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4th May 2016, 09:33 PM
Had a wee scan couldnt see any sticky post or anything so thought id ask :)

So tell us a little bout yourself :)

So hello my names Scott im 33 from just outside Edinburgh and im a private care support worker

4th May 2016, 10:26 PM
I'm Pete, 48 going on 12, I live in the back of beyond in Nottinghamshire but am a very proud, born & bred Yorkshireman.
I own JCW S GP1499 (R53) my first and only MINI.
I'm a transport planner and also enjoy designing and cutting vinyl graphics for my own, and others, amusement, I endeavour to slowly improve my photography and I'm trying to grow a money tree to pay for everything on my mod list.
Oh, I like to have a wee drink occasionally, only occasionally mind.

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4th May 2016, 10:45 PM
that's the Pete we know and love :thumbs up: .....will need think who I am.....lol

4th May 2016, 10:48 PM
Haha this all us males are the real peter pan haha my wife constantly asks when im gonna grow up.....hahah never

Whats ur tipple pete?im a lager man will drink pretty much any haha

4th May 2016, 10:57 PM
I'm Craig, 20 years old. I come from Ayr. Just finnished my second year at college doing aircraft engineering

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4th May 2016, 11:14 PM
Im Mark 20 this month, live in st fergus, about to start 3rd year of university doing a master in mechanical engineering. Drive a lightly modified r56 cooper S

5th May 2016, 06:19 AM
Whats ur tipple pete?im a lager man will drink pretty much any haha

I've a penchant for Bulmers but, as I found out in Münich, I will literally drink anything when I'm out "on the pop".
My only real natural talent of not getting hangovers is a real bonus sometimes.

5th May 2016, 08:10 AM
My only real natural talent of not getting hangovers is a real bonus sometimes.

Im lucky that way too haha unless I really go for it and its not a hangover I get its a constant sick feelin the next day haha

5th May 2016, 08:24 AM
I invariably just feel tired.
Münich was unbelievable as I only had about 12 hours sleep from 06:00 on Monday until about Midnight on Thursday.
I surpassed my wildest expectations.

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5th May 2016, 09:29 AM
Craig from Stirlingish, over 40 and I turn things off and back on for a living. Have an R52 S which is lightly modified [emoji2]

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5th May 2016, 09:51 AM
Andrew, 29 (and a bit) from Hamilton and I'm a web developer. Drive a R56S with a few mods and a slight orange obsession lol

5th May 2016, 02:31 PM
Craig from Stirlingish, over 40 and I turn things off and back on for a living. Have an R52 S which is lightly modified [emoji2]

So you work in IT then Craig...certainly that's what my brother in law does :)

I'm Neil from Westhill, just outside of Aberdeen. I currently drive an F56 Cooper and after a couple of years making slow progress in company cars I'm delighted to be back in a Mini. I work in Business Development for a subsea and marine training company and yes, it really is as boring as it sounds :D I've got a serious passion of craft beers and golf which sometimes go hand in hand with varying result and also an avid F1 fan.

5th May 2016, 02:35 PM
So you work in IT then Craig...certainly that's what my brother in law does :)

I'm Neil from Westhill, just outside of Aberdeen. I currently drive an F56 Cooper and after a couple of years making slow progress in company cars I'm delighted to be back in a Mini. I work in Business Development for a subsea and marine training company and yes, it really is as boring as it sounds :D I've got a serious passion of craft beers and golf which sometimes go hand in hand with varying result and also an avid F1 fan.

Yep and also Fixed and mobile Comms [emoji15][emoji2]

5th May 2016, 02:46 PM
Yep and also Fixed and mobile Comms [emoji15][emoji2]

Brilliant. My brother sits on the help desk in the afternoon and it goes something along these lines:

Hi, I cannot seem to get my computer to do **insert problem here**
-No problem, I know this sounds obvious but have you tried turning it off and on again?
-OK, stay on the line, give it a quick restart and see if that fixes the problem
**3 minutes later**
No, the problem is still there.
-Aw crap, I'm actually going to have to try and fix something now haha!

6th May 2016, 10:17 AM
I'm Rob better know as Stoney tho :)
I drive an R53 (well hope to at some point if I ever get it back ), S4 avant and a Nissan navra (not all at the same time lol )
I run a conveyer belt company called Strathaven belting company Ltd (shameless plug lol)
I have 2 wonderful kids Jess and Sam with my wife Christine who makes a mean ginger cake :)
I enjoy the odd track night in the summer and ski in the winter lucky for me my 2 hobbies are in different times of the year[emoji38] and not to forget the NMS runs meets and shows that are all ways fun.

