View Full Version : overhaul for mini

1st November 2004, 08:46 AM
So I put my car in to get the creaking seat problem sorted. JC had the car all day then phoned to tell me they wold be replacing both front seat bases, the steering column, something relating to the drive shaft, some gear box bits, the airbag sensors and some other small things. Its all waranty stuff so no cost to me fortunately!!

So the poor wee thing needs a makeover basically! JC had to order all the parts and will have my car for 48 hours so at least i'll get a shot of a mini D for a while.

1st November 2004, 07:22 PM
Oh ooooh mine goes in on wednesday for a service and I have no warenty left I hope they dont find anything wrong with the poor we devil:eek:

1st November 2004, 09:38 PM
hehe mine is booked in for the 15th, there is no way im accepting a mini d as a courtesy car,

17th November 2004, 07:29 PM
as metioned above, my car was in JC to get sorted out. However, I picked it the day before eggy's loch ness run to find they had put the steering wheel back on off set and the seat hight adjusters were hanging off.

So I went back with it, but the mechanics had gone home...

So, again, I went back on the morning of eggy's run, but on the way, the power steering failed. Swithched engine off and on again and it worked fine. MORE WARRENTY WORK REQUIRED. But they sorted everything out in an hour, oiled a few things and topped up my washer water... GREAT....... or maybe not..

It seems that when the seat hight adjusters were being sorted from being buggered the first time they had the car, they managed to break the lumber suport leaving an annoying clicking in the back of the driver seat ...... and the power stering problem remains.

So I was back in today giving them the keys once again.

Heres hoping!!!!!

17th November 2004, 07:36 PM
just got word that JC now have to order an entire new 'modified' power steering system for my car. WARRENTY again.

17th November 2004, 07:37 PM
As I said to aimeee, I'm thinking of setting up camp over at JC. It would save all the jouneys to and from the place!

17th November 2004, 07:41 PM
Sounds an all too familiar tale sleepy! Hope you get it all sorted - make sure you lay it on thick about the hassle etc and get some freebies!

17th November 2004, 10:43 PM
Im trying to get new seat backs from them for free... WOO. Mine are all scratched.

I kinda feel I cant lay it on to thick be because I didn't buy the car from them in the first place.

18th November 2004, 01:32 AM
sleepyrascal,how old is ur car? why are you having so much trouble with youre power steering? the reason i am asking is my car is coming up two year old and i had to get my steering spindel changed it was cracked (una)

18th November 2004, 02:12 AM
I have had my steering rack and power steering setup replaced twice and I am going to take it in again tomorrow as its showing all the signs of starting to go wrong again. So that will be 3 times in two years.

Might see you in the car park Sleepy - if you have got your tent set up :)

18th November 2004, 03:07 AM
Nah Martin they wouldn't let me put up a tent. GUTTED!!!!

Una, my car is an early 2002. I have had the lower steering rack replaced by JC and hey presto, my power steering SUDDENLY develops a problem. Anyway, im getting an all new power steering system installed, a modded one apparently which will sort it out.

Also, I think you will find a heck of a lot of people on here have had steering related things replaced. I spoke to the driver from JC today and he said that BMW have blamed the uk manufacturers for the endless problems some people -like myself- are having,(minis are built in the uk) and they have given them a timescale to improve. He also more or less knew exactly waht my car would be in for without me telling him, and he aint the spawn of mystic meg so im guessing loads of minis have been getting the same work done over and over.

But hey, I got my door sorted. YAY!

18th November 2004, 03:28 AM
quote:Originally posted by sleepyrascal
Anyway, im getting an all new power steering system installed, a modded one apparently which will sort it out.

That'll be the one they fitted to my car las time then ;), it did well - lasted about 4 months!!!

18th November 2004, 03:58 AM
probably!!!!! Modified in car garage land means 'exactly the same and we just hope it lasts longer this time'