View Full Version : Just because Davy mentioned it.... Nordschleife Der Grüne Hölle and Angouleme

3rd July 2017, 06:48 PM
Chatting about the Nurburgring at MMM yesterday and mentioned to Davy that I've organised a couple of trips behind enemy lines in August and September. August is a visit to the Nurburgring for the VLN 6 Hour Race with lappage time thrown in. Details below cut and pasted from GPOC forum:

Ferries and hotel booked.
If anyone fancies a weekend at "Die grüne Hölle" then feel free to tag along.
It's a VLN race weekend with a 6 hour race on the Nordschleife on the Saturday http://www.vln.de/en/season/2017/2017-08-19/rowe-6-stunden-adac-ruhr-pokal-rennen.html
Details :
Out thursday night.
DFDS Dover - Dunkirk 17.08.2017 20.00hrs - 23.00hrs.
Cheap hotel near Dunkirk booked Thursday night - http://www.accorhotels.com/gb/hotel-2542-ibis-budget-dunkerque-grande-synthe/index.shtml.
Nice trundle up the pretty way on Friday - Lunch somewhere nice (Eupen - Road to Hell - 258).
Saturday watching the racing and consuming some German beer.
Sunday - some lappage around the Ring or a trip to the Eifel Mountains - I'm easy.
Monday morning lappage or back via Spa to call in at the circuit gift shop and have a nice lunch somewhere.
Monday afternoon home Dunkirk - Dover 21.08.2017 - 18.00hrs - 19.00hrs.
Hotelling at the always wonderful Ringhaus https://www.ringhaus.eu/english-1/. Contact Christine for availability - christine.hiersekorn@ringhaus.com
I've done many many trips to the ring over the years, and was visiting when Top Gear were still doing sensible reviews on mid priced road cars and couldn't even pronounce Nordschleife. So if you're looking for a nice relaxed trip with someone showing you the basics then feel free to come along.

The other event is September with T, we are making my 5th and his 2nd annual pilgrimage down to the South of France for food, wine and noisy smelly cars racing around the streets of a medieval French city. Again - details below:

As usual I'll be making my annual pilgrimage to Angouleme in September.
It's a trip I've been making for a few years now and it's always been a lovely few days away.
I've booked a seat in the Tribune Carnot this year.
Haven't booked a ferry yet, will probably do the Portsmouth - Le Havre overnight chugger on the Thursday night leaving a nice leisurely drive down on Friday. Return from Cherbourg or St Malo on the Monday evening depending on length of the crossing.
Will book the Premiere Class in Saint Yrieix - which is cheap and does what it says on the tin. Comfortable beds, Air Con etc.
Fred came with me last year and I'm pretty sure he enjoyed himself, would be great to see some more cars along for the trip this year.

Update :
Route: Portsmouth to Le Havre
Departure: Thur 14 Sep 2017 23:30
Arrival: Fri 15 Sep 2017 08:30
Route: Le Havre to Portsmouth
Departure: Mon 18 Sep 2017 17:00
Arrival: Mon 18 Sep 2017 21:30

Premiere Classe Angouleme Ouest - Saint Yrieix
Friday - Monday - 3 nights - £110 with https://www.booking.com/hotel/fr/premiere-classe-angouleme-saint-yrieix.en-gb.html

6th July 2017, 12:09 AM
Yup, I'm all booked up again for my second trip to Angouleme this September.
Really good gig. Good food, lovely cars, lots of different eras racing on the street circuit, picnic watching the run in the countryside on the Saturday before the racing, great food and of course the odd beverage... ;-)
Bit of a long haul fur you guys to get to Portsmouth, but... ;-)

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Mon the fish
6th July 2017, 06:19 AM
If you're doing the Continent from here, the Newcastle - Amsterdam ferry is the best option IMO. Less driving in the UK, see a bit more of Europe including Spa, and it's only 3 1/2 hour drive from the ferry terminal to the Ring instead of 5 hours from Calais.

You're not a true petrolhead IMO until you've done a European road trip, they are so much fun and rather addictive

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7th July 2017, 10:33 AM
If you're doing the Continent from here, the Newcastle - Amsterdam ferry is the best option IMO. Less driving in the UK, see a bit more of Europe including Spa, and it's only 3 1/2 hour drive from the ferry terminal to the Ring instead of 5 hours from Calais.

You're not a true petrolhead IMO until you've done a European road trip, they are so much fun and rather addictive

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Agreed !!!