Think that's about it. ;)

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6th May 2016, 12:08 PM
I'm Euan from Larkhall, 53 and unfortunately no longer able to hide it! Worked in Voluntary Sector for 30 years doing graphics and printing for community groups in Lanarkshire till my Dad's health (and my heart attack!) brought that to an end in 2014. Now my Dad's full time Carer with help from the wonderful Care Workers who come in every day to keep everything going - we'd be up the creek without them.

Been driving Big Minis since 2001, on my third now (see below). Also have a Skoda Fabia for the nitty gritty stuff and my latest acquisition is a very original 1974 MGB Roadster with a 1950 Oselli engine. It was on my Bucket List for ages, and as I'd had a brush with that bucket I thought 'Go For It' and did.

Love my music - Rock, Prog, Blues, Folk, Classical. Also love countryside/seaside and still get a kick out of driving around in it (not the sea though). With the Mini I get to savour the road, with the MGB I get to savour the sounds and smells of nature as I go along. Sorted.

6th May 2016, 09:18 PM
I'm Cat, from Stirling. After 'enjoying/putting up with' my other half's (Ecosse GP) MINI obsession I went with the 'if you can't beat em join em' theory. Best thing I ever did! Met some of the best people going and have had the time of my life! Oh and am the proud owner of Mac, MINI One in pure silver with dashes of purple passion laced with a rainbow crystal, and I love him!
I have 3 wonderful children, the youngest of which has a Fiat 500 and is developing her stepdad's want for 'Something a bit different' - I dread to think.
For a living I lock people up, every day is different and never a dull moment.
To be fair there's never a dull moment with Davy anyway, at least I've now got used to 'About the car...I've been thinking - Uh Oh!!!! Lol. [emoji12][emoji12]

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6th May 2016, 09:48 PM
Hi I'm Dad, aka Malcolm.......The straight man in the comedy duo known as Mom & Dad. Before retirement I used to work in the finance industry, still the key director of "Bank of Dad".
Apart from cars, other hobbies are playing table tennis and music. Play snare in the local pipe band and drums in an Irish Band. Love playing soul music but unemployed in this arena. Also a Prog Rock fan. Married to the best "Granny" in the world.

6th May 2016, 10:46 PM
Hi im nikki I live in coatbridge and I was born in dundee...came to glasgow for the universitys to learn and keep up with the new interactive media development. I am an internal sales estimator for a large format graphics company in coatbridge...started from the begining with pot of paint and a sable brush at 16 years of age...and have came through all the printing technology, and my love is minis, on my 4th one now and my new car is going to be with me till it falls apart :D

7th May 2016, 05:13 AM
.....other hobbies are playing table tennis and music.

You'll have to give me a demonstration of that talent Malcolm as I'd love to see a snare drum playing table tennis player.
I'm sure that the video would get at least 100 shares on FB.

7th May 2016, 06:50 AM
Hi I'm Mother of NMS lol . Married to Brian . Mother of William , once you meet me you will never forget me lol. Xxx

7th May 2016, 07:01 AM
Hi Cuddles, could you post your real name so I can work out if I've met you in person please ?

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7th May 2016, 08:36 AM
^^^ cruising already I see Pete [emoji106]

Hi I'll be brief with this .... I'm Davy and I'm an alcoholic.

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7th May 2016, 08:44 AM
Oh I feel like Crombers there wrong website ... Most of you probably know me by now but for some of the newer members, as the saying goes "once seen ... wish I hadn't springs to mind". I'm 30 plus a couple more years of age with the IQ a lot lower than that and as Catherine says I'm her other half (I'd say better, but never to her face ...). I drive for a living and work for the Council so always on the road. I've been on the car scene since I started to drive and have a couple of MINIs (not like the Harper's showroom). I don't believe in changing bits for the sake of it so the R53 and F56 are just about standard. I'm lucky enough to have owned 7 MINIs to date (and I'm step dad to another One). Was delighted to be asked onto the club "admin" by The Harper's a couple of years ago and it's been great to be involved in the heart of the club and it's recent show award/successes.
I appear to have got in tow with the wrong sort ... but it's going well [emoji106]

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7th May 2016, 10:09 AM
Fairly new here so here goes

Im Adam, 24, from manchester but living in Aberdeen where I'm in my final year of my Nursing degree. I drive a r53 which is slowly becoming more modified day by day. I have a huge love for classic cars which I have gained from my grandad, we are currently working on a 1935 morris eight tourer and a 1958 MG Magnette. We have worked on a 1927 morris minor, 1957 Vauxhall Cresta just to name a few! Anything with 4 wheels I'm happy to work on/with!

