View Full Version : Highland Tour 7 16-17th September 2017

10th January 2017, 03:01 AM
As we look forward to the 'social' year ahead, what with all the shows, Sunday meets & runs & the BIGGY = HBT3, I was wondering if there was anything or any room in the calendar for some more :yes nod:

Prior to the legendary Heartbeat Run the main runs of the year (for many a year) were the Cullen Ice Cream Run then the epic Highland Tour which usually consisted of two nights in the northern towns of Ullapool, Skye, Thurso, etc etc taking in the majority of the superb North Coast 500 route http://www.northcoast500.com
Now the only main drawback was trying to get everyone into the same accommodation (as we do in Yorkshire) as it makes the run come together in the evenings as we settle down for some fine grub, excellent banter & the odd :beer:

Now because the Heartbeat Tour is our 'mainstay' on the calendar (& rightly so) would there be interest in a 'one nighter' in Scotland (not necessarily the NC500) if we could find suitable, affordable northern hospitality for all participants.


Ok folks, mucho apologies for the delay re dates for this wee jaunt. We're gonna go for the weekend 16/17 September in order to a) give any Oxford runners a chance to do both runs b) accomodate our southern fella as it only seems fair what with the distances involved & c) avoid the September weekend.

See page 9 for full route details and Saturday accomodation.

Names of those who have thus far shown an interest are as follows :

Crombers & Karen - booked R50 Cooper
Pete & Mrs CFX - booked R53 GP1
Brian & Christina - booked / one of the fleet
Ali - booked F56 JCW
& Laura - booked F54 JCW
Alasdair - booked F58 JCW
Dad - booked R56 WC50
Mark - B&B booked R56 S

8 Cars

10th January 2017, 06:30 AM
Sounds good to me.
Obviously it would involve a few more days away from home for me Alan but I'd be very interested and I'll have a chat wi 'Ar Lass tonight if she's up for it as well.
I'd personally be more interested in the North West region of Scotlandshire as it seems more picturesque. I've driven the A9 down from Scrabster, when we visited Orkney a few years back, and I found the drive a bit boring and the views a tad repetitive.
That's just ust my two penn'orth though and as always I'd happily go along with the majority.

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Mon the fish
10th January 2017, 07:23 AM
If depends what you want from the run. Once you're north of Ullapool, the NC500 isn't a great driving road - lots of single track, and the section from Wick south ain't much fun either. Also hotel options lacking a bit in the NW corner

The road to the Isles is a good blast, done that with Mark Ryan, plenty options of hotels there.

My suggestion would be from Inverness to Torridon via Applecross, stay at the Inn at Torridon which is ace, then back home the next day via Gairloch and Loch Broom. Applecross isn't a great driving road but needs to be done, however the other roads more than make up for it. Did that run this summer with a car club, we had a right good time blasting back the next day.

Obviously anyone who uses the A9 to get to Inverness is a numpty [emoji6] so A93-A939 from Perth via Glenshee, the Lecht and Dava is the way to go.

New café at the bottom of the Bealach worth a stop as well

10th January 2017, 07:36 AM
Sounds good to me xxxx

10th January 2017, 07:52 AM
I'm keen[emoji106]

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MINI William
10th January 2017, 08:09 AM
All sounds good Allan as we have less shows this year and not a lot of planned runs. . Thanks for organising. Would obviously be date dependant

10th January 2017, 08:27 AM
What about September ?
It's just after the school holidays so shouldn't be as busy, there are no shows and the weather is still decent.
Plus it gives us more time to get things sorted.

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10th January 2017, 09:40 AM
Sounds great, I love up north

10th January 2017, 11:09 AM
Only thing would be getting the dogs looked after and finalisation of Plant Oxford trip

MINI William
10th January 2017, 11:21 AM
What about September ?
It's just after the school holidays so shouldn't be as busy, there are no shows and the weather is still decent.
Plus it gives us more time to get things sorted.

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September is the proposed time for an Oxford tour Pete so possibly not

10th January 2017, 11:35 AM
Oh O.K. It was just an idea.
To be honest any time is good for me as long as I can book off the specific dates at work.

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Mon the fish
10th January 2017, 11:41 AM
May or September are your best options IMO to balance weather with less tourists/caravans.

We went to Torridon the 2nd last weekend in September and it was great

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10th January 2017, 01:51 PM
Sounds good to me. :thumbs up:

Being in Aberdeenshire it's a 2hr trek to even get to the general cars/coffee type meets, and I've always found it a bit odd that a club with Scotland in the name has it's main event doon south.... just saying.

MINI William
10th January 2017, 02:28 PM
Sounds good to me. :thumbs up:

Being in Aberdeenshire it's a 2hr trek to even get to the general cars/coffee type meets, and I've always found it a bit odd that a club with Scotland in the name has it's main event doon south.... just saying.

Appreciate your comments. There has been Cars and Coffee Meets organised further north but have never been that well attended from more Northern Members. Neil also organised an Aberdeen Run that only had a few cars attended.

Most members who organise events tend to organise these around roads and areas that they are more familiar with, taking out the likes of HBT, Highland Tour and the above overnight run that Crombers is organising.

Anyone can organise a meet not just Moderators

MINI William
10th January 2017, 02:43 PM
May or September are your best options IMO to balance weather with less tourists/caravans.

We went to Torridon the 2nd last weekend in September and it was great

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As you say Gordon :thumbs up:, best to try and avoid busy times for the roads but also for hotels

Mon the fish
10th January 2017, 02:43 PM
You'll struggle to get a better drivers road than this: http://tinyurl.com/hfpgweg

FWIW I signed the wife up to the BMW car club, they are pretty central belt based from what I've seen. Scotland is just one region, whereas Wales has three - go figure!

10th January 2017, 03:55 PM
Appreciate your comments. There has been Cars and Coffee Meets organised further north but have never been that well attended from more Northern Members. Neil also organised an Aberdeen Run that only had a few cars attended.

Most members who organise events tend to organise these around roads and areas that they are more familiar with, taking out the likes of HBT, Highland Tour and the above overnight run that Crombers is organising.

Anyone can organise a meet not just Moderators

Thanks William,

aye it's typical, I couldn't manage the run the Neil organised last year, and IIRC there was a meet at Brechin but I didn't hear about it in time.

Gordon, does that mean you'll put a few more miles on the Mini????? They'll wonder what's wrong come MOT time.

10th January 2017, 04:12 PM
Being in Aberdeenshire it's a 2hr trek to even get to the general cars/coffee type meets

I'm in a similar situation as I live about 12 miles South of Doncaster......

Luckily it's not too far for me to attend The HBT's though.

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MINI William
10th January 2017, 04:21 PM
Thanks William,

aye it's typical, I couldn't manage the run the Neil organised last year, and IIRC there was a meet at Brechin but I didn't hear about it in time.

Gordon, does that mean you'll put a few more miles on the Mini????? They'll wonder what's wrong come MOT time.

:thumbs up:

Mon the fish
10th January 2017, 05:00 PM
Thanks William,

aye it's typical, I couldn't manage the run the Neil organised last year, and IIRC there was a meet at Brechin but I didn't hear about it in time.

Gordon, does that mean you'll put a few more miles on the Mini????? They'll wonder what's wrong come MOT time.
I took it to Leeds last year, that was half the annual mileage in one weekend! Took it over 1k a year for the first time in a while. Just put new brakes on it, getting new tyres this week so no excuse not to use it.

Also at the moment I work every second weekend, that's changing as of March to every weekend off so should have more time to do car stuff [emoji4]

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10th January 2017, 05:14 PM
I'm in a similar situation as I live about 12 miles South of Doncaster......

Luckily it's not too far for me to attend The HBT's though.

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Crikey, good effort, I did a fair bit of work up the road from you, for a papermill in Otley....happy days :thumbs up: enjoyed my time down there... despite having to work.

- - - Updated - - -

I took it to Leeds last year, that was half the annual mileage in one weekend! Took it over 1k a year for the first time in a while. Just put new brakes on it, getting new tyres this week so no excuse not to use it.

