View Full Version : Aberdeenshire Meet/Run 28th Aug 2016

11th May 2016, 11:43 AM
Hi folks, I'm doing a meet and shortish run in Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire in August. There has been a large number of new members from the area joining the site and it would be great if we could establish the area again with regular meets and the odd run.

So, I've put together a rough outline and starting point will be the car park of the company XIC on Wellington Circle. It is right opposite the entrance to IKEA and there is also a BK and Shell garage just 30 seconds on foot from the start point so plenty choice for food, drinks and fuel if required. Post code for this is AB12 3JG. Meet time will be 10:30am and we'll aim to set off by 11am.

My initial thoughts were to head out South Deeside Road and then turn off at Banchory to head over the Cairn o Mount. Following that we'll wind our way down through Fettercairn, Edzel and pop out at Brechin where I thought we could finish at the Castle Centre or somewhere like that. After a quick look on Google Maps it would be about a 50-55 mile run taking approximately 1 hour to 1h 30m depending on where we stop along the way.

The idea by going south rather than north is it affords the opportunity for those members from the south to come up and join us and not end up even further away from their homes at the end of the run, even though by my admission the roads to the north/west are probably more fun.

Laid out in Google (hope this works) https://goo.gl/maps/HKhtcJwoJ782

There have been a number of attempts in the past to get something like this to happen so lets really make a push.



Sunday 28th August

1. Neil
2. Mada
3. Brian
4. William
5. MartyMcFly
6. Andrew
7. Lawrence
8. Craig
9. JamesFox
10. ABZ_Gus
11. Kev

RUN NOTES (http://newminiscotland.co.uk/run_notes/2016/CairnO'MountRun16.pdf)

11th May 2016, 01:31 PM
Great idea Neil and thanks for taking the time to organise something for the club [emoji2]. I think your plan is a good one and will be welcomed by most I think [emoji106]. If you need any advice, you know where I am.

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11th May 2016, 03:09 PM
Obviously can't commit until we/you have a date set, but I'd definitely be up for that. :thumbs up:

11th May 2016, 09:52 PM
hi Neil, put me down as interested, just a note sunday the 31st august, is not a sunday ;) its a wednesday

12th May 2016, 08:50 AM
hi Neil, put me down as interested, just a note sunday the 31st august, is not a sunday ;) its a wednesday

Will do!

Thanks for the heads up, just looked at my calendar again and was thinking nope, the 31st is definitely a Sunday...no Neil, that's the 31st July!

12th May 2016, 10:12 AM
Sounds good shift depending..
Please someone else is organising things... Usually the same folks...

well done...

MINI William
14th May 2016, 09:07 AM
Add me to the list Neil. I'll pop up

MINI William
14th May 2016, 02:54 PM
Also made a sticky

15th May 2016, 07:43 AM
Pencil me in for either date, but again I won't be sure until much nearer the time.

15th May 2016, 10:35 AM
Would definitely be interested in the august date

18th May 2016, 11:06 AM
Thanks so far to those who've said they can make it. I appreciate we're still a good bit away so a decision won't be made until slightly nearer the time once we know which date suits most.

Can I also point out that as per run rules, this run will be driven in accordance with road conditions and speed limits. I remember prior to my first run I was worried it would be too fast and it was quite the opposite, a nice enjoyable pace. We're there to simply admire the Mini for what it is, enjoy some good roads, some good company and make sure everyone is enjoying themselves. I toyed with the idea of calling it the South Aberdeenshire Stroll as realistically that's what it'll be :thumbs up:

For those of you who cannot make it, I'm really hoping we can start a bi-monthly coffee, cakes and cars in Aberdeen which would be a regular meet similar to the one held in Perth earlier in the year. Again, idea would be to meet somewhere with plenty space for a blether and a look at each others cars (modded or not!). It means once we've had our get together people can arrange an impromptu blast or simply head home again.

MINI William
18th May 2016, 11:12 AM
Thanks so far to those who've said they can make it. I appreciate we're still a good bit away so a decision won't be made until slightly nearer the time once we know which date suits most.

Can I also point out that as per run rules, this run will be driven in accordance with road conditions and speed limits. I remember prior to my first run I was worried it would be too fast and it was quite the opposite, a nice enjoyable pace. We're there to simply admire the Mini for what it is, enjoy some good roads, some good company and make sure everyone is enjoying themselves. I toyed with the idea of calling it the South Aberdeenshire Stroll as realistically that's what it'll be :thumbs up:

For those of you who cannot make it, I'm really hoping we can start a bi-monthly coffee, cakes and cars in Aberdeen which would be a regular meet similar to the one held in Perth earlier in the year. Again, idea would be to meet somewhere with plenty space for a blether and a look at each others cars (modded or not!). It means once we've had our get together people can arrange an impromptu blast or simply head home again.

