View Full Version : Knockhill 2016

Big Gordy
2nd February 2016, 08:48 AM
Santa has again given me a season pass for 2016 season at our local race track Knockhill :thumbs up:
I normally manage all of the car racing events throughout the year and probably 50% of the bikes but was just wondering who else would be on a regular..ish basis :smilewinkgrin:

2nd February 2016, 09:19 AM
In gonna try and get on the track a few times this year. Track virgin here :p

2nd February 2016, 09:41 AM
I wouldn't mind getting down to one of the Mini races, as our local Mini dealer manager has entered and would be good to cheer him on!

2nd February 2016, 10:37 AM
I'm there quite a bit...

2nd February 2016, 12:49 PM
Prob get to a few this year if funds allow :)

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2nd February 2016, 02:18 PM
You guys have the benefit of being close enough to get there safely.

I did a (bike) dealer's track day at Knockhill on, of all things, a Gold Wing (you know, the two-wheeled Wurlitzer) and being non-Scots, we didn't know it was 'Speed Week' so two visitors got booked for speeding - me on the Gold Wing and the owner of the dealership in his works van with a race bike in the back. All the sports bikes avoided getting done, which amazed me.

One guy on a Ducati SP came up to me afterwards and said it was actually more fun gong round with a 'mobile chicane' on the track and one marshall told me I was probably the slowest bike they had ever seen but also the only one they could hear the stereo on as it went by, as I had chosen to play 'Madness' at full volume one the bike's stereo on the track.

Another marshall asked me if I would buy him a new deck chair as he had split his while leaping to action as I locked up the rear wheel of the 'Wing at the end of the main 'straight' - he reckoned if the 'Wing came straight for him, the gravel trap might not be enough to stop it.....

2nd February 2016, 05:44 PM
One guy on a Ducati SP came up to me afterwards and said it was actually more fun gong round with a 'mobile chicane' on the track and one marshall told me I was probably the slowest bike they had ever seen but also the only one they could hear the stereo on as it went by, as I had chosen to play 'Madness' at full volume one the bike's stereo on the track.

Another marshall asked me if I would buy him a new deck chair as he had split his while leaping to action as I locked up the rear wheel of the 'Wing at the end of the main 'straight' - he reckoned if the 'Wing came straight for him, the gravel trap might not be enough to stop it.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:

2nd February 2016, 07:07 PM
I will hopefully have the car built by the summer would like to get on and give it a go

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3rd February 2016, 09:27 PM
Also interested. Will be watching local sales manager John Duncan..
He hasn't played with the mini challenge before but his car has very good history with Olley Mortimer...
take me back to 2001 season. Those were the days.. Changed gearboxes and radiators in car park.... Seemed a good idea at the time..