View Full Version : Football last night

14th October 2004, 08:14 PM
I've just about recovered from watching last nights dross. Having been to Hampden on saturday and watching last nights game, i cant believe McVogts is still here. Whats your opinions guys, is there anyone who still supports him? :(

14th October 2004, 08:18 PM
Whats football??:p;)

14th October 2004, 08:30 PM
Is football talk banned from this site cause it gets a frosty reception every time i mention it:)

The Dogfather
14th October 2004, 08:34 PM
I'm all in favour of Vogts continuing, because I'm English.

Haven't laughed so much since the Faroe game!

14th October 2004, 08:48 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

I'm all in favour of Vogts continuing, because I'm English.

Haven't laughed so much since the Faroe game!

Thats just evil bad dog! :D

The Dogfather
14th October 2004, 08:57 PM
Sorry couldn't resist. I got so much stick during the last euro championship being english.

I actually used to support Scotland before I moved up here, but the 'Auld Enemy' crap got too much!

14th October 2004, 10:04 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Sorry couldn't resist. I got so much stick during the last euro championship being english.

I actually used to support Scotland before I moved up here, but the 'Auld Enemy' crap got too much!

Hey... it's not so much Engish people... nor even the team..
But as soon as the English commentators open their mouths you know we're guarranteed to hear one of two things withing the next 30 seconds..
yes... you guessed it... 1966 or beating Germany 5-1. The rest of the world *REALLY* don't need still to be reminded. we remember. There are 3 other countries in the UK. Think we need it rammed down our throats every time an England game is on the telly? How much gloating and general from Scotland do you hear about Scotland beating the World Cup winning England side 3-2 (At Wembley!!) in 1967?

And as for Engerland "Supporters" (hah)...
England fans wrecked a Portugese man's pub (In the Middle of ENGLAND for f***'s sake!!!), and threatened him AND his family after their last defeat... real sporting huh? Good losers? Pfffff...
And English people wonder why no-one in Scotland (or the rest of the UK) want to support them in anything?

But we at least know we're Sh*t... So a win is always a bonus!!


p.s... yeah... and it's about time McVogts got his marching orders. There are plenty of good players in the country, young and older, but does he ever pick any of them?
Personally I think he's on the Payroll of the English FA ;):D snigger

14th October 2004, 11:28 PM
i reckon Scotland are pretty screwed for qualifying now! i bet we dont qualify but still surprisingly beat italy! (wishful thinking)

15th October 2004, 12:34 AM
HA ha ha... yeah.. hat sounds about right! :D:D:D

15th October 2004, 12:50 AM
Well my opinion is that after years of gutless no bottle managers (Roxburghe, Brown, Vogts) we need a manager with a bit of oomph! Someone not afraid to stick his head above the parapet!

Strachan, graham, etc etc.

Also think we're suffering from years of brown and roxy not playing very many youngsters (at the time) and now all the oldies have retired we're left with an inexperienced team of youths who've never played with each other enough (ooer missus fnarr fnarr! :I)

15th October 2004, 08:23 AM
The rugby season's about to start and have a horrible feeling our national rugby team will fare no better than the football one. Am hoping to get to the South African match. Was at Murrayfield when we bet them for the first time for heaven knows how many years. It would be grand if they repeated the performance:p:p The atmosphere at Murrayfield is the best. Did once feel like poking an English loudmouth in the eye though for being a gobby sh**e when they were giving us a hammering but generally there isnt bad behaviour at rugby. I love it......and all those legs.....mmmmm!!

The Dogfather
15th October 2004, 05:04 PM
Ewan - Archie Gemmil lost count of how many times I've seen that goal, even ended up in a film. For info I agree with you about the commentators they do go over the top but it's called national pride, something we're (English) not supposed to have.

As for you're comments about English supporters the people who turned over the pub are scum not supporters, a lot of countries have had problems with crowd trouble I seem to remember a lot of trouble at a Rangers vs Aberdeen game a few years back. By the way I've had threats and abuse from Scottish fans just for being English (I was even supporting Scotland at the time). Also, I was in the pub when a lad wearing an England shirt got his nose broken by some random local during an England game. Not to mention having to keep a low profile when one pub errupted in a chorus of 'we hate the f'ing english' 'we hate the f'ing english' etc.

