View Full Version : Dreaded squeaky windows....R56

18th May 2021, 11:55 PM
Hi all. Looking for any advice, please!.
I am sure this is a known issue but I couldn't find any definitive threads for a fix?
Now the better weather is here, when winding down both windows they have started to squeak like a banshee (can be a bit embarrassing, actually). I have tried a silicone spray but problem persists - anyone have a fix i.e. is it just a case if taking both panels off and regreasing / replacing cables?. Thanks in advance, S

19th May 2021, 05:54 AM
When you say you have tried silicone spray ,do you mean on the door guides for glass or on the actual window mechanism?

19th May 2021, 07:01 AM
Just on the glass and spraying down between rubber seal i.e. without actually taking door panels off yet.....

MINI William
19th May 2021, 08:10 AM
You’ll need to take the door panel off and lubricate and with giving the seals a little clean

19th May 2021, 02:18 PM
Great, thanks!