View Full Version : R50 rear top mount bush

1st July 2016, 07:24 PM
Anyone know if you can buy jus oem bushes?had a google bushes were 16 postage was 45 hahaha so thats out question.
Rear bout power flex ones snapping shocks,since its wifes mptor just wanting standard


1st July 2016, 07:33 PM
I've never heard that about power flex bushes. I've had them fitted all round on most of my cars without an issue. Not so sure how they'd snap shocks. I'm not so sure that the rear have a top mount bush I've checked the diagram and can't see a bush listed ... You got a part number or link and I'll try and help

1st July 2016, 07:41 PM

Thats the link to ppl sayin it snaps the shock(dono how thatd happen)

https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=cooper+rear+top+mount+bushings&client=ms-android-samsung&sa=X&biw=320&bih=452&noj=1&tbs=vw:l&tbm=shop&srpd=15159357159078136713&prds=num:1,of:1,paur:ClkAsKraX9b54yLASxNlu6ZwCWqvv PftufNIAwI2Jm9Jlj2cv56RzLl7fUEQgfNZK62J_Xy58dtHGnS 0rMwcv18Ie1ChX8DXSbc02QGiGD9IoFpOxYuMcFGbkxIZAFPVH 73qp_0i6hnePANyxVxQEwS03xGpaA&ved=0ahUKEwjirLen9dLNAhWGJSwKHfE1CJYQgjYI2QEwAA&ei=TLl2V-LWF4bLsAHx66CwCQ thats for jus the bush/insert

1st July 2016, 07:47 PM
If your looking for OEM parts go to realoem

1st July 2016, 07:55 PM
Will have a look bud cheers

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Dono if that'll work but might be number 5?? Gettin a rattling ever since changing thw rear coil