:thumbs up: Spot on Neil

18th May 2016, 01:10 PM
Plans sound great Neil, would be interested in the bi monthly meets too!

18th May 2016, 01:45 PM
28th sounds good, count me in

18th May 2016, 03:13 PM
Should be ok for either date Neil, but I'll need to confirm nearer the time. Great idea for a get together more regularly for the north east contingent [emoji2]

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18th May 2016, 04:35 PM
Should be ok for either date Neil, but I'll need to confirm nearer the time. Great idea for a get together more regularly for the north east contingent [emoji2]

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Aye NMSNE haha!

18th May 2016, 05:57 PM
I would be up for either date. Glad to see there are quite a few mini enthusiasts in the north east

18th May 2016, 06:46 PM
Like the idea of the cars and coffee would go to that as well

19th May 2016, 05:33 PM
Like the idea of the cars and coffee would go to that as well

When I get a chance to sit down and look at dates I will start a new thread with a date and simply see who turns up on said date :D. When can then discuss taking it in turns to organise the next one etc.

20th May 2016, 12:25 AM
I can make August the 4th and keen for regular meets in the Aberdeen area. Just my 2 cents: A great route is South Deeside Road, Cairn O'Mount, back roads to Stonehaven via Glensaugh and Tewel, then Slug Road (or Netherley Road) back to the South Deeside and back to Aberdeen. Could stop in Banchory for ice cream, on top of Cairn O'Mount and Stonehaven for photos on the Pier as an idea. More than happy to help out with planning and prep for the run. Can we make sure we plan it on a sunny day please?

20th May 2016, 01:22 PM
I can make August the 4th and keen for regular meets in the Aberdeen area. Just my 2 cents: A great route is South Deeside Road, Cairn O'Mount, back roads to Stonehaven via Glensaugh and Tewel, then Slug Road (or Netherley Road) back to the South Deeside and back to Aberdeen. Could stop in Banchory for ice cream, on top of Cairn O'Mount and Stonehaven for photos on the Pier as an idea. More than happy to help out with planning and prep for the run. Can we make sure we plan it on a sunny day please?

Thanks Mike. I've already put in the request for a sunny day, just waiting for confirmation but I'm told my chances are quite good as I'm booking well in advance.

As far as the route goes, yes, nothing set in stone yet. The only reason for dropping out a little further down the A90 was to make it easier for folks coming from the South to get away easier :thumbs up:

22nd May 2016, 10:34 AM
Can I also point out that as per run rules, this run will be driven in accordance with road conditions and speed limits.

Don't fence me in, you're not my real mom!

22nd May 2016, 03:20 PM
I should be down to do either weekend!

23rd May 2016, 08:59 AM
Don't fence me in, you're not my real mom!


I should be down to do either weekend!

Added :thumbs up:

13th June 2016, 01:15 PM
Looking to go out and reccy a route on the weekend of 16th or 17th July if anyone fancies tagging along. I've added a couple more to the first page so as it stands it looks like the August date will swing it.

13th June 2016, 10:05 PM
I could potentially manage to help out on the 16th. 17th is the scottish car show date.

7th July 2016, 09:55 PM
Just bought my first ever mini.

Would love to join the meet on 28th August.


11th July 2016, 11:41 AM
Just bought my first ever mini.

Would love to join the meet on 28th August.


Nice one, I've added you to the list.

Mark, I've not ignored your comment about the reccy, just not found the time yet to go and do it :(

Looking at the dates, I'd say we're probably going to go with the 28th of August so will need to get it done soon and publish the run notes.

MINI William
28th July 2016, 04:25 PM
Is it going to be the 28th? If so ill amend the title to include the date

29th July 2016, 09:20 AM
Yeah, sorry William, I have been meaning to do that for a couple of days now.

Going with the 28th as it seems most can make that date. Notes will be up closer to the time but the route identified on the first page is what I'm sticking to.

29th July 2016, 11:00 AM
My parents have recently booked a holiday for that week so im no longer going to manage to attend. Real shame was looking forward to meeting some of the local members.

