View Full Version : Cars & Coffee - Sun 21st Feb, Dobbies Perth

6th January 2016, 12:06 PM
Next Cars and Coffee meet is at Dobbies Perth

Huntingtower Park
Crieff Road

More details at their website https://www.dobbies.com/find-a-garden-centre/perth/

Aim to meet at 10:30 for 11:00hrs inside for a Coffee/Late Brekkie/Early Lunch/Scone etc. Gives time to hang about the car park and check out the new mods :)

As always at these times of year, this meet is subject to the weather and could be called off at the last minute so PLEASE keep an eye on the forum and FB for updates nearer the time.

If anyone wants to organise a convoy to the meet from North/South/East/West then go right ahead :)



1. Craig & Jude
2. William
3. Andrew
4. Brian & Christina
5. Davy (Maybe)
6. David & Fiona
7. Nikki
8. Eddie
9. Paul
10. Neil
11. Mmc999
12. John (Maybe)
13. Den (Maybe)
14. Daryl

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MINI William
6th January 2016, 12:28 PM
Sounds good to me, I'll be there

6th January 2016, 01:16 PM
Yep I'll see you there :thumbs up:

6th January 2016, 08:31 PM
Can you stick us down please Craig

6th January 2016, 08:57 PM
I'm only a maybe for this one as I'm back shift. Might try and squeeze in a wee visit before hand but depends on what time I finish / start.

14th January 2016, 08:49 PM
Put us both down for this Craig

24th January 2016, 10:51 PM
Can you add me to the list please

25th January 2016, 08:27 PM
I'll be there :)

25th January 2016, 09:05 PM
All added :)

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MINI William
1st February 2016, 03:52 PM
Looking forward to this already

1st February 2016, 04:10 PM
Can you put me down for this please

15th February 2016, 11:21 PM
put me down as well . Do unemployed get a discount :laugh: ill be between jobs then

16th February 2016, 07:18 AM
Put me down too!

16th February 2016, 08:36 PM
So looking forward to this , feels like ages since I seen you all xx

17th February 2016, 12:42 AM
I'm working [emoji22][emoji22]

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18th February 2016, 09:00 PM
Aww no Cat xx

18th February 2016, 09:40 PM
I hope to make it but not 100%

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20th February 2016, 06:45 AM
I've just got back so should be able to make this one if the weather isn't too bad

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20th February 2016, 09:27 AM
That's a shame you can't make it Cat...

John/Den, be great to see you guys if you can make it [emoji2]

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20th February 2016, 07:04 PM
Sorry for the last minute, but can you add me please. BTW the car will be manky!!,

20th February 2016, 07:28 PM
Sorry for the last minute, but can you add me please. BTW the car will be manky!!,

Added Daryl - so will mine by the time I get there [emoji2]

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MINI William
20th February 2016, 09:23 PM
For those interested in meeting to head to Perth from the Edinburgh area, how about meeting at 930 at Hermiston Gate

20th February 2016, 09:45 PM
See you at HG William :thumbs up:

MINI William
20th February 2016, 10:01 PM
See you at HG William :thumbs up:


21st February 2016, 08:32 AM
And the weather seems fine .....

MINI William
21st February 2016, 08:54 AM
And the weather seems fine .....

So good infact I'm taking the JCW

21st February 2016, 09:03 AM
The weather in Perth is alright. The sun is trying to come out

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21st February 2016, 09:05 AM
Have a great time folks and I hope the weather holds up for you all.

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21st February 2016, 09:07 AM
It won't, it'll bloody snow as soon as I sit on my bike PMSL

21st February 2016, 09:24 AM
Ha, ha.

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21st February 2016, 10:33 AM
It won't, it'll bloody snow as soon as I sit on my bike PMSL

Well Eddie don't get on your bike today and the weather may stay set fair for those out on the meet this morning! [emoji6][emoji4][emoji38]


21st February 2016, 10:33 AM
See you all soon people. [emoji2]

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21st February 2016, 03:42 PM
Excellent morning out with the usual crowd, plus some new faces too:thumbs up: I am looking forward to the next run.

21st February 2016, 05:30 PM
was nice to catch up with everyone again

21st February 2016, 05:35 PM
Just back in from today's meet ,big :thumbs up: to Craig for the organising and to the people who came out to play on a very cold day,very nice to see new faces and some old ones :cool: and hope they join in with our runs/meets and hope you all enjoyed your selfs ,will put up some pictures later on

MINI William
21st February 2016, 05:42 PM
Just in from another great Cars and Coffee. Thanks to Craig for organising and to everyone that turned up today. Great to see the usual suspects but also great to meet some new members, I hope you had a good day and that we made you feel welcome. Hopefully see you at a meet soon. Always great to sit down to have a blather, a bite to eat and a good laugh

21st February 2016, 06:44 PM
Thanks to all that came out today .... Was great to see some new folk and the usual oldies. Here is looking forward to some better weather soon [emoji2]

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21st February 2016, 07:08 PM
some pics from today

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0134.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0134.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0125.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0125.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0144.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0144.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0112.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0112.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0132_1.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0132_1.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0148.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0148.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0143.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0143.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0139.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0139.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0130.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0130.jpg.html)

http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0126.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/cars%20and%20coffee%20feb/DSC_0126.jpg.html)

MINI William
21st February 2016, 09:32 PM
Some of the pics I took today
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0001_zpsvntkjd09.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0001_zpsvntkjd09.jpg.html)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0002_zpsupc4qqiz.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0002_zpsupc4qqiz.jpg.html)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0004_zpsjrd2zrqc.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0004_zpsjrd2zrqc.jpg.html)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0007_zpsb28shouk.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0007_zpsb28shouk.jpg.html)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0008_zpspzxahnxp.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0008_zpspzxahnxp.jpg.html)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0009_zps1fp6oa3w.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0009_zps1fp6oa3w.jpg.html)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0012_zps4suctiwl.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0012_zps4suctiwl.jpg.html)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0013_zpsqifjxp3v.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0013_zpsqifjxp3v.jpg.html)
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/DSC_0015_zpsmqww6wsd.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/DSC_0015_zpsmqww6wsd.jpg.html)

21st February 2016, 09:50 PM
Nice pics

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21st February 2016, 10:01 PM
Was a good wee meet and nice catch up, great pics :thumbs up:

22nd February 2016, 12:01 AM
Like everyone else has said it might have been a poor day weather wise but it wasn't raining in the cafe [emoji106]. Great to see a good turnout for a dreich Sunday morning and all the cars looked relatively clean when they arrived. Always good to meet new members and also put faces to names. Great selection of cars in attendance too which was great to see ... F56s getting modded already who'd have thought it ...
Eddie - great to hear the car is now up to scratch for the coming race season and I wait with baited breath to see how it performs.
Paul - love the new Clubby and the alloys are superb and set the buggy off so well.
Nicky - good to see there is someone out there that still loves chrome ... and those alloys were spotless even in the bad weather.
Craig - thanks as always for organising the morning (anything to avoid making Jude's breakfast on a Sunday morning)
Big thanks to everyone else that made the effort to show up and catch up ... it'll soon be the start of the show season so don't be shy, hopefully see you at something through the year. I'll get my photos up when I get the chance although I didn't take many.

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22nd February 2016, 12:55 AM
A couple of photos from me ...
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/E02F3663-A50C-48DF-8BDF-0BD98442AAD3_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/E02F3663-A50C-48DF-8BDF-0BD98442AAD3_2.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/6E849DB2-7D82-45F0-A81E-F0C0757D948F_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/6E849DB2-7D82-45F0-A81E-F0C0757D948F_2.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/D3BDF933-EE2C-4A87-A57A-5DD30AE8BADB_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/D3BDF933-EE2C-4A87-A57A-5DD30AE8BADB_2.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/7339DB47-78DD-45C4-9B04-615E16AD3D53_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/7339DB47-78DD-45C4-9B04-615E16AD3D53_2.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/D83E96B4-EBC5-49FB-BF6F-CDE3FE3E6C5C_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/D83E96B4-EBC5-49FB-BF6F-CDE3FE3E6C5C_2.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/1E0E2288-B752-4329-BA46-0C1402BD1BAA_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/1E0E2288-B752-4329-BA46-0C1402BD1BAA_2.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/B861FF3A-33E9-4897-878F-4C6A2D0D65E1_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/B861FF3A-33E9-4897-878F-4C6A2D0D65E1_2.jpg.html)

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22nd February 2016, 12:59 AM
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/CD5E95E3-BA08-45AD-B02C-9F485EB77DFE.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/CD5E95E3-BA08-45AD-B02C-9F485EB77DFE.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/66C721AE-5EA9-4186-9679-CE1E5AAFA011.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/66C721AE-5EA9-4186-9679-CE1E5AAFA011.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/0DF74AD6-2EB0-47C3-A252-D59222D9BC31.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/0DF74AD6-2EB0-47C3-A252-D59222D9BC31.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/D18D6FC6-91E3-4777-8EC0-9F347E0AE95D.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/D18D6FC6-91E3-4777-8EC0-9F347E0AE95D.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/585125D6-A212-4C7D-8600-CB6953B5A707.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/585125D6-A212-4C7D-8600-CB6953B5A707.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/2C45E5CE-F556-4586-9525-71788D9301DC_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/2C45E5CE-F556-4586-9525-71788D9301DC_2.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/0297C469-0B87-4CCB-98BD-C48F3BB89A90_3.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/0297C469-0B87-4CCB-98BD-C48F3BB89A90_3.jpg.html)

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22nd February 2016, 01:04 AM
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/FD7FA301-F154-4FEF-AB86-A5A71A54EF3C_1.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/FD7FA301-F154-4FEF-AB86-A5A71A54EF3C_1.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/C372DE61-6F24-4F43-B69E-6C401A25AB4D_1.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/C372DE61-6F24-4F43-B69E-6C401A25AB4D_1.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/46F8B601-8D92-496D-9D69-12B83C7CF5B2_2.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/46F8B601-8D92-496D-9D69-12B83C7CF5B2_2.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/82A817E1-71E7-442C-9B62-572625D5CD22_1.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/82A817E1-71E7-442C-9B62-572625D5CD22_1.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/7B8606A0-FBFF-47D7-95ED-692D05BE8814_1.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/7B8606A0-FBFF-47D7-95ED-692D05BE8814_1.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/FB4F5A14-1E91-4AEA-BDA8-7A22449E4226_1.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/FB4F5A14-1E91-4AEA-BDA8-7A22449E4226_1.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/67EFDD96-7495-4A15-A3A1-9F4C4B4936D7_1.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/67EFDD96-7495-4A15-A3A1-9F4C4B4936D7_1.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/B474FC20-8E83-4112-84E5-0DAC5136EC52.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/B474FC20-8E83-4112-84E5-0DAC5136EC52.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/D47139A3-6314-4F9C-9B0F-946E5748FE77.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/D47139A3-6314-4F9C-9B0F-946E5748FE77.jpg.html)

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22nd February 2016, 01:09 AM
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/0DF74AD6-2EB0-47C3-A252-D59222D9BC31_1.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/0DF74AD6-2EB0-47C3-A252-D59222D9BC31_1.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/F3FA53E3-2079-416A-8E1F-94797AF5E164.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/F3FA53E3-2079-416A-8E1F-94797AF5E164.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/17BFFCC3-9121-49BD-A13F-37B286149A44.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/17BFFCC3-9121-49BD-A13F-37B286149A44.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/13B1235B-D78E-4A1C-9A70-042058D0E99C.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/13B1235B-D78E-4A1C-9A70-042058D0E99C.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/0DF74AD6-2EB0-47C3-A252-D59222D9BC31.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/0DF74AD6-2EB0-47C3-A252-D59222D9BC31.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/E54AF846-2826-400B-930B-0F92F47D19E8.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/E54AF846-2826-400B-930B-0F92F47D19E8.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/CC168BF0-179D-4D79-9C98-AB764E637E39.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/CC168BF0-179D-4D79-9C98-AB764E637E39.jpg.html)
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/B727CAE0-EA0D-4739-B27B-EF8AD71D7012.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/B727CAE0-EA0D-4739-B27B-EF8AD71D7012.jpg.html)
and of course it wouldn't be a cars n coffee meet without a motorbike too ...
http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/06BE873D-7A88-4389-A17A-7AC6EC0797D7.jpg (http://s1211.photobucket.com/user/GPEcosse/media/06BE873D-7A88-4389-A17A-7AC6EC0797D7.jpg.html)

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22nd February 2016, 03:50 AM
Crackin pics :thumbs up:

MINI William
22nd February 2016, 07:31 AM
Great pictures Davy

22nd February 2016, 08:41 AM
Smashin pics [emoji2]

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22nd February 2016, 09:23 AM
and of course it wouldn't be a cars n coffee meet without a motorbike too ...

I just read COFFEE and thought you all wouldn't notice I was missing a couple of wheels :p

22nd February 2016, 09:27 AM
Great pics everyone it's a shame that my own personal little rain cloud followed us for a wee while, I think it came free with the bike. But thankfully it got bored and went home unlike all of us :)

22nd February 2016, 11:26 AM
Cracking pics as always.

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22nd February 2016, 10:16 PM
Great pictures, some nicw cars I haven't seen before. 4 spots look magic.......:thumbs up: Apologies we couldn't be there.

22nd February 2016, 10:46 PM
Looks like a fab day, very artistic pictures David! Did you use the good camera? I think I'll need to rope you in to take some pics of Mac! Lol [emoji12]

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23rd February 2016, 09:43 AM
Great pictures and looked like a decent turn out. I'm enjoying the Astra gate crashing the party at the end :)