View Full Version : Telephone Fraud - this is a serious one folks!!

17th November 2004, 08:13 PM
We have been advised of a telephone fraud currently in operation (this
applies to home and/or work telephones - land lines and mobiles):

If you do receive one of these calls, upon answering the telephone, you will hear a recorded message congratulating you on winning an all expenses trip to an exotic location. You will then be asked to press 9 to hear further details. If you press 9 you will be connected to a premium rate line that costs approximately £20 per minute. Even if you disconnect immediately, it will remain connected for a minimum of 5 minutes, costing around £100.

The final part of the call involves you being asked to key your postcode and house number (which has other serious consequences).

After a further 2 minutes you will receive a message informing you that you are not one of the lucky winners. The total bill will be £260.

Since the calls are originating from outside the UK, BT and other telephone companies are left relatively powerless to act. The only safe solution is to HANG UP before the message prompts you to press 9; even safer is to HANG UP on any unsolicited 'free offer' call.

This appears to be a variation on a theme, warnings have been sent previously regarding calls made by individuals claiming to be engineers conducting a test on the line and asking for 9, 0# and text messages similar to the routine described above. DO NOT DIAL 9 (OR 9,0# OR 0,9#) FOR ANYONE!

BT has been contacted and confirmed the details as being true.

There is another scam operating on Mobile Phones.

A Missed Call comes up. The number is 0709 020 3840. The last four numbers may vary but certainly the first four numbers will remain the same. If you call this number back, you will be charged £50 per minute. People have complained about their phone bills, once they have realised the cost of the call but apparently this is completely legal. So beware, do not call back numbers beginning with 0709.

Please pass this information on to your family and friends.

17th November 2004, 08:28 PM
Thanks for the warning Julz, if my NIk answered the phone to such a call he'd be so excited that he'd press 9 and get on his mob to his pals spreading the good news!

17th November 2004, 09:14 PM
Sorry to rain on your parade, guys, but this is a hoax. It's a chain letter.

Check out the link below for some more information.

17th November 2004, 09:53 PM
Yep, be brave, try phoning the number :eek: it don't exist ;)

17th November 2004, 10:00 PM
Ah well!! We received this through our computer department, and I also got it from my mate at the Council, so looks like it's travelled well!!:evil:

Big Col
17th November 2004, 10:23 PM

17th November 2004, 11:07 PM
I believed it!

17th November 2004, 11:25 PM
quote:Originally posted by SheilzI believed it!

17th November 2004, 11:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

Yep, be brave, try phoning the number :eek: it don't exist ;)

Ah, but neither do any of the telesales numbers! If someone from telesales phones you and you do 1471, I think the number you get is something like 000099 and you can't phone it back! We were getting nuisance calls from these sort of places, where the caller wouldn't hang up and we couldn't disconnect them, that's why I believed it, plus, I've had the 'you've won an exotic holiday' phonecall and I know the council have had bother with these sort of things too!!:sleepy::clown:

Big Col
17th November 2004, 11:55 PM
Oh well that's ok then Julz. and here was me thinking it was because you're a naieve ickle blonde. :D