MINI William
29th July 2016, 01:19 PM
Yeah, sorry William, I have been meaning to do that for a couple of days now.

Going with the 28th as it seems most can make that date. Notes will be up closer to the time but the route identified on the first page is what I'm sticking to.

Fantastic :thumbs up:

29th July 2016, 04:16 PM
My parents have recently booked a holiday for that week so im no longer going to manage to attend. Real shame was looking forward to meeting some of the local members.

That's a shame Mark. I've toyed with the idea of doing a coffee and cars meet up here but if I'm honest, I've just not had the time to really look at it.

Perhaps one of the other local members could set something up and we could make it a regular thing!

Enjoy the holiday!!!! :cool:

29th July 2016, 04:17 PM
Would love there to be a c&c up here.

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29th July 2016, 04:50 PM
Would love there to be a c&c up here.

Sent from my LG-H815 using Tapatalk

The stage is yours Mark! :thumbs up: Will start a new thread as the issue I had was choosing a location but perhaps locals can help choose one.

I have updated the original post on the first page with dates and also with a link to google which outlines the route. I will obviously publish proper run notes but for the time being it gives everyone a good chance to see what the plan is. I would hope that if the weather is nice we can stop on the Cairn o Mount as long as it's not too busy.

1st August 2016, 03:18 PM
sounds perfect have we got an idea on a meeting time

3rd August 2016, 09:01 AM
sounds perfect have we got an idea on a meeting time

Sorry, I could have sworn I had that on the first page. Meet for 11am and set off around 11:30. That should give everyone who's not local enough time to get here.

4th August 2016, 08:51 AM
Hi all! I'm in Aberdeen and would love to join in regularly, not been an active participant yet in these things, when I first bought my Mini I did look into it but it seemed to be mainly a vintage mini crowd up here.
Unfortunately I'm away on a hen weekend on the 28th :( but I'd certainly be up for future runs/meets. Just wanted to drop a quick message to say hi!


5th August 2016, 09:02 AM
Hi all! I'm in Aberdeen and would love to join in regularly, not been an active participant yet in these things, when I first bought my Mini I did look into it but it seemed to be mainly a vintage mini crowd up here.
Unfortunately I'm away on a hen weekend on the 28th :( but I'd certainly be up for future runs/meets. Just wanted to drop a quick message to say hi!


Hey Lianne,

Not a problem. Mark is organising a coffee and cars meet so hopefully there will be something else in the pipeline shortly. As mentioned we'd really like to get a more regular meet going up here as there are plenty of Mini's going around.

11th August 2016, 09:32 PM
Latest schedule has me coming home on the 24th, which should work out quite well. I'll try to get the seats in before we meet, and the run should be a good test of the new coils.

15th August 2016, 01:20 PM
Latest schedule has me coming home on the 24th, which should work out quite well. I'll try to get the seats in before we meet, and the run should be a good test of the new coils.

Nice one, glad to hear it. Looking forward to seeing your Mini in the flesh, pics look ace!

19th August 2016, 08:19 AM
Morning folks, just to let you know I've pulled the run time forward by 30 minutes so we'll be meeting anytime between 10:30 and 11 and setting off at 11am.

Run notes should also be appearing on the first page in the next couple of days.

MINI William
19th August 2016, 10:38 AM
Run notes will be up tonight :yes nod:.

19th August 2016, 03:43 PM
Definitely be there

19th August 2016, 05:34 PM
looking forward to it

MINI William
19th August 2016, 08:57 PM
Run notes are uploaded to post 1

MINI William
24th August 2016, 10:17 AM
Really looking forward to this :yes nod:

24th August 2016, 10:59 AM
printed off the run notes it should be fun

25th August 2016, 10:42 AM
printed off the run notes it should be fun

Here's hoping. Weather right now is not looking great but that won't dampen our spirits. Just take it easy on the bends ;)

26th August 2016, 02:04 AM
Going to have to pull outta this one. Shifts say it's a no no this time..

Have fun folks.

27th August 2016, 09:47 PM
Really annoyed im missing out on this one. Will need to soak up my tears with a beer in the sun of corfu. poor me.

MINI William
28th August 2016, 07:13 AM
See everyone soon

28th August 2016, 07:29 AM
I'll be heading up as well, see you all later [emoji1303]

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28th August 2016, 07:52 AM
Have fun guys were carrying on Sam's birthday weekend

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28th August 2016, 11:23 AM
Have fun today guys and girls and be safe. ;)

28th August 2016, 12:47 PM
Any pics for sharing yet or you all having to much fun.. Driving a desk ain't no fun....

