View Full Version : Moving house

3rd April 2016, 05:26 PM
I'm a first time buyer, as in I got my first place 2 years ago.
From what I was told got it at a reduction and the general feeling is it's worth a bit more now than I bought it for.

I've found another place for reasons I won't go into currently as they arent important but what do I do?

I'm not in a desperate need to move in a rush but I have no idea how to go about it.

I know I don't want my mortgage payments to go up at all if it can be helped, and I'm hoping as I don't have a big deposit to put down on the next place I can use the 'profit' I hope to make on my current place.

I know I need to look into getting the 'no obligation free evaluation' done first on mine, but ......what do I do then?

Thanks, in advance

MINI William
3rd April 2016, 06:38 PM
Need to see what the house is roughly valued at and then see a mortgage advisor to see what you can borrow. Mortgage rules and regs have changed in the past 2 years so worth checking out. The deposit you have can be added with the equity in your current property to go to the next one

7th April 2016, 02:18 PM
ok just had it valued.......17k more than I paid for it!!

only thing is, the one I had my eye on is 8k more :S