View Full Version : Screenwash?

14th February 2019, 09:11 PM
So my mini has alerted me it's low on washer fluid... After reading lots of horror stories about people using non-bmw fluid and all the pipes/jets getting clogged with congealed fluid it's made me wonder.

I've always bought cheap £2 ready mixed fluid from the supermarket for my previous cars, is it necessary to spend £18+ for the official BMW stuff?

14th February 2019, 11:11 PM
Never heard that before. Me and dad always just keep an eye out to see when home bargains are selling their concentrate

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14th February 2019, 11:18 PM
Yeah that's what I've always used for all my other cars. But there are tons of BMW and Mini forum posts which claim to use only the recommended fluid.

MINI William
14th February 2019, 11:24 PM
Never used BMW/ MINI washer fluid any any of ours cars with no problems

15th February 2019, 08:06 AM
I use Prestone or Bluecol, straight from the bottle, never had a problem in any of my cars.

I once got conned into buying the VAG stuff for two of my older skoda's as in the winter the washer jets and the washer pipe used to freeze and blow fuses or the pipe popped off the bottom and dumped the screenwash, when I disputed it, Skoda told me I had to buy their own screenwash. Have not owned a skoda for about 8 years until last year when we picked up the family car and fingers crossed it's now in it's second winter and I've been using Bluecol straight from the bottle without any issue of blowing fuses or pipes popping, all I remember to do is keep it topped up to the brim every week.


15th February 2019, 08:47 AM
15 years on CarPlan, I can recommend a dealer :rolleyes:

15th February 2019, 10:04 AM
Because JC isn't exactly handy for me, I've never used MINI screenwash, 4.5 years now no problems.

I can understand concerns about mixing to be honest, I always make sure mine is full before going in for a service after getting humped by Subaru for a little sachet - think it contained unicorn tears. But last year I'd used some on the way in and they did attempt to top it up, it looked like a runny tomato soup when I got home. I'd run it right down, put some plain water through it then use whatever you like.

MINI William
15th February 2019, 10:18 AM
15 years on CarPlan, I can recommend a dealer :rolleyes:


Mon the fish
15th February 2019, 10:52 AM
Do you think Mini/BMW actually make the screenwash to their own recipe? They just plonk their logo (and markup) on it.

I'd avoid mixing two distinct types, but screenwash is screenwash. Never had a problem over many years

15th February 2019, 11:38 AM
I’m not sure what MINI actually use as screenwash but when I got a quote for a service they wanted an extra £30 to top up my screenwash.

Needless to say, I went elsewhere.

Sent from Yorkshire wi a hint o’ sarcasm.

15th February 2019, 01:08 PM
Look here at the official BMW screenwash

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F 273155024251

Had a read of the reviews, they mention clogging up pipes etc

I may just bite the bullet and go for the official stuff.. haha

15th February 2019, 01:29 PM
I grudgingly spent £5 on 5 litres of prestone but £18!!!! Never!! I'd rather stop the car and wash the windscreen by hand.

15th February 2019, 01:36 PM
I would begrudge paying that too. But the cost to repair a blockage makes it worthwhile I think

15th February 2019, 07:24 PM
Often use Halfords screenwash, have never used a car manufacturer branded screenwash over the 28 years I’ve been driving

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15th February 2019, 07:35 PM
I just bought Demon screen wash for my works van as it claims to be good to -65 degrees if used neat and -20 when diluted. Was fed up having sqooshers frozen two weeks ago. As soon as the MCS bottle is empty, I will fill it up with Demon as well. I've never paid more than a fiver for screen wash. Must be an Aberdonian thing.
Agree that it might not be good to mix different makes, but surely if your MINI is telling you the bottle is empty, a quick flush with water means the system is empty and safe to use whatever you like.

15th February 2019, 08:15 PM
Yeah I'll probably run it down to empty and then flush it through with water and use some cheap unbranded stuff I've already got.

The first service is due next month, so I'm going to tell them not to touch the washer fluid!

16th February 2019, 01:49 PM
Bit late to the part but I just bought my mini in January there... first thing I done was dump the stuff mini had put in down to empty, then added the Halfords berry stuff [emoji23][emoji23]

I used that for the full 3 years I had my previous mini because it smells so much better! Never had any issues whatsoever

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17th May 2019, 02:54 PM
Bit late as usual, but just read this about ‘official’ Mini screenwash. Utter B*ll*cks. I’ve never used anything other than ‘generic’ skoosh juice in ANY car I’ve owned, and that includes 3 Minis from 2001 till now, and had absolutely no issues with clogged pipes etc, we’ll not on the car anyway! Just another Cunning Plan for the manufacturer to screw every penny they can by creating an unfounded ‘worry’. If still in doubt, ask Crombers, he’s the ‘Man with the CarPlan’ :cool: :smilewinkgrin:

17th May 2019, 03:33 PM
Bit late as usual, but just read this about ‘official’ Mini screenwash. Utter B*ll*cks. I’ve never used anything other than ‘generic’ skoosh juice in ANY car I’ve owned, and that includes 3 Minis from 2001 till now, and had absolutely no issues with clogged pipes etc, we’ll not on the car anyway! Just another Cunning Plan for the manufacturer to screw every penny they can by creating an unfounded ‘worry’. If still in doubt, ask Crombers, he’s the ‘Man with the CarPlan’ :cool: :smilewinkgrin:Yep, I went ahead and used *cough* Halfords *cough* blue goo. I did run a couple litres of water first to flush any remaining residue just incase it reacted. But needless to say, it has been totally fine thus far [emoji41]

17th May 2019, 03:40 PM
I’ve been using this stuff for a long while now. It does smell a bit but it definitely does its job well.
I also use Rain X on my glass so that helps as well.

Sent from Yorkshire wi an hint o’ sarcasm.

17th May 2019, 03:45 PM
I’ve been using this stuff for a long while now. It does smell a bit but it definitely does its job well.
I also use Rain X on my glass so that helps as well.

Sent from Yorkshire wi an hint o’ sarcasm.Yep I use gyeon wet coat and it's the best thing since sliced bread! Water just runs straight off the windscreen.

17th May 2019, 04:22 PM
I might need to bulk buy next time I'm at Halfrauds, the R55 washers are like a hose compared to the F56.

Still amused by the mist from the headlamp washers

Not amused by the wet trousers when I forgot my window was open

20th June 2019, 07:29 AM
Picking up my Mini today from the dealers. Will ask the question about screen wash and see what they come up with. [emoji1303][emoji38]66 plate

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