28th August 2016, 04:31 PM
Big thanks to Neil for today's run and entertainment (you had to be there) well organised and well run ,pics later and till the next one :yes nod:

MINI William
28th August 2016, 06:27 PM
A huge thank you to Neil for organising today, these that never made it definitely missed out. Great to finally put faces to names. Great roads, people and pace

28th August 2016, 08:50 PM
Great day out, well worth the drive up. Thanks for organising the run Neil, I'll definitely be back next year if you decide to do it again :thumbs up:

28th August 2016, 11:51 PM
Sorry we missed it. Need some pictures?

29th August 2016, 08:51 AM
Morning folks! Thanks to all those who made it along yesterday. Slightly nervous as it was my first run but was very straight forward in the end. Not the longest run but the roads were great, especially the climb up the Cairn o Mount.

Two highlights of the day, the sound of Andrew's exhaust popping and burbling as we set off from the garden centre, and at the garden centres itself, 30% off because we only got paper plates :)

Already started thinking about next year's run and how to shape a route that takes in a bit more of Aberdeenshire.

ps - I didn't take any pictures (sorry) but I think Brian possibly snapped a couple and Martin had has GoPro on the car so might see something from that!

29th August 2016, 12:03 PM
This will probably be my last post as I will probably be kicked off the site .Neil you did well with organising the run I had fun for about ten minutes till you all drove off into the sunset like fast and furious looking for a truck to robe.I have been on runs with the mg owners club and the mg car club and have never seen such a disrespect for cars at the back of a convoy.Mr. Harper it was not entertainment but my opinion.Im sure l was the topic of a laugh and a joke.The site has a lot of good people on it and it's a shame a few spoilled it.I apologize for my actions yesterday but had to be said it's a pity other people couldn't.

29th August 2016, 01:11 PM
This will probably be my last post as I will probably be kicked off the site .Neil you did well with organising the run I had fun for about ten minutes till you all drove off into the sunset like fast and furious looking for a truck to robe.I have been on runs with the mg owners club and the mg car club and have never seen such a disrespect for cars at the back of a convoy.Mr. Harper it was not entertainment but my opinion.Im sure l was the topic of a laugh and a joke.The site has a lot of good people on it and it's a shame a few spoilled it.I apologize for my actions yesterday but had to be said it's a pity other people couldn't.

First off you had a view that was not shared with anyone else on yesterday's run.why that would lead to you being "kicked off " seems strange .maybe you have been "removed"before on other forums ?
The hardest part of a run is keeping everyone together (regardless of numbers) this is due to a variety of reasons such as roundabouts ,traffic lights and junctions ,where everyone is at the mercy /luck of traffic situations that no one has any control over .
in these circumstances it is vital that who ever has become separated makes every effort to keep an eye on the car in front (digital lemming slowed up and waited as much as traffic would allow) but it is more than likely in these circumstances we will get split up and that is why stops are built into the runs so we can catch up /regroup .This was all discussed with you on the run and explained and you were offered a place at the front behind the run organiser , the fact that you had been passed by other cars out for a run and complained to us about this is out with our control .At no time did we exceed 30 or 40 mph through any such designated places as you voiced yesterday ,at no time did episode 8 of fast and furious take place .At no time after you left was your name or that of your passenger brought into disrepute ,we genuinely thought that we could have continued with you behind Neil for the rest of the run but you left (that was unnecessary ) You need to attend again Andrew and we can make sure that you are behind the run leader .

MINI William
29th August 2016, 03:26 PM
As discussed yesterday Andrew your view of the new Fast and Furious film being produced was not shared by any of the other drivers or passengers of the run. This was not a fast paced run by any means. I'm sorry that you felt it was, but as discussed yesterday no matter the size of the pack or speed whoever is at the back will always have an element of catch up due to traffic on the roads, roundabouts and lights etc. The factor of all of these contributing factors was that all speed limits where met at all times.

Why you would be "kicked off" NMS is beyond me, possibly you have raised your opinion on other forums and it has lead to this but this is not the case. At no point after your unnecessary departure after being offered to go straight behind Neil (Run Organiser) was you or your daughter name brought into conversation Good or Bad.

I would suggest that you attended other runs as there is no reason for you not to contribute to NMS, and go further to the front where needing to catch up with the pack isn't as difficult when traffic, roundabouts and other factors mean you get cut off.