7th May 2016, 01:08 PM
This website's rubbish, I haven't had any dates yet. I have been offered two plums and a banana though. Obviously Kylie doesn't go on NMS any more :frown:

7th May 2016, 01:27 PM
I'm David and new to this club having just bought my NEW mini in February of this year. I'm 63 and a Master Mariner. Only one member of club knows me, Neil 'digi'. I've been a Captain for 28 years and normally command 22,000 CBM specialized gas carriers. I owned and club raced Minis back in the late 60s and spent a great many years racing karts in Class 100 International. All the usual, club level, Scottish Championships, British Championships. Money became a problem and racing stopped. etc. As mid life crisis descended and a little extra pocket money was freed after three children and universities I decided to go back on track. Some I've owned my Celica now for 9 years and re made Knockhill my 2nd home. Depending upon my leaver schedules I generally get about 6-8 outings a year. I also own a MX-5 MK3 for pootling around Border roads on the nicer days. Until I bought my Clubman Cooper S in February of this year I was a diehard Toyota fan having had 9 new models since 1993. Just wanted a change for the 'family' car and really it was my daughter who pushed me towards Mini. she owns a new Cooper diesel chilli pack and gave me a shot of it. I was impressed with the little 3cyl and found myself pushed back 40 years in time to my Morris and Austin Coopers. She'd never had a drive in her Mini like it. Lol. Personally I'd have gone for a full on JWC Cooper S but even at my age I still need a family car with space, comfort and reasonable speed. So I think the Clubman Cooper S with nearly all extras fits the bill. Hope to meet some of you soon. Not long till I'm home again and can get re-aquainted with it.

7th May 2016, 10:41 PM
Im Tommo (previously stated in my "intoduce yourself" thread. Im 35 and currently live in Forres but born in Nottinghamshire. I drive an R53 S of which im the 3rd family member to own it but probably should of been the first.

Been working for good old "Liz" for 14 years now and wish her the best 90th birthday ever.

I too also enjoy a few beers or 10 occasionally.

8th May 2016, 09:32 AM
I'm David and new to this club having just bought my NEW mini in February of this year. I'm 63 and a Master Mariner. Only one member of club knows me, Neil 'digi'. I've been a Captain for 28 years and normally command 22,000 CBM specialized gas carriers. I owned and club raced Minis back in the late 60s and spent a great many years racing karts in Class 100 International. All the usual, club level, Scottish Championships, British Championships. Money became a problem and racing stopped. etc. As mid life crisis descended and a little extra pocket money was freed after three children and universities I decided to go back on track. Some I've owned my Celica now for 9 years and re made Knockhill my 2nd home. Depending upon my leaver schedules I generally get about 6-8 outings a year. I also own a MX-5 MK3 for pootling around Border roads on the nicer days. Until I bought my Clubman Cooper S in February of this year I was a diehard Toyota fan having had 9 new models since 1993. Just wanted a change for the 'family' car and really it was my daughter who pushed me towards Mini. she owns a new Cooper diesel chilli pack and gave me a shot of it. I was impressed with the little 3cyl and found myself pushed back 40 years in time to my Morris and Austin Coopers. She'd never had a drive in her Mini like it. Lol. Personally I'd have gone for a full on JWC Cooper S but even at my age I still need a family car with space, comfort and reasonable speed. So I think the Clubman Cooper S with nearly all extras fits the bill. Hope to meet some of you soon. Not long till I'm home again and can get re-aquainted with it.

Are you the bloke with the 7th gen that does quite a lot of trackdays?

Nothing wrong with a bit of diehard Toyotaism [emoji1360]


8th May 2016, 02:22 PM
Are you the bloke with the 7th gen that does quite a lot of trackdays?

Nothing wrong with a bit of diehard Toyotaism [emoji1360]


Yes that's me. Soon be home and on track again. only managed two in Feb this year so far but I'll be doing the 2 hour evening open pits over the summer months. Nice Toyotas BTW. I quite enjoy being out among the Track Minis, although to be honest they are 3-4 secs a lap faster.

http://i1137.photobucket.com/albums/n519/GreyRacer/th_null-35.jpg (http://s1137.photobucket.com/user/GreyRacer/media/null-35.jpg.html)

9th May 2016, 02:45 PM
Malc, 33 & 5/6ths, live in Whitburn, originally from Glasgow.

Car #61 in the Scottish MINIs and their drivers rep. Day job is project management in oil & gas, weekend job as an instructor at Knockhill.

Spend most of my free time (trying to) help fix race MINIs and harvesting parts to repair said MINIs.

One day in the future hopefully I'll find enough time to get my black Celica back on the road and restore my dad's 69 Elan.