Also at the moment I work every second weekend, that's changing as of March to every weekend off so should have more time to do car stuff [emoji4]

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racking up the miles boy.... I did see it sitting outside Kenny's a few months back.

So as of March, hanging up your Postmasters hat, what's the plans? Been a good few years since Devanha shut down, time for a new brewery in the village???

Mon the fish
10th January 2017, 05:41 PM
Crikey, good effort, I did a fair bit of work up the road from you, for a papermill in Otley....happy days :thumbs up: enjoyed my time down there... despite having to work.

- - - Updated - - -

racking up the miles boy.... I did see it sitting outside Kenny's a few months back.

So as of March, hanging up your Postmasters hat, what's the plans? Been a good few years since Devanha shut down, time for a new brewery in the village???
Bookkeeper. Getting made redundant, so this is the next step

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10th January 2017, 08:46 PM
Cheers for all your comments folks. My favourite 'road' option would be the Wester Ross Trail but the route Gordon put up is a cracker & has been covered by ourselves before and is more accessible, would Aviemore (avoiding the A9 obviously) suit I wonder for base camp. We used the McDonald Hotel back in 2005 on a Cullen Run and we had our own dining area.

I do like the Inn at Torridon should we fancy the best part of the NC500 (Wester Ross Trail), might be a bit pricey for some but it looks to tick all the boxes if they have enough accommodation.

September was my first thought but if it clashes with a trip to Oxford then?? You really want to avoid the Highlands during peak season as the traffic (happy camper/caravans) does dilute the driving pleasure just a tad so June, July & August were not on my radar. Thoughts??

Mon the fish
10th January 2017, 09:34 PM
Are you meaning the A93 route? Those from the South could meet at Broxden services and blast up the A93, those from the NE could join at Goodbrand & Ross at Corgarff - possible lunch/coffee venue?

I'm looking at organising a car club run to Aviemore this year, so have looked into it a bit. There's a new karting place just North of the town, I had thought of dinner on the steam train, and the brewery tour is excellent (crap tour, excellent tasting session afterwards!)

Hotel options include the MacDonald in the town, the Cairngorm, and the Hilton at Coylumbridge.

One thing to keep in mind is that Glenshee is the highest road in the UK - a nice wee tick for your Mini. The Lecht is the second!

11th January 2017, 12:17 AM
No not the A93 in it's entirety but to the A939 at Crathie/Ballater then onto Nairn or using the A95 to Elgin has been covered in the main, quite a few times before. It's a cracker and is one of two that would be under serious consideration.

As already mentioned the other route could be :

NC500 Wester Ross link http://http://www.northcoast500.com/your-route/wester-ross.aspx (http://www.northcoast500.com/your-route/wester-ross.aspx)

& in order to include our North East NMS'rs I am leaning towards Broxden Services in Perth as a starting point :thumbs up:

11th January 2017, 02:00 PM
Like the sound of this Alan, could be a goer for me!

I'm also happy to organise a coffee and cars meet in the Aberdeenshire area and a longer run. Last years run was short as it was my first time organising one but will wait and see if gaps appear in my schedule and the meet/run schedule.

12th January 2017, 05:13 PM
With Oxford now on the map for August, we are good for go in September for a little jaunt up north. Will post up dates as soon as I get back to work on Friday to check my/colleagues rota's :thumbs up:

12th January 2017, 05:44 PM

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MINI William
12th January 2017, 05:55 PM
With Oxford now on the map for August, we are good for go in September for a little jaunt up north. Will post up dates as soon as I get back to work on Friday to check my/colleagues rota's :thumbs up:

Good with me Allan

Duncan Stewart
12th January 2017, 08:49 PM
Sounds great :thumbs up:

13th January 2017, 12:13 AM
The Inn at Torridon does look nice but at £255 per night for the cheapest room in September it seems a tad too steep for my wallet with what will end up being at least a 1,000 mile road trip by the time I've done.

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13th January 2017, 12:34 AM
The Inn at Torridon does look nice but at £255 per night for the cheapest room in September it seems a tad too steep for my wallet with what will end up being at least a 1,000 mile road trip by the time I've done.

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Rest assured we wont be booking in there at that price :thumbs up:

13th January 2017, 06:24 AM
PHEW !!!

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Mon the fish
13th January 2017, 07:18 AM
I organised a run of 4 cars/8 people to The Inn at Torridon in September and it was £120 per room. Great food in the Inn, and good choice of real ales

13th January 2017, 11:42 AM
I must have looked at the wrong one last night Gordon, apologies.


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13th January 2017, 11:50 AM
Depending on the date I'd be interested as well, but I've got limited holiday time left this year so I might have to miss out :(

Mon the fish
13th January 2017, 11:56 AM
I must have looked at the wrong one last night Gordon, apologies.


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The Torridon itself is a lot dearer - it's the big old house. The Inn is a bit less formal

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13th January 2017, 02:34 PM
Thanks for confirming that Gordon.

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16th January 2017, 02:56 PM
I'd be up for this, although needs to be before August as the Mini is going bye bye.

One of the guys I work with does group bookings at hotels across Scotland and often gets really good deals for hotels. Once you havea date and location I can see what offers he can get if it would be useful?


16th January 2017, 10:45 PM
I'd be up for this, although needs to be before August as the Mini is going bye bye.

One of the guys I work with does group bookings at hotels across Scotland and often gets really good deals for hotels. Once you havea date and location I can see what offers he can get if it would be useful?


Cheers for the offer, will be in touch. Unfortunately we are looking at a September trip due to a) the Trip to Oxford in August & b) less traffic on our highland roads. The date is still tbc due to my rota STILL waiting to be published !!

17th January 2017, 06:59 PM
Poo and spital !!!
The only time in September than I can have off from work is from Wednesday 13th through to Sunday 24th.

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18th January 2017, 02:31 AM
All things being equal, I should be home around mid-September on, so would be up for a wee overnight somewhere.

And of course, a run out on some good driving roads.

18th January 2017, 11:38 AM
All things being equal, I should be home around mid-September on, so would be up for a wee overnight somewhere.

And of course, a run out on some good driving roads.

Excellent, dates (I am told by my employer) will be available this week :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

Poo and spital !!!
The only time in September than I can have off from work is from Wednesday 13th through to Sunday 24th.

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:thumbs up:

18th January 2017, 11:42 AM
As soon as a date is sorted can you let me know as soon as possible please because it will be at least a 3-4 night trip away for us due to the distances involved.
Thank you kindly.

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18th January 2017, 11:50 AM
Hopefully when I go back to work tomorrow night, this years rota will be published (on Tuesday morning I was assured it would be) :thumbs up:

18th January 2017, 01:19 PM
cant commit to anything just yet hopefully by the end of this week start of next "things" might change

18th January 2017, 02:00 PM
Off from 7/09 to 28/09... count me in!

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18th January 2017, 02:03 PM
Off from 7/09 to 28/09... count me in!

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Now that's what I call a holiday :thumbs up:

18th January 2017, 02:26 PM
Just falls bang on my this years rota... hehe

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20th January 2017, 01:46 PM
Cheers for the offer, will be in touch. Unfortunately we are looking at a September trip due to a) the Trip to Oxford in August & b) less traffic on our highland roads. The date is still tbc due to my rota STILL waiting to be published !!

Can you add me anyway and see what happens by then?


21st January 2017, 02:40 AM
Ok folks, mucho apologies for the delay re dates for this wee jaunt. We're gonna go for the weekend 16/17 September in order to a) give any Oxford runners a chance to do both runs b) accomodate our southern fella as it only seems fair what with the distances involved & c) avoid the September weekend.

The route and Saturday accomodation will be next on the agenda but we are looking at a trip up to http://tinyurl.com/hfpgweg or http://http://www.northcoast500.com/your-route/wester-ross.aspx

Page 1 will now been updated with names of those who have thus far shown an interest.

21st January 2017, 02:58 AM
Thanks Alan.
I'll book some days off work, probably Thurs 14, Fri 15, Mon 18, Tues 19 & Weds 20th.

