View Full Version : Events Update

MINI William
13th July 2020, 10:15 PM
Hi folks... just a quick post to keep you all in the loop regarding the future of NMS runs and meets.

As a moderation team we have been in discussion from day 1 about the best path forward for NMS runs. To the best of our ability we have considered all aspects of health and safety on runs, the legal restrictions and freedoms, and the demands which organised events may or may not lead to.

In light of recent relaxations, there is increasing scope for organised events. Indeed a number of other enthusiast clubs have already resumed activities. As fellow MINI enthusiasts, we too are itching to get back out in our MINIs however, as a moderation team, we feel it best to hold off for just a little longer. Whilst there is sufficient freedom to enjoy a small outing, the normal requirements of an NMS run (such as a lunch stop and toilets) are not yet fully available. We also recognise that restrictions remain on social gatherings (currently up to 15 people) and that, as a group, we could quickly reach and breach this limit. There is also the consideration that an organised event may bring additional demands upon resources and services which are not yet fully operational.

We are however happy to pencil a provisional date in the diary for the not-too-distant future.

If all goes well, then our first post-lockdown run will take place on Sunday the 16th of August. We'd like to stress that this remains a provisional date for now pending the continued suppression of Covid-19 and the relaxation of lockdown restrictions.

14th July 2020, 06:06 AM
Hopefully everything works out ok ,so long since the last run