29th August 2016, 07:36 PM
Andrew, as the run organiser I am very disappointed that you feel this way. As Brian and William have pointed out, you will become separated from the group and play an element of catch up depending on traffic, junctions etc if you are at the back. Certainly this was my experience on a previous run and after seeking advice from more experienced members, they said if I tuck in near the front of the pack I'll find it much easier, and they were right.

With regards to the Fast and the Furious comments I actually find that quite insulting. To this end, I checked back the data for the run on my tracker and the fastest speed we reached (according to the GPS) was 68mph, this was around 6 miles into the run and coincides with when we overtook a car doing 35/40 in a 60 to which I would deem dangerous. I think had you calmly listened to the senior members on the run and followed their advice, you'd have found it to be correct that sticking to the front of the group is a much slower experience. In your own words you accused us of disappearing off into the distance so to then further accuse me of speeding through 30/40/50mph zones is frankly farcical if you couldn't actually see me.

Finally, as Brian and William has said, perhaps it would be good to participate in another run before passing a final judgement based on one run.

29th August 2016, 08:53 PM
As one of the other Admins on the run I'd just like to echo what both William and Brian have said, along with the run Organiser Neil.

I'm sorry that you felt the run was at too high a pace and that you where left behind, as others have said when you're at the back of the group there is always an element of catch up, it's all to easy to lose the back of the group when you approach junctions or traffic lights like we did. I was aware that you'd dropped behind on approach to the offset crossroads, so once I reached the other side I waited as long as possible for you, unfortunately I wasn't able to wait too long without either causing other traffic issues or as a lone driver and being unfamiliar with the area potentially loosing the rest of the group myself.

As others have said this is why we have stopping points built into the run, not only so we can have a chat but also so those who have been held up have a chance to catch up and rejoin the main group.

I hope we see you on another run soon and that you continue to get enjoyment from both your MINI and NMS.

30th August 2016, 09:44 AM
Potographs and videos will cheer up this topic......

30th August 2016, 10:37 AM
Potographs and videos will cheer up this topic......
It was a cheery enough day ,but will post what few pics I took later

MINI William
30th August 2016, 11:23 AM
I think I only took 1 photo. Left my camera on the dinning room table

30th August 2016, 12:00 PM
Thank you for your understanding and comments.I am sorry for what I said I just got frustrated maybe a collection of late finish at work ,not much sleep,and a long drive I didn't want to let anyone down but I just jet myself down I would like to join another run mabye be in the middle thank you again Andrew

30th August 2016, 12:06 PM
Thank you for your understanding and comments.I am sorry for what I said I just got frustrated maybe a collection of late finish at work ,not much sleep,and a long drive I didn't want to let anyone down but I just jet myself down I would like to join another run mabye be in the middle thank you again Andrew

Glad you will be joining us again Andrew

MINI William
30th August 2016, 12:08 PM
Thank you for your understanding and comments.I am sorry for what I said I just got frustrated maybe a collection of late finish at work ,not much sleep,and a long drive I didn't want to let anyone down but I just jet myself down I would like to join another run mabye be in the middle thank you again Andrew

Have a look at the upcoming runs and get your name down for the ones you fancy

30th August 2016, 12:53 PM
Good to hear you'll be back on another run :thumbs up:

We've got Craig's Argyll & Bute (http://newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?26565-Argyll-amp-Bute-VI-Sunday-Sept-25th-2016) as well as William's October Run (http://newminiscotland.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?27283-October-Run-9th-October-16) coming up in the next month or 2.

30th August 2016, 01:30 PM
OK thank you

30th August 2016, 04:36 PM
Thank you for your understanding and comments.I am sorry for what I said I just got frustrated maybe a collection of late finish at work ,not much sleep,and a long drive I didn't want to let anyone down but I just jet myself down I would like to join another run mabye be in the middle thank you again Andrew

Andrew, I'm glad to hear you'll be coming on another run. At the end of the day we're all out to enjoy our cars and have fun and I really hope you'll get to see that on the next run.

30th August 2016, 09:24 PM
Andrew, we will hopefully be back from our daughter's in London in time for the A & B run. The Beast always goes "back marker" so you wont get left.

31st August 2016, 09:32 PM
The only photo I took on the day... I'll get round to doing something with the footage I took eventually. Probably. Maybe.


It was a good run, shame there were so many cyclists. I should have the seats in and better fitting wheels on by the next one (though I've been saying that for about 6 months).