View Full Version : Rush 30th Anniversary Tour

Big Gordy
14th September 2004, 10:35 PM
Off to see Rush tonight at the SECC :D Cannae wait :I Its been 25years since I last went to see them :p I'll be deaf and hoarse tomorrow. Hope I'm not the only 'oldie' there :clown: Och I forgot WillieM is going ;) Safety in numbers what, what. :p:D:approve:

14th September 2004, 10:49 PM

Big Gordy
14th September 2004, 10:52 PM
Julz, your faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar to young to know who they are :D
3 piece rock band from Canada is the short answer :p:D:approve:

The Dogfather
14th September 2004, 10:54 PM
What time does the bus pick you up from the old folks home Big G?

And I didn't see incontience pants on your list of mods! Have BMW added this to the aftermarket options list? :p

Big Gordy
14th September 2004, 11:10 PM
Why do you think I opted NOT to get the leather seats :p Although if they were heated :dead: :p:D:approve:

14th September 2004, 11:44 PM
Never heard of them ;)

Big Gordy
14th September 2004, 11:54 PM
Hey I've never heard of some of the tripe you youngsters listen too so we're even ;) Rap,I HATE rap :mad: Just can't see the point in it, sorry :p:D:approve:

14th September 2004, 11:58 PM
'Guns don't kill people, rappers do':eek:, sorry, I've had that bloomin' song in me heid allllllllllllll day!!:clown:

15th September 2004, 12:29 AM
quote:Originally posted by Julz

'Guns don't kill people, rappers do':eek:, sorry, I've had that bloomin' song in me heid allllllllllllll day!!:clown:

Prefer Big Pimpin by Jay-Z.

Is this Rush? I rest my case...


The Dogfather
15th September 2004, 12:47 AM
quote:Originally posted by Big Gordy

Hey I've never heard of some of the tripe you youngsters listen too so we're even ;) Rap,I HATE rap :mad: Just can't see the point in it, sorry :p:D:approve:

Will somebody take Grandpa back to the home he's starting to smell!:evil:

As for the photo they look like a poor man beegees...... with bad hair!

Willie M
15th September 2004, 03:49 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Gordy

Hope I'm not the only 'oldie' there :clown: Och I forgot WillieM is going ;) Safety in numbers what, what. :p:D:approve:

Hey, I'll have you know I was probably the youngest person there last night :approve: Kept an eye out for you Big G but didnae see you.
Although I ain't a huge Rush fan (I was dragged along by one of my elderly workmates ;)) I've got to say it was a damn good gig. Alex Lifeson's one hell of a guitarist (even though he looked like he's been drinking a fair amount of the beer at his Toronto pub :D)

Big Gordy
15th September 2004, 04:30 PM
Hey Willie where was your bum parked :question: Mine was J5 right behind the mixing board thingy in the centre at the back of area in front of the stage.
Yeh got to agree with you on Alex :cool: he is one fine guitarist. What about there rendition of 'Crossroads' in the encore - quality :p:D:approve:

Big Gordy
15th September 2004, 04:36 PM
Yes Steve thats them in some very, very dodgy 70's stage gear :I shocking isn't it :dead: I must add at this point I NEVER, I repeat NEVER at any time dressed like that <checks to make sure all the photographic evidence has been destroyed> :p:D:approve:

15th September 2004, 05:04 PM
I've never heard of them either. I'm in the right age bracket.

Can't beat Donny Osmond.

15th September 2004, 05:34 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Gordy

Yes Steve thats them in some very, very dodgy 70's stage gear :I shocking isn't it :dead: I must add at this point I NEVER, I repeat NEVER at any time dressed like that <checks to make sure all the photographic evidence has been destroyed> :p:D:approve:

Lets see the pics then :D

Big Gordy
15th September 2004, 05:43 PM
:IWhat pictures <steps back as fire rages out of control>
I could beat Donny Osmond preferably with a big stick :p:D:approve:
Culture shock next month though as I'm going to see wee Avril Lavigne next month with the youngest. Her band should be OK but I cannae see her pulling off the live singing bit but I'm going with an open mind (if I remember to take it :p) :p:D:approve:

15th September 2004, 06:12 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Gordy

:IWhat pictures <steps back as fire rages out of control>
I could beat Donny Osmond preferably with a big stick :p:D:approve:
Culture shock next month though as I'm going to see wee Avril Lavigne next month with the youngest. Her band should be OK but I cannae see her pulling off the live singing bit but I'm going with an open mind (if I remember to take it :p) :p:D:approve:

Miss Lavigne is a treat! I hear she's pretty good...

...but you'll have to wear your skate gear for that one! :cool:

Big Col
15th September 2004, 06:12 PM
I think you'll be really surprised then G. She's really good live and can actually sing.

Big Gordy
15th September 2004, 06:27 PM
Skater gear :eek: Nah I'll wear ma Rush t-shirt:approve:
Your just trying to lull me into a false state telling me her live singing is OK aren't you :mad: Kirsten recorded a live show she did last year off the radio and its not great I can tell you :( Hope your right though as its Kirsten's first concert so wouldn't like it to be a bummer (although I did phone her from the concert last night just to wind her up :)):p:D:approve:

The Dogfather
15th September 2004, 06:28 PM
Avril Latrine - Too much teenage angst for my liking......

You need to go to a Muse concert, now they are excellent!

Big Gordy
15th September 2004, 06:37 PM
Are they not a bit 'songs to slash your wrists' too :question: :p:D:approve:

The Dogfather
15th September 2004, 06:46 PM
Big G - Some tracks are, some aren't. Depends if you that way inclined.

