View Full Version : Flashing Handbrake Warning Light when Indicator is on...

11th October 2018, 08:16 AM
Hi all,

Noticed this on my way to work this morning and just wondered if anyone had experienced this before.

When I switch my Indicators on the Handbrake Warning Light flashes dimly in time with the indicator light, does not do it when Handbrake applied.

Had a quick look on google and people suggest a new Binnacle may be needed as when plugged into a fault code reader nothing comes up.

Not wanting to shell out on a new binnacle as yet, so may have to live with it, but wondered if anyone else has had this problem.



MINI William
11th October 2018, 12:48 PM
Not a problem I’ve encountered before

3rd May 2019, 10:32 PM
It is your indicator cluster earth, I had this on a nissan primera a few years ago, added an earth cable to metal plate which holds the lamps on cluster then the problem disappeared.

4th May 2019, 07:33 PM
Funny thing is it’s never done it since, wondering if it’s maybe because the car had been laid up at the garage.
