View Full Version : Work Car

2nd February 2023, 09:48 AM
I'm looking to buy a mini for work. I've come across a 2011 countryman D with 98000 which is Cat S that might be suitable. The other motor I have my eye on is a clubman one D 2014 with 60000 + on the clock. Countryman is £4650 and clubman just under £9K. I love the quirky styling of the clubman. Trying to balance budget, running costs and aesthetics.
Can anyone suggest to me any reason to give either a body swerve? Id be running the length and breadth of Aberdeen. Perhaps a diesel not the ideal car for mostly town driving? For economy is there any particular model I should consider. £9K max budget since I'm not trading in my roadster.

Any advice appreciated.

2nd February 2023, 01:00 PM
I'm looking to buy a mini for work. I've come across a 2011 countryman D with 98000 which is Cat S that might be suitable. The other motor I have my eye on is a clubman one D 2014 with 60000 + on the clock. Countryman is £4650 and clubman just under £9K. I love the quirky styling of the clubman. Trying to balance budget, running costs and aesthetics.
Can anyone suggest to me any reason to give either a body swerve? Id be running the length and breadth of Aberdeen. Perhaps a diesel not the ideal car for mostly town driving? For economy is there any particular model I should consider. £9K max budget since I'm not trading in my roadster.

Any advice appreciated.

Following months of looking at cars, driving the family nuts with 'what ifs' I finally bought neither. Have just purchased a 64 plate 1.2 one from a dealer in Aberdeen. Just seemed easier being able to poke in all its nooks and crannies and seeing for myself that the car is indeed immaculate and had all its services done appropriately. Its darker red rather than chilli so may be a challenge for the sign-writers. Its 6 months older than the roadster but quite different inside. Looks more space age. Just got to get used to the differences.

MINI William
2nd February 2023, 05:13 PM
That was quick. Pleased you got a car sorted

2nd February 2023, 07:55 PM
Good that you have got a car sorted

24th February 2023, 10:28 PM
Red mini is off to signwriters on Thursday with this little yellow fellow hard on his heels. 9352