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21st January 2017, 06:56 AM
Thanks Alan will get holidays sorted xx

MINI William
21st January 2017, 07:26 AM
Will have a look at the holiday Rota today

Mon the fish
21st January 2017, 03:26 PM
In terms of the A93/Nairn route - is it long enough to justify an overnight stay? Maybe loop to Aviemore, more/better accommodation? The Braeval in Nairn is decent with an excellent beer choice but the parking isn't great.

Is it worth a quick poll to see what folks want - A93 run, or West Coast?

21st January 2017, 06:03 PM
Time off sorted for me Alan . Nt sure about William. And happy to go anywhere you like Alan xxx

21st January 2017, 07:51 PM
We'll go with the flow regarding the road trip and we can personally sort out a few more places to visit up there once a route is finalised and treat it as a MINI holiday.

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MINI William
21st January 2017, 08:38 PM
Allan I'm out sorry. Had a look at the holiday rota today and the person I need to cover me is off on holiday so no chance of getting it off. If I can help any anyway though, just give me a shout.

Duncan Stewart
22nd January 2017, 02:20 PM
Dates good for us :thumbs up::yes nod:

22nd January 2017, 07:59 PM
Sounds great! I'm off [emoji13][emoji13]Will need to see what Davy will be working, or if he'll even know just now. Would be fab though [emoji39]

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23rd January 2017, 06:34 AM
Are we there yet ?

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23rd January 2017, 08:35 AM
Are we there yet ?

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23rd January 2017, 11:31 AM
I've just booked off Weds 13th - Fri 22nd September.
It's way more days off than I need but it leaves room for any "unplanned" visits as well.

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Mon the fish
23rd January 2017, 04:05 PM
I've just booked off Weds 13th - Fri 22nd September.
It's way more days off than I need but it leaves room for any "unplanned" visits as well.

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A little-known gem is the Moray Motor Museum in Elgin - well worth a visit, especially if you can get access to the workshops.

The chap who runs it races the Lagonda at the Revival. Fascinating place if you're in the area, that and the GTM in Alford are the only real car places in the NE.

I'll check I can make this in the next few days - should be OK for it though

23rd January 2017, 04:09 PM
A little-known gem is the Moray Motor Museum in Elgin - well worth a visit, especially if you can get access to the workshops.

The chap who runs it races the Lagonda at the Revival. Fascinating place if you're in the area, that and the GTM in Alford are the only real car places in the NE.

I'll check I can make this in the next few days - should be OK for it though

Thanks Gordon.
I fancy seeing the Glenfinnan Viadust and I may as well carry on to see the White sands at Morar if we are gonna head out West from Fort William.
It all depends on what 'Ar Lass wats to see as well but with her being an archaeologist she especially likes stone circles and the like.

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Mon the fish
23rd January 2017, 04:14 PM
Thanks Gordon.
I fancy seeing the Glenfinnan Viadust and I may as well carry on to see the White sands at Moray if we are gonna head out West from Fort William.
It all depends on what 'Ar Lass wats to see as well but with her being an archaeologist she especially likes stone circles and the like.

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Lots of stone circles in the Aberdeenshire corner - more than anywhere else in the UK I think. Close to the GTM as well. You do cars, she does stones [emoji6]

If archaeology is her thing, have a look at the Clava Cairns at Culloden. Also Culloden itself well worth a visit, a haunting place.

If it's beaches you're after, look at Redpoint, and Big Sand near Gairloch. Some stunning beaches on the west coast, some quieter than others

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25th January 2017, 11:45 AM
Late as usual, but put me down for this one Crombers.

Mon the fish
25th January 2017, 11:02 PM
I'm in [emoji106]

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Duncan Stewart
26th January 2017, 07:30 PM
How's about this for day 1


courtesy of our mates Alex & Gill :thumbs up:

We've used the Royal Hotel in Ullapool http://www.royalhotelullapool.co.uk/ before, good car parking & a big bar to accomodate us all. This would then allow us to be extremely greedy & take in the Wester Ross Trail on day 2 with a possible finish in Fort William.

Fantastic route and excellent hotel :thumbs up:

26th January 2017, 08:16 PM
Late as usual, but put me down for this one Crombers.

Smashin :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

I'm in [emoji106]

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Great to have you aboard sir :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

Fantastic route and excellent hotel :thumbs up:

Both have never let us down in the past :thumbs up:

30th January 2017, 10:26 PM
Crombers, I'm really sorry but looks like I'm going to have to bail on this one. I go up to a time-share in Kinloch Rannoch with friends every second year in September, and guess what? Same dates. Typical.

5th February 2017, 05:49 PM
Crombers, can you put Mom & Dad down please.

6th February 2017, 11:47 AM
Crombers, can you put Mom & Dad down please.

Why ?
Have they been naughty again ?

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10th February 2017, 10:02 PM
Crombers, can you put Mom & Dad down please.

Oh yes indeedy :thumbs up:

Updates to follow soon peeps, Papa has been a busy boy :hand:

11th February 2017, 08:57 AM

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10th April 2017, 08:16 PM
Right, I've awoken from my slumber :yawn:

Karen & I are hopefully gonna get the recce done this weekend & will be stretching the legs of the Corsa up to Ullapool & back. Will be speaking to the Royal & Caledonia Hotels re accommodation & will post up on our return. I'd like to get this all firmed up by the end of April so stay 'tuned' folks :thumbs up:

16th April 2017, 11:27 PM
Day 1 recce complete & a fab drive up to Ullapool via Glenshee & The Lecht (just a shade over 200 miles). Accommodation & dining at the Royal Hotel has been discussed & will post up details on our return. Looking forward to tomorrow as we set off for what I would class as the finest driving road in the UK, Ullapool to Eileen Donan Castle, taking in the famous Bealach Na Ba mountain pass, hugging the Wester Ross Coastal part of the North Coast 500 :thumbs up:

PS could a moderator please change the thread title to Highland Tour 7 (with dates), just seems right & proper to continue the 'legacy' :yes nod:

17th April 2017, 07:27 AM
Great news Allan.
Bealach Na Ba is a road I've wanted to drive for years. I know it's not a hoonin' road but sometimes great views are way more important than than the speed.

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17th April 2017, 07:41 AM
PS could a moderator please change the thread title to Highland Tour 7 (with dates), just seems right & proper to continue the 'legacy' :yes nod:

Done 👍👍

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17th April 2017, 04:18 PM
Would love to have come to this, as it's on my list to do, what better than in your company.
Unfortunately it's the same weekend as the trip I did down to Angouleme last year and have already booked tickets/ferry/hotel for this year.
Have fun and I'll look forward to seeing the pics![emoji106]

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17th April 2017, 07:33 PM
Great news Allan.
Bealach Na Ba is a road I've wanted to drive for years. I know it's not a hoonin' road but sometimes great views are way more important than than the speed.

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It sure ain't a 'hoonin' road but the views on a clear day like today are epic :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

Would love to have come to this, as it's on my list to do, what better than in your company.
Unfortunately it's the same weekend as the trip I did down to Angouleme last year and have already booked tickets/ferry/hotel for this year.
Have fun and I'll look forward to seeing the pics![emoji106]

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No probs sir, enjoy your trip :thumbs up:

18th April 2017, 01:49 AM
Day 2 recce complete (again just a shade over 200 miles), whew!! 'nuthin' like battling Bank Holiday Monday traffic south of Fort William. As for Loch Lomond, literally don't go there :ragin: !!

Superb start to the day in Ullapool, clear skies & empty roads. The Wester Ross Trail was superb (as always) and all the well known rest stops have been visited i.e. http://www.applecrossgarden.co.uk/ http://www.nts.org.uk/Visit/Inverewe/

The usual things to look out for i.e. goats, :sheep: & Highland cows (handsum buggers), all prefering tarmac to the green stuff :idunno: Local drivers also tend not to adhere to allowing overtaking at passing places & just toddle on their merry way :motoring: & I kid you not, units & trailers ascending the Lochcarron end of the Bealach Na Ba road :wtf:

The drive down to Eilean Donan was a breeze and we encountered our first real traffic of the day down into Fort William as the run ends.

