View Full Version : Somebody crashed into my Mini!!

23rd February 2017, 08:21 PM
So last night, driving to Leith on the City Bypass, stopped waiting to drive onto Old Craighall roundabout, and BANG. Somebody smashed into the back of my wee Coops. Said she tried to brake but her foot "missed the pedal" 😣

I'm after a bit of advice please, about how best to proceed..
We exchanged details and both drove away. My car only appears to have a minor scuff to the rear bumper, but the bumper might also be misaligned.
I want it checked to confirm if there's more serious damage under the skin, and if there is I want to get it fixed on my insurance. It was quite a hard bang, I reckon there must be damage.

I've reported it to my insurance company. They've spoken to the other driver - she admitted driving into me. They're collecting my car tomorrow to get it in and inspect it. I'm getting a courtesy car.
I've been to a doctor for a bit of whiplash. Got some dihydrocodeine and advice. And I've reported it to the police, as it's an injury vehicle accident.

Has anybody else been in this situation? Is it possible that I could get stung and end up having to pay out lots of cash? I'm fully comp with Allianz.
Would anybody have advised me to take it to a local garage and find out what the damage is before going through insurance?

I've never made an insurance claim before.

Any advice and/or sympathy greatly appreciated.



23rd February 2017, 08:42 PM
I think you have done the right thing getting the car checked over as the other driver has accepted they have caused it I would not expect any cost to you and hopefully not much damage and if there is it's fixed quickly

Big Gordy
23rd February 2017, 09:30 PM
Your insurance should take it from here. They will claim all the costs from the 'at fault' driver :thumbs up:

Mon the fish
23rd February 2017, 11:12 PM
She's admitted it - that's a huge hurdle overcome. Don't pay your excess if they ask either - they should get that off her insurance.

Sadly this will probably put your insurance up next year, even though it's not your fault. They class it that because you've been involved in an accident, even though it wasn't your fault, you're somehow a greater risk.

Insurance is one of the biggest rackets of our time, it's a scandal

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24th February 2017, 02:22 AM
Thanks for your input about this. If I was still driving the kind of £400 runabouts I used to drive, maybe I wouldn't have involved insurance. But I've heard about rear-end shunts causing significant damage that wasn't obvious at first. Best to make sure, even if my premiums rise slightly.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Thanks again.

24th February 2017, 10:35 AM
Sorry to hear that you've been involved in a collision/accident, but at least the driver that hit you has admitted liability to you.
There have been plenty of instances where miraculously, they fail to admit liability once they have been in contact with their own insurer!
You hope that people are decent and would treat others as they themselves would like to be treated, but, as soon as money, Insurance premiums etc come into it, people often start to backslide.
It's happened to my missus.
Try to get witnesses to corroborate your version of events, failing that, pics of where it happened, any tyre marks, debris etc to back up your story.
It's not nice to have to think so defensively, but forewarned is forearmed...
Good luck, hope it all goes smoothly.

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