Try listening to some of the tracks @ http://www1.hmv.co.uk/hmvweb/displayProductDetails.do?ctx=280;-1;-1;-1&sku=92034

I'd recommend - 'Hysteria', 'Butterflies and Hurricanes' and 'Time is running out'

15th September 2004, 06:53 PM
Must admit, Av Lav is good live, wanted to go to this show, but couldn't make it!!:evil:

15th September 2004, 07:28 PM
<Peers round the corner at another 'Musical Tastes' thread>

...Ahem.... well... ahh... no... never mind..

<whistles innocently and sidles away to start streaming Kerrang Radio on the PC>


15th September 2004, 07:49 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1
<Peers round the corner at another 'Musical Tastes' thread>

...Ahem.... well... ahh... no... never mind..

<whistles innocently and sidles away to start streaming Kerrang Radio on the PC>


Kerrang... Very early 90's... ;):cool::p

Willie M
15th September 2004, 08:03 PM
I was a bit further along to your left Big G, block L.
Piece of advice for the Avvy Lavvy concert Gordy. Try makin' yerself look quite dapper, you might just get a click with some of the mothers that are takin' there weans along :D

Worked for me when Linda took me to see Busted ;):approve:

15th September 2004, 08:03 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1
<Peers round the corner at another 'Musical Tastes' thread>

...Ahem.... well... ahh... no... never mind..

<whistles innocently and sidles away to start streaming Kerrang Radio on the PC>


<tribal tries to get a seat closer to Lnl to drown out the manufactured skate punk>;):D

15th September 2004, 08:15 PM
Am i the only Bowie nut here :cool:
Have spent serious cash this week on this and that, always wheeling and dealing in any forms of Bowie stuff
If anyone has anything that they don't really need or want drop me a line and i may be tempted to offer you a small reward ;)

15th September 2004, 08:26 PM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

Am i the only Bowie nut here :cool:
Have spent serious cash this week on this and that, always wheeling and dealing in any forms of Bowie stuff
If anyone has anything that they don't really need or want drop me a line and i may be tempted to offer you a small reward ;)

Must admit to liking a bit of bowie myself.......:D

15th September 2004, 08:36 PM
quote:Originally posted by tribalmini
to liking a bit of bowie myself.......:D

Oh missus! What bit?;)

15th September 2004, 09:45 PM
Kerrang... Very early 90's... ;):cool::p

<rolls eyes> still going strong and up to date...

C'mon... squidge up a bit Heather... We'll make room!!
<turns Fear Factory track up louder> ;):evil::p:D

15th September 2004, 11:28 PM
I thought i felt my ears burning... :clown:

Quite looking forward to Av Lav but I'm not getting my hopes up for a cracking show (not compared to Rush anyway). It sounded quite good down the phone!

Anybody who has already seen Avril Lavigne: on a scale of one to ten how good was she?


Big Gordy
15th September 2004, 11:34 PM
Oiy :mad: get back to your school work lassie or we won't go looking for your new carpet tonight :evil: :p:D:approve:

15th September 2004, 11:43 PM
quote:Originally posted by low_n_loud1

Kerrang... Very early 90's... ;):cool::p

<rolls eyes> still going strong and up to date...

C'mon... squidge up a bit Heather... We'll make room!!
<turns Fear Factory track up louder> ;):evil::p:D

Fear Factory! My Ar@e! Will turn up the new Prodigy album, track 2 in particular. Followed by some Biggie Smalls!


16th September 2004, 12:02 AM
Fear Factory! My Ar@e! Will turn up the new Prodigy album, track 2 in particular. Followed by some Biggie Smalls!

Crap!!Alarm Bells! New Prodigy Album! Aack!
<chair spins as he legs it to the shops> :p:D

...Followed by Who-ie Whatsits???
Is that not a painful tropical disease of the nether regions?;);):D

(Ahh... dammit.. How do I always find myself getting sucked into these threads?? :eek:;):D:cool:

16th September 2004, 12:47 AM
Peter Andre is'nt he just great.

16th September 2004, 12:48 AM
rock music rules

and there is nowt wrong with rush and Neil Peart is one of the best drummers in the world better, than the crappy manufactured lot on the go at the moment.

oi lnl get me a chair as well ace of spades is about to come on :evil::D:evil:

Big Col
16th September 2004, 05:21 PM
quote:Originally posted by Big Gordy

Oiy :mad: get back to your school work lassie or we won't go looking for your new carpet tonight :evil: :p:D:approve:

A new carpet? What kinda threat is that? She's 15 no 50! Buy her a laptop ya miserable sod!

Big Gordy
16th September 2004, 06:57 PM
It would have been cheaper buying her a laptop considering how much re-doing her room has cost me :dead: Anyway I'm not in the supertax bracket like you :evil: Jings you don't even need to work overtime your that well off :p:D:approve: <boy this thread has drifted>

20th September 2004, 09:50 PM
Hmm...laptop or carpet, laptop or carpet....I know what i would choose but i don't see it happening anytime soon, sadly!


21st September 2004, 08:11 AM
Bowie is jest fine. i like listening to me ma's collection (:I).

21st September 2004, 04:44 PM
quote:Originally posted by Sheilz
Bowie is jest fine. i like listening to me ma's collection (:I). :D:D:D:D
:evil: I so wanted to change your post ;)

22nd September 2004, 09:45 AM
quote:Originally posted by Bonnie Scotland

quote:Originally posted by Sheilz
Bowie is jest fine. i like listening to me ma's collection (:I). :D:D:D:D
:evil: I so wanted to change your post ;)

so would me ma!