View Full Version : Hey Iain

Big Col
19th October 2004, 04:26 PM
I might be through in Stirling on Saturday afternoon. Will

a)your funky motor be available for a wee while


b)you be sober? I'll have to ask you a few questions and we know what you were like the last time.


Mini Me
19th October 2004, 05:09 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Col

I might be through in Stirling on Saturday afternoon. Will

a)your funky motor be available for a wee while


b)you be sober? I'll have to ask you a few questions and we know what you were like the last time.


:disapprove:Yes unforntunately i am working ,and ma wee yellow Cooper S will be available for you to drive..........
And i will be sober:evil:
Oh by the way, did you notice that i'm not shouting anymore:D:D

Big Col
19th October 2004, 07:14 PM
quote:Originally posted by iain

Oh by the way, did you notice that i'm not shouting anymore:D:D

I did notice you weren't shouting anymore chief. I'd just like to say I wasn't rapping you on the knuckles. I was just helping out as I know someone as ol...I mean as new to forums as you probably didn't realise CAPS was shouting. :)

Big Col
19th October 2004, 07:29 PM
oooh e's helpful that Gaj reformatting your post.

21st October 2004, 12:02 AM
quote:Originally posted by iain

quote:Originally posted by Big Col

I might be through in Stirling on Saturday afternoon. Will

a)your funky motor be available for a wee while


b)you be sober? I'll have to ask you a few questions and we know what you were like the last time.


:disapprove:Yes unforntunately i am working ,and ma wee yellow Cooper S will be available for you to drive..........
And i will be sober:evil:
Oh by the way, did you notice that i'm not shouting anymore:D:D

I was in the other day and seen your yella mini with black bits on it quite cool but the pepper white with the JCW seats and stuff was cooler.

Mini Me
23rd October 2004, 06:44 PM
Ahh yes ,my old runabout,tis rather coooool.lots of fun:cool:
You should have came and said hello.....