View Full Version : Hello & thanks for allowing me to join the fun :-)

8th August 2018, 08:43 PM
Hi, I am new to Mini ownership but decided to buy myself an R53 MCS 03 plate with 87k miles & am loving it already.

It has its issues and I am working though them but as far as I can see , thats half the fun of owning the wee beastie.

Thanks again & I look forward to the banter & the advice that I will definetly need!


MINI William
9th August 2018, 03:17 AM
Welcome to NMS. Great to see that your enjoying MINI ownership. Remember and put up a few photos of your car and we also have a run on the 19th if your interested

9th August 2018, 03:49 AM
Welcome to NMS.
Enjoy and be safe.

Sent from Yorkshire wi a hint o’ sarcasm.

9th August 2018, 08:38 AM
Welcome along ... always good to see an R53 being kept on the road. Way too many being broken for spares these days