Sheilz - Everyone gloats when their winning

Rant Over!

My thoughts on Scotland - You need a good teammaker someone like the Greek manager, your players aren't good enough to play as individuals so the quality of the team play needs to be improved. It's almost like the team aren't playing with pride in their country this could be due to the foreign coach, I'm sure Gordon Strachan would sort this out.

15th October 2004, 06:32 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Ewan - Archie Gemmil lost count of how many times I've seen that goal, even ended up in a film.

Not flaming here BDM but one film versus how many episodes of "they think it's all over" and Question of Sports apparent ignorance to any other goal during the Scotland v England Game in Euro 96 (Gazzas lob!) - great goal in my opinion though!:I and if you watched said film you'll note the speech made by the same actor out in the countryside?

c'mon the ROI!:D

15th October 2004, 06:34 PM
quote:Originally posted by bad dog mini

Ewan - Archie Gemmil lost count of how many times I've seen that goal, even ended up in a film.

heh... yeah fair enough... only one goal tho!! ;):D
I think the wole thing has a lot more to do with the fact that the general media (TV, newspapers) in the whole of the UK is English based and controlled. National pride is nothing to be ashamed of (I wish we had more occassion!) but I think those who control the media need to be more considerate that a large portion of their audience is *NOT* from England...
I know we have a choice too... Thankfully there are plenty more buttons on the Remote!

As for you're comments about English supporters the people who turned over the pub are scum not supporters, a lot of countries have had problems with crowd trouble I seem to remember a lot of trouble at a Rangers vs Aberdeen game a few years back.

Again, I think that's a lot more to do with the media, and the coverage things like that get. I for one don't ever want to be near Glasgow on an Old Firm match day! ;):D We certainly ain't perfect either!

And just look at some tof the stuff that happens in some South American countries in that name of sport!! PLAYERS getting shot by fans and all sorts!

By the way I've had threats and abuse from Scottish fans just for being English (I was even supporting Scotland at the time). Etc..

I blame Jimmy Hill!! :D
heh heh... No, but seriously, everyone is allowed to gloat a bit when they win, we all do it :D
Anyone who turns into that sort of violent eejit just over a game of footbal isn't a real fan anyway, no matter what team or country they support

Rant Over!

Glad to see someone else is awake out there! :D:D
hope you didn't take any offence!

We do have plenty of good players out there, just seems like none of them are being picked to play, there are a lot who are being overlooked! Fair enough, some of them are a bit older, but can some experience in the team be a bad thing? Rather than having a team full of youngsters?

I totally agree, Get Gordon Strachan in there, get some fire back in them! :D:D:D

15th October 2004, 07:33 PM
There's only one manager Alex Fergusson get rid off Vogts.

However the real question is should Becks get the boot. I think so he's in his twilight years.

Anyway I love it when England qualify you know youre in for a laugh when they get knocked out on penalties.

The Dogfather
15th October 2004, 08:54 PM
No offence taken, just a bit of banter that's all. You can't be English in Scotland unless you can take a joke, I'm sure it's just the same with Scots in England.

I agree the media is far to biased however England have acheived more than Scotland but it's not surprising England's population is 10 times that of Scotlands. The trouble with Scotland has it's had more than it's fair share of real talent in the 70/80s but lack of investment in schools has left you with a shortage of young players. However the nation still expects to see players like Souness Dalglish and Hansen. (Can you tell I'm a Liverpool fan)

As for England, Scottie is right if we qualify you know we'll end up getting knocked out on penalties, as for beckham he's overated and the sooner Shaun Wright Phillips replaces him the better. Unfortunately I think Fergie is past his best as well.

16th October 2004, 02:31 AM
quote:Originally posted by ScottieCoop

There's only one manager Alex Fergusson get rid off Vogts.

However the real question is should Becks get the boot. I think so he's in his twilight years.

Anyway I love it when England qualify you know youre in for a laugh when they get knocked out on penalties.
