View Full Version : USB Port
15th March 2019, 08:06 AM
Hi all,
Just seeing if anyone has had problems with playing a USB Stick on a R56.
It's been a off and on problem but is starting to gradually get worse.
The problem I have is sometimes it refuses to play the USB and it takes a few attempts of pulling the USB and plugging it back in for it to eventually play.
Any ideas what it may be or will I be reverting back to my trusty CD's;)
MINI William
15th March 2019, 08:54 AM
Stupid question but have you checked for any dust or lint in the USB and the post could be a simple and easy fix
15th March 2019, 09:09 AM
As well as what William says, a single corrupt file could be enough to trip it up depending on how the drive is read when plugged in.
Might be worth getting a hold of another drive just to test where the problem lies.
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15th March 2019, 12:58 PM
Thanks for the replies, my music is burned using a encoder, but will give the stick and port a quick blow and try another memory stick in as well.
15th March 2019, 11:38 PM
I remember having issues with the format of the USB drive. Think I found one type better that the other but cant remember which one was best
16th March 2019, 09:42 AM
I know in my skoda, it refuses to play anything burned on I tunes so has to be Fat 32 and I think that's what the encoder burns as, as I had to wipe a whole USB stick.
16th March 2019, 01:47 PM
I’ve had issues before with the odd track or two and it’s coding. Just make sure that you have them all out of individual file folders as this affected mine initially but once I just had a list of tracks on the USB stick I didn’t have any issues
27th March 2019, 08:04 AM
A wee update: It's defo getting worse, where it is refusing to play and if it does play it will maybe play for a bit and cut out and then start the whole process of getting it to play! Spent about 10 mins yesterday in works car park trying to get it to play, back to the CD me thinks or plug my ipod in...
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