Will post up details tomorrow re booking our overnight accomodation at the Royal Hotel Ullapool http://www.royalhotelullapool.co.uk/ :thumbs up:

18th April 2017, 01:31 PM
Marvellous stuff.

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19th April 2017, 09:28 AM
Room booked xx

19th April 2017, 03:31 PM
Ok troops, sorry for the delay. The Royal Hotel Ullapool 01854612181 have reserved us the 9 rooms they have left until next Monday evening. After that they will be released back to joe public. Thus far we have 6 rooms (doubles, twins, family) left, all at a cost of £135 per room including breakfast & VAT. Unfortunately there are no single rooms left but we have a couple of other recommendations in the town that are all within easy walking distace of the Royal. We have tried other larger hotels in the town that are cheaper but do not match the quality or offer the same superb parking facilities (even including a hose!!). We tried the Caledonian Hotel (£85) at the weekend to see what they could offer but parking is minimal, it's a bit tired & they are really just geared up for the bus trip brigade.
We have stayed in the Arch Inn before and would fully recommend, & a few others of note would be Westlea Guest House & Waterside House which both look sumptuously appointed. There are a 'raft' of places to stay in the town suiting all tastes & budgets but we will be using the Royal as 'base camp' for evening dining & a couple of ales.

I will update those who have booked up on a daily basis on page 1 :thumbs up:

19th April 2017, 04:57 PM
I've just booked the broom cupboard.
£12 inc breakfast.

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Mon the fish
19th April 2017, 07:52 PM
Does the hotel need a deposit?

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19th April 2017, 08:06 PM
I've just booked the broom cupboard.
£12 inc breakfast.

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Excellent :thumbs up: is that a double for you & Mrs Cider

20th April 2017, 04:27 AM
Excellent :thumbs up: is that a double for you & Mrs Cider

Yes Allan,.
We just need to sort out another hotel or two, possibly one on The Isle of Skye, to make the most of our time, and the scenery, whilst we're up there.

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Mon the fish
20th April 2017, 01:54 PM

I've also ensured that anyone quoting 'NMSCrombersPays' gets a bottle of 1981 Bollinger in their room upon arrival, chilled to perfection naturally, thanks to our generous run organiser :thumbs up:

20th April 2017, 01:56 PM
I'll be fine wi just a 2017 bottle o' Bulmers if he's paying.

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Mon the fish
20th April 2017, 03:26 PM
Only 81, ...... suppose it'll go with the finest Cohiba cigars that I'll bring :thumbs up:

Will you be bringing Mrs MTF on this exclusive?

- - - Updated - - -

Funnily enough the bar stocks Bulmers, your ever efficient run organisers have already checked this out :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

So you won't be wanting the Chataubriand then :rolleyes:
I've added it to her calendar so I assume so [emoji23]

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20th April 2017, 05:02 PM
Funnily enough the bar stocks Bulmers, your ever efficient run organisers have already checked this out :

The attention to the finer details must be hugely applauded.

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20th April 2017, 07:46 PM
The attention to the finer details must be hugely applauded.

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We couldn't be having you 'struggling' without your favourite brew :thumbs up:

20th April 2017, 09:13 PM
You are just too kind.

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21st April 2017, 10:07 PM
Room booked at the Royal.

23rd April 2017, 07:29 AM
Room booked at the Royal.

Superb, that's me got my wing man :thumbs up:

24th April 2017, 05:32 PM
That's my room booked at the Royal chaps, think I've scored a family room in case it's a weekend the kids are not playing football. :thumbs up:

24th April 2017, 07:28 PM
That's my room booked at the Royal chaps, think I've scored a family room in case it's a weekend the kids are not playing football. :thumbs up:

Excellent :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

That's us now with 8 confirmed bookings, super smashing great :thumbs up:

If yer quick there is one room left, so for any late comers 'get yir skates on' :motoring:

Mon the fish
25th April 2017, 06:34 AM
That's my room booked at the Royal chaps, think I've scored a family room in case it's a weekend the kids are not playing football. :thumbs up:
Family room = bigger = post dinner party

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25th April 2017, 08:45 AM
Sorry guys, I'm going to have to pull out :argh:

I casually mentioned the weekend to my sister last night, who started shaking her head :frown:, only to be reminded that one of my nephews gets married that weekend.

Now I said the invites aren't out yet..... but that didn't go down too well. What are the chances?

Family room = bigger = post dinner party

Sent from my SM-P605 using Tapatalk aw balls :ragin:

Mon the fish
25th April 2017, 08:50 AM
I missed my cousins wedding to go to a football game in Macedonia as the game was announced first if that's any help

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25th April 2017, 01:50 PM
I missed my cousins wedding to go to a football game in Macedonia as the game was announced first if that's any help

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Unfortunately the date was widely known by the rest of the family, I would have been told but don't always pay attention. :smilewinkgrin: Those 'keep the date' cards I've had in the past are starting to make sense.

You've met my mum, she's only wee I know but you wouldn't want to upset her :hand:

Mon the fish
25th April 2017, 01:52 PM
Unfortunately the date was widely known by the rest of the family, I would have been told but don't always pay attention. :smilewinkgrin: Those 'keep the date' cards I've had in the past are starting to make sense.

You've met my mum, she's only wee I know but you wouldn't want to upset her :hand:
I reckon she'd batter you [emoji23]

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25th April 2017, 02:01 PM
I reckon she'd batter you [emoji23]

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She's waiting for a new hip, so I could outrun her at the moment. :thumbs up:

25th April 2017, 03:54 PM
Sorry guys, I'm going to have to pull out :argh:

I casually mentioned the weekend to my sister last night, who started shaking her head :frown:, only to be reminded that one of my nephews gets married that weekend.

Now I said the invites aren't out yet..... but that didn't go down too well. What are the chances?

aw balls :ragin:

No probs, family commitments do come first. I assume you've advised the Royal.

That's us back to two rooms being available if your quick folks.

25th April 2017, 04:47 PM
No probs, family commitments do come first. I assume you've advised the Royal.

That's us back to two rooms being available if your quick folks.

Yeah, sorry though, was looking forward to the weekend, and putting faces to a few names.

The royal hotel has been informed, very understanding young lady.

25th April 2017, 06:20 PM
She's waiting for a new hip, so I could outrun her at the moment. :thumbs up:

Slow but sure, she'd follow you, she'd catch you, she'd batter you.
Mums are stubborn like that.

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26th April 2017, 09:10 AM
Slow but sure, she'd follow you, she'd catch you, she'd batter you.
Mums are stubborn like that.

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Can't argue with that, well up in her 80s and no signs of letting up. Just as well she bought a 500 and not a Mini. :smilewinkgrin:

26th April 2017, 10:36 AM
Just hope that she don't trade it in for a 595 Biposto !!!

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26th April 2017, 01:25 PM
Over my dead body...... when we took this 500 home (I don't even know what it is, 1.2?), I drove part of the way then she took over. I swear she was using more revs than me, and I was braking from the passenger seat a few times.

26th April 2017, 03:36 PM

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24th June 2017, 10:23 PM
going to have to pullout my intrest in this as i dont know what shifts i will be working due to a new job

26th June 2017, 01:09 PM
I'm also going to have to withdraw. We've booked a holiday away with the family to Spain. The only upside is our rental is a Mini :cool:

27th June 2017, 01:03 PM
going to have to pullout my intrest in this as i dont know what shifts i will be working due to a new job

No probs, thanks for the update :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

I'm also going to have to withdraw. We've booked a holiday away with the family to Spain. The only upside is our rental is a Mini :cool:

No probs at all :thumbs up:

27th June 2017, 05:05 PM
I'm still going.

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28th June 2017, 07:18 AM
I'm still going.

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:thumbs up:

5th July 2017, 12:28 PM
are there any rooms left do you know or am i best contacting the hotel?

Just ordered my new car so will have a mini to drive!

7th July 2017, 12:19 AM
are there any rooms left do you know or am i best contacting the hotel?

Just ordered my new car so will have a mini to drive!

