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9th October 2004, 10:39 PM
and getting picked up from the dealers tomorrow?

Its Humbug!:D

Tomorrow we pick up our new Cooper from JC's when we get home from Florida, can't wait!

Off to catch our flight, post again tomorrow!:)

10th October 2004, 11:18 PM
Here He Is!!






11th October 2004, 01:53 AM
Very very nice, did i say NICE, just gotta love the aero kit :p

11th October 2004, 03:51 AM
Well hheelllloooo humbug! Looking good!:D

Duncan Stewart
11th October 2004, 04:11 AM
Lookin great Baz :D

11th October 2004, 03:58 PM
Hiya Humbug!!

oooooo he NICE! :D

11th October 2004, 04:59 PM
Looks ace Baz! :cool:

11th October 2004, 06:22 PM
Lookin' good!!!!!

That'll be 2 white ones round that way in the very near future!! :cool::D;)

11th October 2004, 06:54 PM
Nice one Baz

11th October 2004, 07:20 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1
Lookin' good!!!!!
That'll be 2 white ones round that way in the very near future!! :cool::D;)
;) oh aye, spill the beans :p

11th October 2004, 07:43 PM

:p So when you moving in along "There" , wasn't it supposed to be last month?

11th October 2004, 10:25 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bazthemod


Aye.. has your mum no told you yet?? you're 'moving out'! ;):D
I'm the new lodger!!
Bwah ha ha ha ha ha!!!! :D

I'm moving house BS....
Up just around the corner from BTM and family...
There's another 2 or 3 Minis up that way.. but none of them ever play... soon they won't have any choice from being pestered to wave tho!! :D:D

Only got the keys 2weeks ago.. it got a bit drawn out... just about to start decorating and pulling the kitchen out!! :eek::eek::D

12th October 2004, 06:21 AM
What a "load of Humbug", very very nice Humbug though Baz. Love the Cooper bodykit.

Euan, Is that you joining the "flatpackers"??

12th October 2004, 06:51 AM
Sorry Euan but im not moving out so you can stay in the "Special" houses along the road for the "Little, Special" people!:D:p

12th October 2004, 07:36 AM
Thats a hum dinger of a humbug !!!!!

Nice .....


Willie M
12th October 2004, 04:07 PM
Very, very nice indeed Baz. Looks superb with the aero-kit :cool:

12th October 2004, 05:54 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bazthemod

Sorry Euan but im not moving out so you can stay in the "Special" houses along the road for the "Little, Special" people!:D:p

<Slap!> away an do yer homework yer cheeky whippersnapper! ;)
Passed last night... still lookin good... :D:p

Yup... that's me about to join the ranks of the IKEA bound flatpackers, living my life up to me ar$e in dust, paint and cardboard boxes..
<glares over Big C's way...taps foot... waiting...> :evil:

oh yeah... and a nice big shiny Philips widescreen telly!! :D:D

Big Col
12th October 2004, 06:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

living my life up to me ar$e in dust, paint and cardboard boxes..
<glares over Big C's way...taps foot... waiting...> :evil:

They would have to be flatpack boxes if they only came up to your ar$e!! :D

12th October 2004, 09:51 PM

12th October 2004, 10:02 PM

They would have to be flatpack boxes if they only came up to your ar$e!! :D

You're slippin' big man!! That took you all of 20 mins for the reply I was expectin!! ;);):p:p:p

Right, I'm away to train the wee fuzzy one to attack lanky folk!!:evil::evil::D

Big Col
12th October 2004, 10:04 PM
I hadn't noticed the thread until 19mins 45 seconds had passed. ;)

12th October 2004, 10:39 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

Right, I'm away to train the wee fuzzy one to attack lanky folk!!:evil::evil::D

Better make sure shes had her rabies jags first!:p

Big Col
12th October 2004, 11:26 PM
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey! That wasn't rabies! LnL said that if I took an entire packet of that space dust stuff in my mouth and then took a drink of Cola my head would explode! I was proving him wrong!

12th October 2004, 11:50 PM
Better make sure shes had her rabies jags first!:p

Good point!!!

I'll leave the Claws trimming till later then... she needs a nice new scratching post!! :D:D:D:p

Hey H... wanna see a pic?

Big Col
12th October 2004, 11:59 PM
Ask him what it's a pic OF H! You know what he's like! :)

13th October 2004, 12:00 AM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

Hey H... wanna see a pic?

Ohhh yes please:D:D

13th October 2004, 12:15 AM
Hey COl... It's just pictures of my little furry...


Here she is... getting big now! nearly 14 weeks old..
She's gonna be a purty puddy tat!!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww... :D:D:I

...and she'll look just like DJ Tiddles!! :D:D:D:D

http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/low_n_loud1/46302_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/low_n_loud1/46302.jpg) http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/low_n_loud1/46300_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/low_n_loud1/46300.jpg) http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/low_n_loud1/46303_thumb.jpg (http://www.mini2.com/gallery/personal/low_n_loud1/46303.jpg)

13th October 2004, 12:23 AM
AAwwwwwwww. Little sprocket is getting sooo big and cuter by the day. She does bear a striking resemblance to DJ tiddles!!:D:D

13th October 2004, 12:26 AM
Och Ewan did you have to put piccies of Sprockette on you show off?? Mine is only -5 weeks old!! (should be born in november hopefully!!):(:D

13th October 2004, 12:42 AM
quote:Originally posted by tribalmini

AAwwwwwwww. Little sprocket is getting sooo big and cuter by the day. She does bear a striking resemblance to DJ tiddles!!:D:D

Every time I look at these pics I get the unstoppable urge to giggle a bit!!
Not the best of pics I know, but they were taken on my phone.. :D:D

Och Ewan did you have to put piccies of Sprockette on you show off?? Mine is only -5 weeks old!! (should be born in november hopefully!!)

:D And guess wot?? I'm getting her this weekend!!! Woohoo!!
but she'll be staying with Granny and Grandad (me Ma and Da) till the house is ready! (and kitten-proofed!)
Then I can get some better pics to post!
...and a trip to the big pet shop to make for a wee kitty bed and some toys and the like! :D:D:D

13th October 2004, 12:45 AM
Wouldn't waste my money on a kitty bed, never had a cat that used one for more than a day. THEY pick were they are going to sleep...not you:D:D

13th October 2004, 01:55 AM
quote:Originally posted by tribalmini

Wouldn't waste my money on a kitty bed, never had a cat that used one for more than a day. THEY pick were they are going to sleep...not you:D:D

Good Point..

I can see a big towel on top of the storage heater being a favourite... :D:D:D

13th October 2004, 03:35 AM
Cute - humbug and the kitten!

13th October 2004, 03:56 PM
We have two beds, a 'play station' (big fur covered box with a scratching post, high level seating and balls on strings), numerous toys, and heaven knows what other paraphenalia - and NONE of it gets used!! :D

However, the new IKEA sofas are a firm favourite!! :)
As is a scrunched up sweetie wrapper to chase around the house.
And the huge pile of unpacked boxes in the study........

Don't spend too much on kitty things - she won't use them.