View Full Version : How to use photoshop

4th October 2015, 11:26 AM
Is this easy?
Never used it before but looking to do a signature on here


4th October 2015, 04:47 PM
It's easy enough once you get used to using it. If you've never used it before, do a tutorial or watch some youtube videos to help you...

4th October 2015, 05:05 PM
If your making adjustments to photos (contrast, levels, hue & sat) that sort of thing then it's quite simple to get your head around. The more complicated stuff comes when you start to make your own graphics from scratch using it. Like MrMischief says I'd head over to YouTube there'll be loads of videos to follow that'll teach you the basics then it's just your own imagination that's holding you back :thumbs up:

4th October 2015, 09:32 PM
I've tried but struggles with it ... It's great as mentioned for slight changes in photos but I'm lost doing anything else even watching YouTube tutorials ...

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