Apologies for the delay, if you could contact the hotel direct http://www.royalhotelullapool.co.uk/ & quote NewMiniScotland. If they don't have any room left then don't worry, try http://www.thearchinn.co.uk/ & just join us at the hotel for all the evenings food & banter (5 mins walk to the Royal).

Would be great if you can join us, keep me posted :thumbs up:

27th July 2017, 08:25 PM
Not long to go now.
I best get mi finger pulled out and work out a few more places to see and stop at whilst we're up there.

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Mon the fish
28th July 2017, 07:52 AM
Not long to go now.
I best get mi finger pulled out and work out a few more places to see and stop at whilst we're up there.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkPost up your times/plans and we'll try and help out [emoji106]

Also have a look at the Highlands thread in the Roads section of Pistonheads - lots of inspiration in there. Personally I'd avoid the NC500, bit of a tourist trap and there's plenty to see elsewhere

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28th July 2017, 07:56 AM
Post up your times/plans and we'll try and help out [emoji106]

Also have a look at the Highlands thread in the Roads section of Pistonheads - lots of inspiration in there. Personally I'd avoid the NC500, bit of a tourist trap and there's plenty to see elsewhere

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Thank you kindly.
I haven't yet worked out how many days we'll be up there yet. We'll be looking at 3/5 nights (including the Saturday night in Ullapool). I've driven the A9 along the North East coast before and I'll not be entertaining that road again.
I'll get working on a rough plan this weekend.

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Mon the fish
28th July 2017, 08:00 AM
Thank you kindly.
I haven't yet worked out how many days we'll be up there yet. We'll be looking at 3/5 nights (including the Saturday night in Ullapool). I've driven the A9 along the North East coast before and I'll not be entertaining that road again.
I'll get working on a rough plan this weekend.

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkThat was what I had in mind in terms of the NC500 - well worth avoiding that bit! I'm not an expert, but have had a few hols up North so have a bit of knowledge.

If you miss that bit of the A9 you miss my Clan's heritage centre though!

Oh and I'd recommend this book, invaluable:
Scotland The Best: New and fully updated 12th edition of Scotland’s bestselling guide https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0007559348/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_taa_soUEzbND8GREH

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28th July 2017, 10:42 AM
Oh and I'd recommend this book, invaluable:
Scotland The Best: New and fully updated 12th edition of Scotland’s bestselling guide https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0007559348/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_taa_soUEzbND8GREH

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Thanks for the recommendation.
I've just ordered it and it will be in my hands at some point tomorrow.

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28th July 2017, 10:52 AM
Apologies for the delay, if you could contact the hotel direct http://www.royalhotelullapool.co.uk/ & quote NewMiniScotland. If they don't have any room left then don't worry, try http://www.thearchinn.co.uk/ & just join us at the hotel for all the evenings food & banter (5 mins walk to the Royal).

Would be great if you can join us, keep me posted :thumbs up:

Stayed there a couple of times, spectacular views from the rooms at the front. Some nice little pubs and eateries just oop the road to. Great place if you're a seafood lover like me !!
Wish I could make it but off to the south of france with T for the racing in Angouleme that weekend.
Have fun y'all !!

5th August 2017, 04:55 PM
Hi hunny what time are we going to meet on the Saturday morning xx

5th August 2017, 11:16 PM
Hi hunny what time are we going to meet on the Saturday morning xx

Off the top of my head I'd say 9am for an 09:30 departure from Broxden Services :thumbs up:

Unfortunately Lynda (Karen's buddy & the owner of L77NDA) & Ian have had to pull out of the run. I will contact the Royal tomorrow to advise & will see what room is left for anyone who may still fancy the run :hand:

6th August 2017, 07:02 PM
Just booked for Friday night at The Holiday Inn Express, 200 Dunkeld Rd, Perth PH1 3AQ.
It's only 3.5 miles back down the road to the meeting point so we won't have a big trek to do, or a very early start to endure, to get there.

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6th August 2017, 08:11 PM
Oh and I'd recommend this book, invaluable:
Scotland The Best: New and fully updated 12th edition of Scotland’s bestselling guide https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/0007559348/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_taa_soUEzbND8GREH

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After buying the above book for £7 from Amazon inside the back page there is a note saying it's now available as an app.
Oh well, I've bought the app as well for £2.99.
Scotland the Best by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd
That'll be yet another travel book that'll never get used again.

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Mon the fish
6th August 2017, 08:12 PM
Apps are rubbish. Long live the dead tree book!

And you don't need to hunt for a signal to read the book [emoji6]

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

6th August 2017, 10:34 PM
Apps are rubbish. Long live the dead tree book!

And you don't need to hunt for a signal to read the book [emoji6]

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All points of interest will be researched and then entered into the Garmin nüviCam before we leave.
I'm guessing there may be places that we visit that don't have a full blown 4G signal.

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Mon the fish
7th August 2017, 06:15 AM
Some places (like where I live) you don't even get 1G. On the other hand, I got 4G at the top of a Munro last year

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7th August 2017, 01:25 PM
Where will the run finish please ?
I only ask so that I can work out where to head to off after the run so I can then sort out another hotel.
Thank you kindly.

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7th August 2017, 07:14 PM
Where will the run finish please ?
I only ask so that I can work out where to head to off after the run so I can then sort out another hotel.
Thank you kindly.

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We have 2 options, Eilean Donan Castle or Fort William. EDC gives you the option of staying a night on Skye & Kyleakin has some superb options (we may consider a night here) which means you can explore Skye on the Monday. FW is obviously much bigger with raft of pubs/hotels. The drive from EDC to FW is also a lot busier than what we will experience earlier in the day & staying as a group will not be as easy. Finishing at EDC may also suit our Northern contingency. I'm more than happy to let everyone decide what's best :thumbs up:

7th August 2017, 07:56 PM
Thanks Allan.
I like the sound of EDC to be honest but as always we'll go with the majority and will just enjoy our time out and about wi NMS no matter where our travels take us.

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Mon the fish
8th August 2017, 07:18 AM
I've never really liked Fort Bill, it's touristy in a bad way and the town itself isn't that pretty and a bit run down. Fort Bill to Mallaig road however is ace and goes past the famous Glenfinnan viaduct.

If you're going to Skye Pete, take a ferry there and the bridge back. So much more of an occasion, and not expensive - £15 for car and 2 people from Mallaig. Also check out the Glenelg ferry - oldest operating turntable ferry in the world, a fantastic step back in time

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8th August 2017, 07:54 AM
It's funny you mention that Gordon as I mentioned the exact same thing to 'Ar Lass last night. Fort William to Glenfinnan to Arisaig to Morar up to Mallaig and then to Skye.

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8th August 2017, 07:57 AM
...just had a look at the map and may be it'd be better to do the above in reverse order from EDC.

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Mon the fish
10th August 2017, 06:18 AM
I'm going to have to pull out of this one - family issues mean we now can't be that far from home that weekend [emoji20]

Depending on times, will try and meet you all at The Lecht or somewhere

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10th August 2017, 06:53 AM
Sorry to hear that Gordon.
I hope that all is well.

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10th August 2017, 07:51 AM
I'm going to have to pull out of this one - family issues mean we now can't be that far from home that weekend [emoji20]

Depending on times, will try and meet you all at The Lecht or somewhere

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No probs, hopefully see you at some point of the run

Mon the fish
10th August 2017, 08:34 AM
Nothing drastic, just the grandparents (late 80s) are getting to the stage where we can't really leave them for the whole weekend if my parents are already away.

Funny how things turn around - they looked after you years ago, now you look after them!

11th August 2017, 12:21 AM
Totally understandable, family first :thumbs up:

6th September 2017, 05:13 PM
Not long to go now folks :thumbs up:

Just spoke to the hotel to make sure all was well & they advise that they have one room available if anyone fancies a last minute change of plan :hand:

6th September 2017, 10:00 PM
I honestly can not wait for this.
I've now booked off this Friday to try and get finished what I need to do in the garden before we head up so I'll be more than ready for a few days away North of The Wall wi mi NMS Family.

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7th September 2017, 07:01 AM
I honestly can not wait for this.
I've now booked off this Friday to try and get finished what I need to do in the garden before we head up so I'll be more than ready for a few days away North of The Wall wi mi NMS Family.

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& I can pretty much guarantee you'll enjoy every Highland Tour mile :thumbs up:

7th September 2017, 07:02 AM
& I can pretty much guarantee you'll enjoy every Highland Tour mile :thumbs up:

I know I will that's why I'm looking forward to it so much.

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8th September 2017, 12:22 AM
As I type we've still got bugger all booked, for Sunday, Monday and possibly Tuesday night after The HT 7.
There's no panic though as I've just discovered airbnb and there are some cracking properties available for when we're up there.
My current plan is to see the Falkirk Wheel, Kelpies and maybe sommat else, have a drive o'er the Queensferry Crossing and then head up to Perth on Friday, do the HT 7 Saturday and Sunday, stop on Skye Sunday night, have a wee drive around on Monday, catch the ferry from Armadale to Mallaig late Monday afters, stop near Mallaig on Monday night and then visit Morar, Arisaig and Glenfinnan and just take the rest, if anything else, from there.
I'll let you know how I get on...

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Mon the fish
8th September 2017, 07:03 AM
Just got this - well worth a look with some fantastic, inspiring photography insidehttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170908/f23a28894b667223f0de3cf3dab8505b.jpg

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10th September 2017, 10:10 AM
A bit of progress this morning.
We've binned off the trip onto Skye and have opted for heading towards Mallaig straight from Eileen Donnan Castle.
After hours of looking on AirBNB for somewhere we've ended up booking Sunday night in the below.
It has a restaurant and a bar which no-one on AirBNB had on offer, so all is good.
We'll only have a shortish drive to get to Mallaig on Monday morning and then we can have a steady tootle back along the A830 towards Fort William seeing the sights as we go.

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Mon the fish
10th September 2017, 05:04 PM
Good call [emoji106]

If you're heading south from there towards Ballachulish, make sure you have a quick blat round the Scotsburgring on the B863 via Kinlochleven - the road goes nowhere, but what a road

What to remember Pete, is you're doing what a lot of Scots don't - leaving the central belt to see what Scotland really has to offer. Far too many of my countrymen haven't experienced there own county sadly. Fair play sir!

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10th September 2017, 05:24 PM
Good call [emoji106]

If you're heading south from there towards Ballachulish, make sure you have a quick blat round the Scotsburgring on the B863 via Kinlochleven - the road goes nowhere, but what a road

What to remember Pete, is you're doing what a lot of Scots don't - leaving the central belt to see what Scotland really has to offer. Far too many of my countrymen haven't experienced there own county sadly. Fair play sir!

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I still find that fact astounding to be honest Gordon and thank you kindly.
No matter what anyone says there's nowhere down here that even comes close to the roads and scenery up there, they are both just stunning.
Thanks for the extra info I'll have a look on Google Maps and Earth.
There are loads of places we want to visit, apart from Skye lol, but we'd rather save some for future trips rather than to try and do everything in one visit.

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11th September 2017, 12:27 AM
Run notes all typed up :thumbs up:

11th September 2017, 06:11 AM
YAY !!!
We were gonna have a drive o'er the Queensferry Crossing but after reading the stories of 6 miles tailbacks I think we'll leave that idea for another visit.

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11th September 2017, 01:17 PM
The B863 has been added to the list Gordon.
It's only 16 miles from North Ballchullish to Glencoe and the scenery is cracking.
There are three decent lay-bys to stop in as well for a few "oooh-look-at-this-great-scenery" type tourist shots.

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MINI William
11th September 2017, 02:58 PM
YAY !!!
We were gonna have a drive o'er the Queensferry Crossing but after reading the stories of 6 miles tailbacks I think we'll leave that idea for another visit.

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What time are you crossing it Pete. Last few days I've seen it it's been ok bad rush hour which was no worse than FRB

11th September 2017, 03:30 PM
What time are you crossing it Pete. Last few days I've seen it it's been ok bad rush hour which was no worse than FRB

I've not too sure to be honest William but it would probably be on Friday about 18:00ish as we head up to Perth.

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12th September 2017, 06:00 AM
So looking forward to this xxx

12th September 2017, 07:20 AM
So looking forward to this xxx

Ace innit, there's nothing better than looking forward to a great MINI weekend away 'on the twisties' NMS style :thumbs up:

12th September 2017, 10:38 AM
I ALWAYS look forward to NMS events but especially so with this one.

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12th September 2017, 12:25 PM
Very last minute but I've book a room in the harbour lights B&B it looks to be a couple of minutes from the royal

12th September 2017, 01:50 PM
Very last minute but I've book a room in the harbour lights B&B it looks to be a couple of minutes from the royal

been toying with the same idea as i'm off work next week....

12th September 2017, 01:55 PM
been toying with the same idea as i'm off work next week....

She has 1 twin room left the royal an the arch are both full. Not even a spare cupboard to curl up in I did ask

12th September 2017, 04:49 PM
Brian, Christina, do you want to meet up at Hermi Gate, or are you staying in Perth on the Friday?

Crombers, where can I see the run notes? Apologies if its obvious!! What time do you think we will finish at EDC on the Sunday?

So looking forward to this, especially after the great run to The Mothership.

12th September 2017, 05:45 PM
Sounds good to me will talk to the boss xx

12th September 2017, 07:02 PM
Brian, Christina, do you want to meet up at Hermi Gate, or are you staying in Perth on the Friday?

Crombers, where can I see the run notes? Apologies if its obvious!! What time do you think we will finish at EDC on the Sunday?

So looking forward to this, especially after the great run to The Mothership.

Will post the run notes up tonight, will also have plenty of copies for everyone on Saturday :thumbs up:

I reckon we'll be at EDC by 2pm as we are looking at a 9am depart from Ullapool

- - - Updated - - -

Very last minute but I've book a room in the harbour lights B&B it looks to be a couple of minutes from the royal

Excellent stuff, welcome aboard. You won't be far at all from the Royal, everywhere in Ullapool is within walking distance :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

been toying with the same idea as i'm off work next week....

You won't regret it, keep us posted :thumbs up:

12th September 2017, 08:18 PM
Will I be able to nab a shot of someones walkie talkie I won't have a passenger to check the notes if we get split up

12th September 2017, 09:26 PM
Will I be able to nab a shot of someones walkie talkie I won't have a passenger to check the notes if we get split up

Ah yes, I'm sure the NMS family can sort something out for you. We also usually have an experienced rear gunner to pick up any mishaps :thumbs up:

Can we have a heads up for spare radios, including myself & Mark :thumbs up:

12th September 2017, 09:31 PM
I should have a spare radio. It's not great but it works.

12th September 2017, 09:34 PM
I should have a spare radio. It's not great but it works.

Cheers Malcolm :thumbs up:

13th September 2017, 01:33 AM
Allan can I have a paper copy of the run notes if possible please ?
I know it's hard to believe but we don't have a printer at home !!!

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13th September 2017, 08:49 PM
Paper copies are all ready for all runners & riders :hand:

13th September 2017, 08:59 PM
Paper copies are all ready for all runners & riders :hand:

Thank you kindly.

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14th September 2017, 09:21 AM
Hope you all have fun this weekend in the Highlands [emoji106]. And enjoy your wee tour of Scotland Pete, the scenery will blow your socks off [emoji2]. Looking forward to all the photos ...

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14th September 2017, 10:08 AM
Have a brilliant time folks! Wishing you all some fun, safe days on some of the finest roads in the world. The company's not too shabby either :smilewinkgrin: I'd be there but I'm off to Kinloch Rannoch tomorrow for a few days to watch two black Labradors eat a timeshare apartment...

Mon the fish
14th September 2017, 10:50 AM
What's the ETA on Gairnsheil/The Lecht?

14th September 2017, 11:17 AM
What's the ETA on Gairnsheil/The Lecht?

We are scheduled to leave Broxden at 09:30 & apart from regroups the Lecht is our first stop. I'd say midday'ish, would be great if you could (R53, hint) pop by & say hello :hand:

Mon the fish
14th September 2017, 11:27 AM
We are scheduled to leave Broxden at 09:30 & apart from regroups the Lecht is our first stop. I'd say midday'ish, would be great if you could (R53, hint) pop by & say hello :hand:

Can't promise but will try. You'd honestly prefer to see an R53 over a 550!?

What you doing for lunch - you got a planned stop?

14th September 2017, 11:59 AM
550 if you insist :drool: lunch at the Lecht Cafe, nowt fancy, plenty parking :thumbs up:

Mon the fish
14th September 2017, 02:17 PM
Lecht cafe is ok, plenty parking; Goodbrand & Ross a few miles before is nicer IMO (fantastic soup and a shop to keep the females occupied :p)

14th September 2017, 03:26 PM
Lecht cafe is ok, plenty parking; Goodbrand & Ross a few miles before is nicer IMO (fantastic soup and a shop to keep the females occupied :p)

Always up for local knowledge, lunch stop now at G&B (sorry boys credit cards lol) Corgarff :thumbs up:

14th September 2017, 10:30 PM
Gaaaahhhh.... what's the route?? I've tried to see if the notes are on here but couldn't find them (probably skipped right past them!!). Seeing as it sounds like you're pretty much passing our door it would be rude not to try and say hello/tag along for a bit! [emoji848]

14th September 2017, 11:56 PM
Julz, would be great to see you all.

15th September 2017, 12:51 AM
Hope you all have fun this weekend in the Highlands [emoji106]. And enjoy your wee tour of Scotland Pete, the scenery will blow your socks off [emoji2]. Looking forward to all the photos ...

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Will do Craig, thank you.
We're aiming to see a tad more than I've seen before but save a lot for more excuses to head up again.
The EOS 70D's batteries are fully charged and I'll take as many pics as I can.
I may even take one or two good ones this time.

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15th September 2017, 05:45 AM

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Mon the fish
15th September 2017, 06:04 AM
Gaaaahhhh.... what's the route?? I've tried to see if the notes are on here but couldn't find them (probably skipped right past them!!). Seeing as it sounds like you're pretty much passing our door it would be rude not to try and say hello/tag along for a bit! [emoji848]A93 from Perth, through Braemar, then Gairnshiel and A939 towards Tomintoul. Once they're at Grantown, not sure if they're going via Carrbridge or Dava Moor to get to Inverness

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15th September 2017, 07:20 AM
A93 from Perth, through Braemar, then Gairnshiel and A939 towards Tomintoul. Once they're at Grantown, not sure if they're going via Carrbridge or Dava Moor to get to Inverness

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Cheers, I saw there was a leaving time from Perth of 9.30 so that means passing my way about 9.50/10! [emoji848] I will discuss with the boys tonight and see if I can convince them of an adventure, even if we can join in for lunch! No promises though, means them dragging their carcasses out of bed earlier than they'd want!

Malcolm it would be fantastic to see you guys too!! [emoji8]

Mon the fish
15th September 2017, 09:09 AM
Right chaps and chapesses, a little bit of Highland etiquette. Liz is at her Highland but 'n' ben just now, so obviously you need to give her a rousing welcome. 7 miles after leaving Braemar, you'll see a blue sign saying 'Police Notice - No Stopping'. 100 yards or so after this, after you pass a couple of houses on the right, you'll see the flag flying on the top of the castle straight in front of you.

What this means is that once you get into the tree cover, just before you turn onto the B976, you all need to toot the horn like mad. She likes this, makes her feel all warm and fuzzy :smilewinkgrin:

Safe trip folks :thumbs up:

15th September 2017, 09:24 AM
Right chaps and chapesses, a little bit of Highland etiquette. Liz is at her Highland but 'n' ben just now, so obviously you need to give her a rousing welcome. 7 miles after leaving Braemar, you'll see a blue sign saying 'Police Notice - No Stopping'. 100 yards or so after this, after you pass a couple of houses on the right, you'll see the flag flying on the top of the castle straight in front of you.

What this means is that once you get into the tree cover, just before you turn onto the B976, you all need to toot the horn like mad. She likes this, makes her feel all warm and fuzzy :smilewinkgrin:

Safe trip folks :thumbs up:

Ooooh, I didn't know that. Maybe she'd like me to play her some Slipknot at full blast as well.

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15th September 2017, 10:58 AM
Apologies to those looking for run notes, I haven't been able to attach to the thread due to my forgetfulness whilst having access to a PC. Would be great to see any of you guys on route after leaving Broxden. Our route will take us up the A9 before cutting off onto the A923 towards Birnam/Dunkeld passing through Butterstone, Forneth & Kinloch. We then take the A93 Balmoral Rd & regroup in the car park (that we have used many a time) around the 27 mile mark prior to heading up to Bridge of Calley & Spittal of Glenshee :thumbs up:

15th September 2017, 11:26 AM
Fab, I'll maybe see about meeting you at the car park there then, I think first used as a re-group point back on my Harvest Run about 14 years ago! :lol:

Will confirm what the heck I'll be doing before tomorrow, may meet you in Perth and just bunk off once you're in Blair! [emoji1303]

15th September 2017, 12:38 PM
Fab, I'll maybe see about meeting you at the car park there then, I think first used as a re-group point back on my Harvest Run about 14 years ago! :lol:

Will confirm what the heck I'll be doing before tomorrow, may meet you in Perth and just bunk off once you're in Blair! [emoji1303]

The very car park & my first run back in 2004 :thumbs up:

Hopefully see you at some point tomorrow

15th September 2017, 02:14 PM
Right chaps and chapesses, a little bit of Highland etiquette. Liz is at her Highland but 'n' ben just now, so obviously you need to give her a rousing welcome. 7 miles after leaving Braemar, you'll see a blue sign saying 'Police Notice - No Stopping'. 100 yards or so after this, after you pass a couple of houses on the right, you'll see the flag flying on the top of the castle straight in front of you.

What this means is that once you get into the tree cover, just before you turn onto the B976, you all need to toot the horn like mad. She likes this, makes her feel all warm and fuzzy :smilewinkgrin:

Safe trip folks :thumbs up:

This is good information Gordon, surprised she's not organised refreshments on the lawn for you.

Have yourselves a great weekend guys, I'll be wishing I was there instead of the wedding... well until the first few pints are down anyway, purely medicinal.

15th September 2017, 03:17 PM
Hope you all have an amazing time. I am so gutted we aren't going to this, very jealous of you all! Looking forward to the pics already [emoji13]

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15th September 2017, 03:26 PM
Ok folks, looking at a depart time of 09:30 from Broxden Services. For those who fancy a breakfast beforehand The Harvester is open from 07:30 with a full breakie starting at £4.99. We are aiming for an 08:30 arrival for those wishing to join us :thumbs up:

15th September 2017, 06:45 PM
Ok folks, looking at a depart time of 09:30 from Broxden Services. For those who fancy a breakfast beforehand The Harvester is open from 07:30 with a full breakie starting at £4.99. We are aiming for an 08:30 arrival for those wishing to join us :thumbs up:

We'll be O.K. for time, depending on how much traffic there is on the 3 mile run from The Holiday Inn.

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15th September 2017, 07:39 PM
I'm aiming to be there for about 9ish it's a 2 and a half hour drive down for me

15th September 2017, 08:58 PM
Ive sent my mobile number via PM to y'all :thumbs up:

MINI William
16th September 2017, 07:51 AM
Have a great time everyone

16th September 2017, 10:20 AM
Hope everyone has a great time, feels really strange being at home when there's a NMS outing on.

Looking forward to all the photos and stories I'm sure will follow [emoji1303]

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16th September 2017, 03:09 PM
Good to see/meet you all! Sorry I never got a chance to speak to everyone, hard to get round everyone when you trying to catch up with old friends! Would love to have continued on, felt weird returning home and having no other more minis to follow! :lol:

Mon the fish
16th September 2017, 08:41 PM
Good to see you all, and hope the weather improved from lunch!

I got home on fumes, damn R53 fuel consumption [emoji23]

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17th September 2017, 09:42 PM
Home save after a great weekend. Thanks to Karen and Crombers for top notch organisation. Will post up more tomorrow when I've had a sleep.

18th September 2017, 12:51 PM
Massive thank you to Crombers and Karen. first time being on the Highland tour and first time I've really explored the west coast. organisation was excellent and the goodie bags were a great idea. Really enjoyed myself and definitely felt my confidence rebuilding as we neared the end of the run.

Mon the fish
18th September 2017, 06:23 PM
Good to see you all, and sounds like Crombers sorted you all out for a cracking weekend.

My 2p for next year:
- NC500 goes from strength to strength, which is bad for us drivers IMO as it makes narrow roads very busy and further limits accommodation options
- Lack of accommodation for a decent size party makes Inn at Torridon one of the few options IMO. Bonus of good food and nice selection of beers. Applecross Inn is booked up a year in advance!
- Lots of European campervans. Traditionally our continental friends take their hols later than us, so May might be a better option if you want the roads quieter. Definitely outwith the school holidays

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18th September 2017, 06:35 PM
Pretty much 'nail on' Gordon, the roads are definitely busier than pre NC500 inception back in 2015. Still a blast though & as you say it's really only the single track stuff that can be a pain but hey ho we don't own the road.

Also meant to add that most of us took 'nada' pics as our resident photographer & favourite Yorkshireman took care of all that stuff & will be along at some point after his wee hol to share the trip with one & all :thumbs up:

18th September 2017, 10:55 PM
Having real problems with Photobucket, can anyone suggest another picture host that allows free 3rd party posting, ie. to NMS.
Have uploaded photos from my files, hope they are OK for now.

Minis are still small amongst other Rollers!

Pete claims this view for Yorkshire

View from Bealach-Na-Ba on a clear day - wonderful

Don't you love it when a plan comes together

Highland Tour 2017

Harmony or poetry?

- - - Updated

18th September 2017, 11:09 PM
Brilliant pics Malcolm :thumbs up:

18th September 2017, 11:25 PM
Allan, didn't go to the pub either. After we parted company, I joined a convoy following 2 artic's both hauling a load of large rocks. Because of rain and darkness we were doing 25mph, with nobody getting passed, all the way from Lochearnhead to Stirling. A long way. When we reached the motorway at Stirling it was mayhem as everybody tried to overtake each other. Didn't get home till 9.45pm and hadn't the willpower to walk to the pub.

Really enjoyed the weekend, the company and the driving. Yes the "bubble has burst" now we officially have "The North 500" but they are still fantastic roads to drive and I would still argue that despite the 40 or so exotic cars staying at the Royal, the Mini is still the best weapon of choice for these roads. Thanks again for all the effort Karen and you made for the run to go so smoothly. Being lead car isn't easy, but you set a good pace and made good decisions throughout the trip.

Think Pete was like "a kid in a chocolate shop". Ali and him need to get dual passports!! (South) Yorkshire and Scottish.

Ali, the number of Yetis we saw, I will I had the Skoda franchise in Ullapool. Certainly not "mystic" in the Highlands.

Mon the fish
19th September 2017, 06:04 AM
Goodbrand & Ross have put some pics up of the cars on their FB page.

And I'm sure that Rolls-Royce is local to me, the guy does use it which is wonderful

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19th September 2017, 08:00 AM
Firstly, a huge thank you to Allan & Karen for organising was has been a fantastic few days away.
The roads, scenery and company were mind blowing.
Thank you one and all for your company, laughs and the memories you have help make for us.
Gordon, it was great to finally put a face to the forum name and your car is just unbelievable.
The trip was ended with myself, Al & Davy being the last folk in the bar. Some traditions just can not be broken.
I'll post up pics when I get home but the 10 hours plus worth of video that I've taken may take me a while to sort, edit and upload !!!

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MINI William
19th September 2017, 09:08 AM
Having real problems with Photobucket, can anyone suggest another picture host that allows free 3rd party posting, ie. to NMS.
Have uploaded photos from my files, hope they are OK for now.

Minis are still small amongst other Rollers!

Pete claims this view for Yorkshire

View from Bealach-Na-Ba on a clear day - wonderful

Don't you love it when a plan comes together

Highland Tour 2017

Harmony or poetry?

- - - Updated

Best to use Flikr now Malcolm. As you've noticed Photobucket have now started to charge for sharing images.

Looks like Ike everyone had a great time.

19th September 2017, 12:52 PM
Thanks William, will get switched over asap

19th September 2017, 01:43 PM
Goodbrand & Ross have put some pics up of the cars on their FB page.

And I'm sure that Rolls-Royce is local to me, the guy does use it which is wonderful

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A stunning car & as you say absolutely brilliant that it's used as should be. It could easily be a museum piece but cars were made to drive :thumbs up:

Just saw the pics on G&B, excellent stuff

19th September 2017, 08:23 PM
A wee update:
Before we went I told Davy that I'd roughly worked out the mileage to "just o'er 1200 miles" in a text last Friday morning.
The actual mileage we did in total was 1203.5.
I can't believe that I was 0.29% out !!!

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19th September 2017, 09:34 PM
0.29% extra fun, well worth coming North for!!

21st September 2017, 11:27 AM
I've finally managed to sort out mi pics.
I'll post a few of my favourites (edited) on here and then the link to the full Flickr album below.


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21st September 2017, 11:44 AM
Great photos Pete :thumbs up:

21st September 2017, 12:26 PM
Smashing photos Pete [emoji106][emoji2]

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21st September 2017, 12:49 PM
Smashing pics Pete, great advert for HT8 :thumbs up:

21st September 2017, 01:58 PM
Awesome pictures Pete.went and had a look at the full album love the photo of your roof looking out into the harbour with the solitaire

21st September 2017, 02:05 PM
excellent pictures

Mon the fish
21st September 2017, 02:17 PM
Cracking photos :thumbs up:

See what I was saying about how some Scottish folk haven't seen scenery like that? How could you not when it's in your own country!?

Random thought about the next HT - what about taking in Skye, via the boat from Mallaig? Arriving by boat is the proper way to arrive IMO, it's only £15 for a car with 2 people, and as we know the road to Mallaig is epic. Say Friday night Mallaig, Saturday night Torridon after driving round Skye, home Sunday?

21st September 2017, 03:33 PM
Amazing photos of the weekend Pete.... how'd you have time to do any driving?

21st September 2017, 04:21 PM
Great photos Pete :thumbs up:
Thank you.

Smashing photos Pete [emoji106][emoji2]
Thank you

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Smashing pics Pete, great advert for HT8 :thumbs up:
Thank you

Awesome pictures Pete.went and had a look at the full album love the photo of your roof looking out into the harbour with the solitaire
Thanks, I quite like that one as well.

excellent pictures
Thank you kindly.

Cracking photos :thumbs up:

See what I was saying about how some Scottish folk haven't seen scenery like that? How could you not when it's in your own country!?

Yes, it's a very strange not to visit various places if you're in the same country as stunning scenery that's THAT good.

Amazing photos of the weekend Pete.... how'd you have time to do any driving?
It's easy enough when Allan & Karen had pre-planned some photo stops for me.
The part we did on our own was just a steady tootle around places that I'd researched on Google Maps knowing that I'd be stopping for loads of pics on the way.

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21st September 2017, 04:46 PM
Three more that I've just edited ready for posting on Instagram.
The top of Bealach na Ba with the Mountains of Skye about 21 miles away in the distance.

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21st September 2017, 10:07 PM
Great pics and great video. Well done Pete. Scottish tourist board would be proud of these.

21st September 2017, 10:11 PM
Great pics and great video. Well done Pete. Scottish tourist board would be proud of these.

Kind words indeed Malcolm, many thanks.

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Alex from NM
26th September 2017, 06:33 PM
Ah looks like this was amazing. Hope you all had a great time. Hoping to be there next year. Was just too tight on holidays this year for us to make.

30th September 2017, 08:45 AM
Cracking video, excellent work.

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