11th May 2016, 04:15 PM
Hey :bye:
I'm Emma, Drive R53 Cooper S, 26 but 27th is creeping up fast. From the beautiful kingdom of Fife. Currently in my last few weeks of college studying HND Sports therapy and work part time at the co-op. Have a puppy called Mia. That I am normally out cruising with in the mini on new walking adventures and a pure gym and tattoo Junkie :smilewinkgrin:

12th May 2016, 04:39 PM
Scott. Wrong side of 40. Compose words (sometimes badly) for couple of well-known newspapers. On fourth Mini, so pretty well hooked after assorted Seats, Nissans, Fiats and even a Kia. Also spend too much on hi-fi equipment and into most types of music. Drink more than occasionally. This is starting to read too much like a personal ad now, so will stop there....

- - - Updated - - -

...did I mention I was single?

12th May 2016, 05:05 PM
Scott. Wrong side of 40. Compose words (sometimes badly) for couple of well-known newspapers. On fourth Mini, so pretty well hooked after assorted Seats, Nissans, Fiats and even a Kia. Also spend too much on hi-fi equipment and into most types of music. Drink more than occasionally. This is starting to read too much like a personal ad now, so will stop there....

- - - Updated - - -

...did I mention I was single?

With a good sense of humour...:thumbs up:

22nd May 2016, 07:58 PM
Hi I'm James (Foxy), I'm 24 and originally from the South West of England, but now living in sunny Arbroath. Got myself an R53 cooper S which i'm slowly getting somewhere near to where I want it to be. Used to drive a very low 306, but that got destroyed by a lorry! Looking forward to getting involved more, need to fill my weekends with something. Have a slight addiction to riding pedal powered two wheeled machines, currently have a destroyed shoulder. I get naked a lot when drunk and love trying my had at the Scottish accent.

23rd May 2016, 12:48 AM
Hi I'm Paul, joined a while ago when I bought my first Mini a nice Hyper Blue R53 S but a friend wanted to buy and sadly sold it. Since then I've had another 3 with the last being a nice R55 which was nicely modified(well in my eyes it was) sadly sold it recently and currently looking for another R53S ! Have owned probably in excess of 70 odd vehicles since 1982 when I started driving(you can work out my age), on the road that is, as was lucky enough to have a track round our old house which meant we could race whatever car my dad bought for me that was cheap from the age of 12 :yes nod: Have had my bike licence since 1993 and have only owned Harleys, love all bikes but always wanted one since I saw The Terminator, and would probably kill myself on a sports bike! Have been in catering and had my own sandwich business which was one of the busiest in Scotland at the time, but now currently drive an artic for a living on the night shift working for a firm supplying 80% of Tesco's potatoes, although would love to have a change but what to do ??? Love all kinds of motor sport if its got an engine and also used to do a load of shooting mainly clay pigeon, and also full bore target practice before the law changed. Happy to belong to NMS and have been to a few outings, hopefully a few more to come!

23rd May 2016, 02:31 AM
Hi im Neil and own a roadster jcw ,im now on the wrong side of 50 and currently fix equipment for a company making posh salads for M&S. im also a licenced radio ham and used to enjoy a bit of target shooting with air rifles and traveled all over the uk with "greyracer" to shoot in the national ukahft series

23rd May 2016, 07:42 AM
Hi I'm John I'm 36 I live in Airdrie originally from Antrim N.Ireland I recently picked up a r53 cooper s currently working in a call centre but been raised around cars all my life and was a mechanic since leaving school until I had a bike accident since then haven't been able too fix cars

23rd May 2016, 09:15 AM
Good variety of ages and different careers etc :)

23rd May 2016, 06:17 PM
Im Andy 57 ,I'm a bus driver working from St Andrews. I have an r50 Cooper it's yellow with a black roof and 3 minion's in the back window no mods but slot of stickers .used to be a mechanic so I can fix it if it breaks .I have owned lots of old ones but I love this one I live in cupar in Fife my daughter has a Peugeot 206 cc but she loves the mini

23rd May 2016, 06:47 PM
Paul ... Do you work for Branston

23rd May 2016, 07:02 PM
Paul ... Do you work for Branston
Yes he does :)

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24th May 2016, 08:01 AM
Correct:thumbs up:

24th May 2016, 12:32 PM
Yes he does :)

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...as Rob knows I did a stint there in my past...if Richard Taylor still works there say Hi from Andrew

24th May 2016, 09:43 PM
I'm Daryl, married to Siubhan, hence Darnshiv on here :-) Parents to Mini Gregor and Emily, too young for a Mini!. Originally from Mansfield, but been in Scotland for 33 years. I'm Global Quality Leader for a large manufacturing company. I don't actually own a Mini, but I get to drive Siubhan's ....sometimes.

25th May 2016, 06:05 AM
Aye he's my boss! Will do buddy

25th May 2016, 09:23 AM
Aye he's my boss! Will do buddy

...good lad is Richard