View Full Version : Looking for owner of this Mini (used to be mine) :-)

2nd April 2020, 05:23 PM
I owned this blue beauty between March 1974 & January 1975. I met the missus during that time and got engaged at South Queensferry in it! :whoohoo: (Still married 44 years later) :smug:

Having come across the pic a couple of days ago, I checked online on the off-chance there was any MoT or other history - and found it's still alive and apparently well! Currently taxed and shows an MoT history from 2015 when it made a reappearance with 7 miles on the clock. It's only done a few hundred miles a year since so presumably it was rebuilt to whatever degree and put back on the road.

If anyone knows where it is - or better still knows the owner - I'd love to make contact and pass what history I have on to them. Also am open to buying it back if they were interested. :D

I now live in England but bought & used the car in Edinburgh (from whence I come). It was originally Glasgow-registered and I obviously have no clue where it is now. If anyone can recommend any other forums to put this up on, I'd appreciate that too. All the best.


2nd April 2020, 07:49 PM
Try ELMOC on FB Kris may know or someone who does

MINI William
2nd April 2020, 08:45 PM
Good luck with your search

15th July 2020, 06:41 PM
Dougie did u find your car ?

Google image search shows it was on the 2017 MiniClan Thistlerun

https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=pys+419f&safe=strict&client=safari&hl=en-gb&prmd=svin&sxsrf=ALeKk03EnQzn43IbyfRX5KyTV0wu8WmZmw:159483472 8855&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjqkPSr5s_qAhWsQkEAHTuPCCYQ_AUoA3oECAsQA w&biw=375&bih=548#imgrc=hQ1uoxrqQTqxfM

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