View Full Version : Crombers

Big Gordy
28th June 2016, 06:03 PM
On the M8 about 4:40pm heading West just after the Kingston bridge :thumbs up:
Car was looking nice and shiney :cool:
I was in the Audi heading East stuck in the slow moving outside lane at the time :frown:

28th June 2016, 11:11 PM
^^ ah the wee man was spotted. Sorry I missed you earlier Crombers ...

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29th June 2016, 12:09 AM
Yup that was me returning (slowly) from Larbert after the wee man's makeover :thumbs up:

- - - Updated - - -

^^ ah the wee man was spotted. Sorry I missed you earlier Crombers ...

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No probs at all mate, work comes first :thumbs up: