time i got home. He's all washed and wiped now - till the next time! :D:D:D

quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Sheilz - If you want me to pop round and give you a hand give me a shout!

Sheilz, He meant he would wash Wee Eck for you!!!! ;)

6th December 2004, 03:49 AM
Dont know what I was doing wrong! I made another disc to make sure I would remember how to do it - the first trial of the 2nd disc was a very time-consuming disaster since it ended up in this stoopid programme that wouldnt let me export the tracks and refused to burn them. By this point I had deleted the tracks from my music files so had to go back to the beginning of the process. I now have to delete these stoopid programmes that abducted my tracks before they got to Roxio. Think I may actually have too many of these type of programs on the pc some which are either rubbish or too sophisticated for me! I ended up using Roxio to make the necessary transactions so to speak. Its alost idiot proof teh otehrs aren't.
Thank you all for your help etc etc.

Yes Sleepy, thought it was you I saw again. This time could tell it was a green car. You looked like a man on a mission!

The Dogfather
6th December 2004, 07:43 AM
Wash a car in winter? Why bother!

6th December 2004, 10:10 AM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Wash a car in winter? Why bother!

coz if you dont some idiot will come along and write on your car scratching the finish with their busy little fingers!:disapprove:. Talking about little fingers one little sh*t threw a stone at my car this evening and has made a nasty chip on the bonnet. I have eye witnesses (3) who identified him. The family are not the nicest of people etc etc so think I might invite a whole lot more trouble if I go chapping at their door.:mad::mad:. Will try and corner him on the street and 'social work' him alternatively I could just kick his butt. :approve::approve:

The Dogfather
6th December 2004, 05:18 PM
True but my paint work is pretty shocking anyway! The previous owners obviously used sandpaper to wash it but because it's red it doesn't show up as bad.

7th December 2004, 02:16 AM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz
Will try and corner him on the street and 'social work' him alternatively I could just kick his butt. :approve::approve:
