View Full Version : Glencoe Run - Sunday 17th May 2015

13th April 2015, 08:06 PM
OK folks, going to recce this run this weekend and looking for names. This run is being put together for NMS and our friends from the GPUKOC. It will be based loosely on the Argyll and Byte Runs of the past.

The run will start at Stirling Services (J9 of M9) and finish at the Premier Inn in Larbert (FK5 4EG). This hotel will be the recommended hotel for GPUKOC. The total length of the run is going to be about 220 miles, mostly on A roads. I'm going to look at other options to see if I can reduce it a bit. It will be a full day.

Lunch will be in Oban at a place of your choosing.

Meet at the start point from 0900hrs for a 0930hrs leave so we have enough time to get to Oban for lunch time :)

Run Notes Here http://newminiscotland.co.uk/run_notes/2015/GlencoeRun2015%5B1%5D.pdf

1. Craig & Jude
2. Brian & Christina
3. Andrew
4. Eddie & Rachael
5. William
6. Davy & Cat
7. Neil
8. Blue boy (Maybe)
9. John
11. David & Fiona
12. Ian S
13. Jamie & Sarah
14. John Martin
15. Coop1
16. Spud

1. Pete
2. Paul & Christina
3. T
4. Daz & Kate

13th April 2015, 08:10 PM
Hotel is booked for Friday - Sunday night, Premier Inn at Larbert.
Are we there yet ?
Oh sorry, I meant to say that I'll just turn up on Sunday morning.

...enjoy the journey.

13th April 2015, 08:11 PM
Hotel is booked for Friday - Sunday night, Premier Inn at Larbert.
Are we there yet ?
Oh sorry, I meant to say that I'll just turn up on Sunday morning.

...enjoy the journey.

Lol - good man. It will be here before we know it !

13th April 2015, 08:12 PM
Craig, can you add Al to the list please ?
I've invited her so it'll cut down my costs on the hotels and petrol.
[emoji13] [emoji13] [emoji13]

...enjoy the journey.

13th April 2015, 08:15 PM
Craig, can you add Al to the list please ?
I've invited her so it'll cut down my costs on the hotels and petrol.
[emoji13] [emoji13] [emoji13]

...enjoy the journey.

Pmsl - I'm sure its for quality time together too ;). That's her added :)

13th April 2015, 08:20 PM
Thank you kind Sir.
Y'up, we'll have a good time together.
She wants to see The Kelpies and some other sights up your end of the village so we'll both have a great few days.
I've told Paul that if it is 10% as good as the H.B.T. it'll be awesome.

...enjoy the journey.

13th April 2015, 08:27 PM
Put me and Christina down please Craig ,might take the Clubvan

13th April 2015, 08:30 PM
Put me and Christina down please Craig ,might take the Clubvan

13th April 2015, 08:31 PM
There is no no no way in gods earth that we are taken the van xxx

13th April 2015, 08:32 PM
Put me down please Craig, some cracking roads round that way :thumbs up:

Will try my best to keep up with all these GPs :)

13th April 2015, 10:08 PM
Yes please Craig :thumbs up: can you please add Rachael and I. Thanks

14th April 2015, 07:17 AM
Would love to come but don't think I will have a mini then 😞 may not even have a car !!

MINI William
14th April 2015, 09:24 AM
Add me please Craig, I'm sure Megan is working that day

14th April 2015, 09:26 AM
And of course there's no show without punch so .... I'm in !!! ;);)

MINI William
14th April 2015, 09:36 AM
And of course there's no show without punch so .... I'm in !!! ;);)

I'm out then :laugh:

14th April 2015, 09:53 AM
....and I'll shake mine all about.

...enjoy the journey.

14th April 2015, 10:06 AM
^^^ you always do Pete ... It'll get you into bother though if you get caught

MINI William
14th April 2015, 10:07 AM
....and I'll shake mine all about.

...enjoy the journey.

^^^ you always do Pete ... It'll get you into bother though if you get caught


15th April 2015, 06:17 PM
im up for this as well .put my name on the list please

16th April 2015, 03:26 AM
Can you stick my name down, hopefully my cooper will be sold and I'll find a nice S by then

16th April 2015, 08:43 PM
If I'm home I may still get to this.

However, anyone mind if it wasn't in a Mini?

16th April 2015, 08:56 PM
Brian, not a problem to me...

Especially if it's the CSL your bringing AND your making the effort to come a big distance :thumbs up:

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16th April 2015, 10:10 PM
It would be the CSL Craig.

Would be a good chance to give it a run.

16th April 2015, 10:13 PM
:) :)

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17th April 2015, 12:59 AM
I'd love for You and Cecil to make an appearance and I'm sure that it'd be a great run out for you to get "better acquainted" with it.

...enjoy the journey.

17th April 2015, 07:11 AM
Looks like a great day out fella, unfortunately I'll be in Dublin that weekend with the footy crew.

I mean it'll be no jolly, having to reacquaint myself with that Guinness stuff. It'll be a struggle but I'll soldier on :beer:

17th April 2015, 07:23 AM
Oh dear, my thoughts will be with at what will undoubtedly will be a very tough time for you.

...enjoy the journey.

17th April 2015, 08:04 PM
Hotel booked in case I can make it.

17th April 2015, 08:07 PM
Hotel booked in case I can make it.

Good stuff Brian :)

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17th April 2015, 08:08 PM
Ah it's a hard life Crombers but someone has to do it ...

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19th April 2015, 09:23 AM
What way are you going up to Oban? Through Callander or up through Crieff and Comrie way?

19th April 2015, 10:51 AM
Craig, I'd have loved to have done this but Dad's getting out of hospital tomorrow (just over a year after he was admitted!), so until I know how things are going to work out I sadly can't commit to anything. It'll be a FAB run though!

19th April 2015, 01:15 PM
Went up via Callander Ian, about to return via Comrie... :)

Completely understand Euan - let's see what happens :)

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19th April 2015, 02:26 PM
Completely understand Euan - let's see what happens

Cheers Craig. Time will tell. If possible, I'll be there, and if not, I'll be there in spirit!

19th April 2015, 04:26 PM
well thats the Recce done - 220 miles in total and it was an absolute blast... ;)

Will upload some photos for those not on facebook NMS page. :)

19th April 2015, 04:33 PM
Pics of the Recce HERE (http://s271.photobucket.com/user/cadbed12/library/Glencoe%20Run%202015?sort=3&page=1)

Superb Weather and hoping for the same on the 17th May :thumbs up:

19th April 2015, 05:17 PM
Smashin pics :thumbs up:

19th April 2015, 06:58 PM
Add me to the list please

19th April 2015, 07:08 PM
Added John :)

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19th April 2015, 07:17 PM
Cracking photos :thumbs up: Glencoe always looks great whether the sun is shining or the mist is down.

19th April 2015, 08:09 PM
Im in, could you stick my name down! Cheers

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19th April 2015, 08:56 PM
Cracking photos CD and you couldn't have had a better day for it ... :)

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20th April 2015, 09:46 PM
Put us both down for this Craig

20th April 2015, 10:31 PM
You say that you don't take many pics Big Fella but when you do they're stunning.

...enjoy the journey.

20th April 2015, 10:35 PM
Thanks Davy and Pete. The scenery and weather helped me out :)

Duncan Stewart
21st April 2015, 01:58 PM
Sorry, busy that weekend.

23rd April 2015, 07:41 PM
Can you put my name on for this run Hopefully have my new wheels on by then.

23rd April 2015, 07:45 PM
Can you put my name on for this run Hopefully have my new wheels on by then.

That's you added Ian

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2nd May 2015, 11:26 AM
Hi Craig i have just managed to get that day off now but i am only just back up the road from a week away of training. so i would rally like to go but i might just meet you at green Welly Boot if your going pasted it if thats ok

2nd May 2015, 01:08 PM
No bother Jonathan. Stopping there then doing a loop up to Ballahulish and then down to Oban so you could join us at the Ballahulish Hotel and come down to Oban for lunch.. We come back via the Green Welly so you could finish there ?

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2nd May 2015, 08:01 PM
Yeah that would be grate thanks Craig

2nd May 2015, 08:05 PM
Perfect :). Run notes should be up after the weekend so you can see where we are going/stopping :)

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2nd May 2015, 09:36 PM
Away Craig, sorry.

2nd May 2015, 09:42 PM
That's a shame Brian - work always gets in the way .... [emoji17]

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3rd May 2015, 01:49 PM
Sorry might not make it as just sold my Cooper at the weekend, looking for a nice cheap S for fun/track toy so depends if find one by then
cheers Paul

3rd May 2015, 03:37 PM
No bother Paul - best of luck with the search :)

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John Martin
3rd May 2015, 03:40 PM
I am up for this, saturday or sunday or both depending what is on for the saturday, first NMS and GPOC run for me.:cool:

3rd May 2015, 03:43 PM
The run is the Sunday John, if you want to meet up with some of the GP gang on the Sat, PM me your number and I'll let you know the plans (once we have sorted them out ;) )

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3rd May 2015, 03:44 PM
Sorry might not make it as just sold my Cooper at the weekend, looking for a nice cheap S for fun/track toy so depends if find one by then
cheers Paul

i might have the very car for you :thumbs up:

John Martin
3rd May 2015, 03:55 PM
The run is the Sunday John, if you want to meet up with some of the GP gang on the Sat, PM me your number and I'll let you know the plans (once we have sorted them out ;) )

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PM sent Craig.

3rd May 2015, 07:40 PM
i might have the very car for you :thumbs up:

:thumbs up::cool: tell me more!!!

4th May 2015, 10:57 AM
:thumbs up::cool: tell me more!!!
PM sent

6th May 2015, 07:36 PM
Sarah and I will be coming Craig! Can't wait :)

6th May 2015, 07:40 PM
Sarah and I will be coming Craig! Can't wait :)

Cool Jamie - cheers :)

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6th May 2015, 08:36 PM
Spaces filling up nicely ... Be good to get to 20 :)

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MINI William
6th May 2015, 09:23 PM
Run notes on page 1

6th May 2015, 09:41 PM
Think I'll save paper and just follow the car in front lol ...

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6th May 2015, 10:00 PM
Thanks William :)

6th May 2015, 10:14 PM
Think I'll save paper and just follow the car in front lol ...

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good luck with that :D

7th May 2015, 05:51 AM
Craig, can you add T to the list please ?
He's cancelled his trip to L2B to join us all on this run.

...enjoy the journey.

7th May 2015, 07:26 AM
Craig, can you add T to the list please ?
He's cancelled his trip to L2B to join us all on this run.

...enjoy the journey.

Will do Pete - great news :)

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7th May 2015, 07:37 AM
It is Craig and thank you.

...enjoy the journey.

7th May 2015, 08:33 AM
Excellent news :)

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MINI William
7th May 2015, 08:35 AM
Hopefully get a few more

7th May 2015, 02:13 PM
I think that's it for GPUKOC only members to be honest.

...enjoy the journey.

8th May 2015, 07:08 PM
I could go on both lists :smilewinkgrin:

John Martin
9th May 2015, 06:55 PM
Don't think that I am on either list to be honest, but going in the GP any way.:thumbs up:

9th May 2015, 06:57 PM
Don't think that I am on either list to be honest, but going in the GP any way.:thumbs up:

Sorry John - my bad... Added now ;)

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John Martin
9th May 2015, 06:59 PM
Cheers Craig, that was quick!:thumbs up:

9th May 2015, 07:00 PM
Cheers Craig, that was quick!:thumbs up:

Big Brother is always watching... :)

Plus notifications from Tapatalk are handy too :) lol

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MINI William
10th May 2015, 04:44 PM
Really looking forward to this

10th May 2015, 04:46 PM
Aye, keeping my fingers crossed for good weather too [emoji2]

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10th May 2015, 07:20 PM
Showing as being dry in Oban, might be a bit wet getting there ... :(

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10th May 2015, 07:29 PM
The weather will be whatever it is, the people, cars and run will still be great :)

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10th May 2015, 07:31 PM
Also meant to say, can those that have the ability, please print a set of run notes please. I'll have a few copies with me on the day the link to the notes are on page one. You could download them to your tablet/iPad to be really flash :)

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10th May 2015, 07:36 PM
Also meant to say, can those that have the ability, please print a set of run notes please. I'll have a few copies with me on the day the link to the notes are on page one. You could download them to your tablet/iPad to be really flash :)

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Craig my printer is not working ,so if we could bag a copy that would be :smilewinkgrin:

10th May 2015, 07:37 PM
No bother :)

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10th May 2015, 08:02 PM
Craig my printer is not working ,so if we could bag a copy that would be :smilewinkgrin:

^^ Uno por moi silver plate lol :):)

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10th May 2015, 08:03 PM
I don't understand Belgian..... :)

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MINI William
10th May 2015, 08:04 PM
Run notes saved to Ipad

11th May 2015, 07:16 AM
Only 3.5 work days to go.

...enjoy the journey.

MINI William
11th May 2015, 09:14 AM
Only 3.5 work days to go.

...enjoy the journey.

Im only in Today,Wednesday,Friday and Saturday this week :smilewinkgrin:

11th May 2015, 10:01 AM
I thought that I could do with the extra half day on Thursday to make sure that I pack all of my chargers.

...enjoy the journey.

11th May 2015, 02:06 PM
Are we there yet lol xx

11th May 2015, 03:28 PM
I'm not going so I'll never be there.

...enjoy the journey.

11th May 2015, 04:07 PM
Whoo hoo not long now ... :)

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MINI William
11th May 2015, 06:48 PM
I'm expecting this just to be a continuation of the carry on from the HBT

11th May 2015, 07:56 PM
stirling services might be overcrowded as the elmoc guys are meeting there at the same time

MINI William
11th May 2015, 08:04 PM
AA vans do take up a bit space, but I'm sure we will be fine

11th May 2015, 08:19 PM
stirling services might be overcrowded as the elmoc guys are meeting there at the same time

That's should be good then ... One big MINI party :):)

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John Martin
11th May 2015, 09:19 PM
AA vans do take up a bit space, but I'm sure we will be fine

Nice one!:D

12th May 2015, 08:23 AM
Hi I have had a look at the notes if I meet you all at the green welly I will get there around 10.30 hopefully that will be ok really looking forward to this I just got a gopro camera before I went away

12th May 2015, 08:24 AM
No bother Jonathan, I'll see you there :)

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12th May 2015, 09:13 AM
What's ELMOC ?
East Lothian Mini Owners Club ?

...enjoy the journey.

MINI William
12th May 2015, 09:31 AM
What's ELMOC ?
East Lothian Mini Owners Club ?

...enjoy the journey.


12th May 2015, 11:36 AM

...enjoy the journey.

12th May 2015, 12:31 PM
Well weather looking mixed for the weekend but plenty of fun and banter spreading this way :)

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12th May 2015, 05:29 PM
Im unfortunately not going to manage, work called up and need to go in sunday :(

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12th May 2015, 05:32 PM
Unlucky Greg - see you on the next one :)

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12th May 2015, 07:10 PM
It looks like I'm flying solo up to, and around, Scotland.
The Ma-in-Law AI ain't too clever at the mo so 'Ar Lass will be stopping at home to keep an eye on her.

Oh well, she can always come up next year.

...enjoy the journey.

12th May 2015, 07:13 PM
Tel her indoors that I hope her mum is better soon. :). Shame she can't make it, but I'm sure you'll still have some fun ;)

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12th May 2015, 08:11 PM
Not so good Pete hope she is better soon xx

MINI William
12th May 2015, 09:05 PM
Hope she gets better soon Pete. We will make sure you have a good time

12th May 2015, 11:15 PM
Thanks all. I'll tell the Ma-in-Law tomorrow when she walks up here from the bottom of the garden.
She is having issues with her balance and the new tabs she's on are designed for elephants methinks.
I know I'll have a cracking time no matter what, and on the upside, I can tug away on the 0w30 in the e-cig to mi hearts content if I'm on mi own.

...enjoy the journey.

12th May 2015, 11:36 PM
Craig, just a wee update: was hoping if I couldn't make the run that I'd at least try to get up to Stirling Services to see you off, but don't think I'll even manage that. Start time clashes with me getting Dad's brekky etc sorted and his care workers arriving at 9.30am, so looks like I won't make it after all.

Gutted to be missing this run, as has been mentioned, it's like a wee 'encore' to the Heartbeat Tour, and that was such a blast that G3 ELF and I are still having withdrawal symptoms... If I manage to figure a way, I'll nip up to Stirling, but if not, I hope all the runners have a great day out on those fab roads surrounded by that beautiful scenery. Can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday.

12th May 2015, 11:41 PM
No bother wee man - I hope the old man is doing well all things considered..... :)

If things work out and you can meet us, that would be great... You could meet us up at the Green Welly ;)

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13th May 2015, 10:51 AM
Cheers Craig. What's your E.T.A. at the Green Welly?

13th May 2015, 12:20 PM
Depending on traffic... About 10:30-11. We are stopping for a toilet stop so about 15/20mins there...

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13th May 2015, 12:52 PM
Cheers Big Man. Will let you know!

14th May 2015, 08:58 AM
Not long now til our southern cousins make the trip north.

Safe trip to you all and look forward to seeing you all :)

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14th May 2015, 10:32 AM
Ta Big Fella.
I've only got all mi clothes to iron, all the gadgets to charge up, 1499 to get fettled, get some "real" money from the bank, oil, water and tyres to check, get mi hair cut and have a shower.

I may just make it to meet up with you all at the finishing point on Sunday......

...enjoy the journey.

14th May 2015, 10:35 AM
Looking forward to the weekend, will be a great run if only the weather would sort itself out!

Safe trip up the road folks :thumbs up:

Davy - you've got the border guards on lookout for this lot invading don't you ;)

14th May 2015, 01:47 PM
Border guards have been contacted along with passport control ... hopefully they'll prevent any invasion that's planned ! If not I've the lads on standby at the office ...

14th May 2015, 07:18 PM
They'll never get me allive !!
I'm now flying up from Robin Hood airport to bypass the road blocks and I've dismantled 1499 and got the bits in mi suitcase.
I'll go straight round to the Big Fella's house to put it back together wi one o' his hammers.

...enjoy the journey.

14th May 2015, 09:02 PM
Lol - mind and pay the boss (aka my mum) for the use of the hammers :)

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14th May 2015, 09:49 PM
With Monopoly or "real" money ??

Well, after deciding to gi 1499 a "quick wash", it's first since the HBT, I've just finished it after 6 hours.
Will I be peed off if it gets manky ?
Hell no, I know it's clean a the mo and driving up t'North and meeting some of you again will be worth every blob of muck and every single stone chip that it acquires.

...enjoy the journey.

14th May 2015, 09:50 PM
No you'll be fine Pete the forecast is good for you coming up ... It makes the helicopter easier to track it too !!

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14th May 2015, 10:13 PM
Going to try and make this Sun. May have to split in afternoon though.

14th May 2015, 11:26 PM
Just booked Hotel in Larbert :thumbs up:
Friday Saturday for us too

15th May 2015, 04:10 AM
Nice on John, see you soon.

...enjoy the journey.

15th May 2015, 07:28 AM
Things shaping up nicely for a great weekend ...

MINI William
15th May 2015, 02:01 PM
They sure are :yes nod:

15th May 2015, 05:41 PM
Forecast for Oban and surrounding area is heavy rain and 9 degrees. Here's hoping the Met Office get it wrong again. Think I have yet to experience the place when it's not peeing down.

15th May 2015, 06:54 PM
can someone print me off a set of run notes please didnt get a chance to do it at work today


15th May 2015, 06:55 PM
Printed 10 copies off - will do some more tomorrow :)

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15th May 2015, 11:16 PM
cheers craig our "it guy" still hasnt got my pc on the network or installed office or a firewall or virus checker or an email address
boy i realy want his job

16th May 2015, 06:12 PM
To all the runners and riders for tomorrow's Glencoe Run.

We will be leaving the Stirling Services (J9 of the M9) at 09:30hrs sharp - please arrive anytime from 09:00hrs onwards for a chat before we leave.

Also, those with an R53 GP or S, please arrive with a full tank of fuel as your gonna use between half and 3/4 tank of fuel.

Safe journey to the start point, and I'll see you all in the morning. Regardless of what the Scottish Weather will thro at us, we will still have a great day out ;)

16th May 2015, 09:19 PM
Sadly I won't be coming the whole run tomorrow got my grandads 75th meal. But il be still come down to Stirling services to meet everyone and get my stickers off William. Then follow use up to the green welly. Then il just head home.

16th May 2015, 09:39 PM
No bother Ian, completely understand - see you in the morning [emoji2]

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16th May 2015, 09:41 PM
Hope you all have a great run tomorrow, wish I could be there but just unable to sort things out time-wise. Say hello to those fab roads and the countryside for me. Drive safely y'hear, the scenery is wonderful, but you have to stay out of it!

Look forward to lots of photos.

16th May 2015, 09:45 PM
That's a shame Euan, would have been good to catch up. Speak soon :)

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16th May 2015, 09:57 PM
Cheers Craig, tried to think of a way I could work around the Care Workers visits etc, but they arrive at 9.30am, so by the time everything's sorted and I'd got to Stirling, you'd all be long gone! Thought about trying to meet up later, but I'd have to be home to make the lunch, so I'd probably meet myself coming back when I was on my way up!

Will catch up with y'all sometime. Enjoy the run.

17th May 2015, 06:45 AM
It's nearly MINI time ...
Sorry you'll not make it Euan but I'll try and get a couple of photos for you (weather permitting) ...
Now .... is it time to go yet ?

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17th May 2015, 06:49 AM
It better be MINI time or I'll be in a mood for weeks being up this early for something not car related :lol: I can't even get up this early for work :p

17th May 2015, 07:33 AM
Thought you loved the 31 route at 0608 hrs Eddie ... It's quiet so you get to play your Westlife CD

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17th May 2015, 07:40 AM
All ready to go

17th May 2015, 08:17 AM
The weathers looking good up in Crieff . So would think the sun will be out the whole way up

17th May 2015, 08:19 AM
See you all soon - keep praying for dry weather :)

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17th May 2015, 09:23 AM
And were off 👍

17th May 2015, 10:37 AM

17th May 2015, 10:42 AM

Thanks for the exhaust, intake and supercharger symphony :-)

17th May 2015, 10:57 AM

Sorry I didn't get everyone, my buffer kept filling at inopportune momemts.

17th May 2015, 04:57 PM
Thanks everyone for the big warm welcome today. Il definitely be at the next run.

17th May 2015, 06:28 PM
big thanks to Craig for organising this realy enjoyed the run
now to go through hours of dashcam video to see if i got any good bits

17th May 2015, 07:01 PM
That's us home from a cracking day/weekend!

had a great run, food, drink and company!

17th May 2015, 07:10 PM
Craig once again a cracking run, thanks for organising. It was great to have another GPUKOC/NMS get together see you GPUKOC guys at MMM :thumbs up:

17th May 2015, 08:20 PM
I can hear the cars just from looking at the photos...
Glad you had a good one folks, I was there in spirit!

- - - Updated - - -

my buffer kept filling at inopportune momemts.

I'm pretty sure you can get ointment for that sort of thing, or special trousers :smilewinkgrin:

17th May 2015, 08:21 PM
I can hear the cars just from looking at the photos...
Glad you had a good one folks, I was there in spirit!

- - - Updated - - -

I'm pretty sure you can get ointment for that sort of thing...:smilewinkgrin:


17th May 2015, 08:24 PM
Brilliant, brilliant day out. Well done Craig. And the weather wasnt all that bad after all.

17th May 2015, 08:46 PM
Great day out! Thanks alot Craig for a fantastic run and for giving sarah and wee run in the S.

17th May 2015, 09:08 PM
Great pictures .....massive thanks to Craig for the organisation and run notes ,made life very easy,great day out with peeps from GPUKOC see you all soon,I have had to much to eat this weekend .Will post pics later as we are just in .:yes nod:

17th May 2015, 09:28 PM
Well cracking day out I have to day big thanks to Andrew for picking me up today and also Willaim for the passenger runs today told you lot you won't get rid of me that easy :lol: great to see GPUK guys and girls hope you all have a safe trip home ;)

17th May 2015, 09:31 PM
Well what can I say. HUGE thanks to all our southern cousins who made the effort to attend and glad you all enjoyed yourselves.

Thanks also to all my NMS family for your support today - we had a great day out.

After today's "close call" for me I was physically and mentally done so please accept my apologise for running away afterwards and not staying for a bite to eat - I also wanted to check on Mrs D.

Your all amazing and I'm glad you all had a great day out... I'd like to think my dad was watching over me today ;)

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MINI William
17th May 2015, 09:36 PM
Well done and thank you afraid for a truly amazing run and also to everyone else who came along that made the day so great despite the weather. It was great to have some of the GPUKOC boys and girls along, hopefully we get some more next time. The main thing after the grass cutting is that no one was hurt and the Conv came out unskaved

17th May 2015, 10:40 PM
The main thing after the grass cutting is that no one was hurt and the Conv came out unskaved

The Big Man has a 'Guardian Angel', didn't you know? :thumbs up: :phew:

17th May 2015, 11:02 PM
Great day really enjoyed the drive thanks Craig

18th May 2015, 04:04 PM
Well firstly a massive thanks to the big fella for all his hard work in making the run another success ... thank you. Secondly a massive thanks to all the GPUKOC members that made such an effort to attend not just the run but to make a weekend of it. From the minute you arrived to the minute that you left I can sincerely say that I had a ball, thank you. It was great to meet some of the newer members in both clubs and of course spend time with the "usual suspects" .. it's weekend like this that make it even harder to go back to work when you have to.
In short Friday saw the arrival of T and Pete along with John and Gaynor at the Premier Inn and after a few sherbets in the pub a few of us headed down to the local Indian for a spot of dinner where we were met by John another new local GP owner. After a spot of dinner we raced back to the pub to meet up with Brian and William to discuss the weekends events. Needless to say a few of us made sure the bar staff managed to get everyone out, the place sorted for breakfast and locked up before we headed to bed.
Saturday saw a bit of a long lie in for some ... before heading to Knockhill for the Colin McCrae 30th anniversary weekend. To say it was cold and windy was an understatement but for some it was an opportunity to get the cameras out and of course grab a bit of practice. Whilst up[ at the circuit news circulated that Daz and Kate appeared to be heading north in their GP and Facebook was followed with great fascination to see if they were going to make a "surprise visit". After an afternoon at the track T and Paul headed back to the Saltire Detailing base to give the cars a quick spruce up for the run on Sunday before we all met again in the bar a short time later along with the Harpers, Megan and our surprise guests. Another evening of stories accompanied by a G&T or two saw the night again draw to a close as T, Pete, John and Gaynor and I made sure the bar was indeed closed for business !! Everyone headed to bed and kept their fingers crossed Sunday would be a dry day.
Sunday morning I was awake bright and early as usual when the MINI is involved and after a quick chat with William it was time to meet the gang for the run. As we headed over to the starting point it never ceases to amaze me that a line of MINIs in the rear view mirror always brings a massive smile to my face. Not too sure about leading the convoy though as its too much responsibility for me ... anyway the rest is history as we say for those that made the run, thank you all for making it such a great day not just for NMS members but for those that travelled literally a thousand miles to join in the fun you are a credit to the club. Yes there were a couple of noteworthy moments along the way (as always) but I think that all the smiling faces and laughter in the car park at the end of the run said it all.
Thanks to John for a couple of sneaky photo's in Doune, excellent work but you really need to get that wee MINI involved one day and join us for the day ...
Once again thank you all for a great weekend and run and i'll get a few photo's up when i get a chance.
Roll on the next event ... when the MINI family can get back together for more fun a beer or two.
Hope everyone that travelled a distance made it home without incident ... speaking of which I better check to see how the big fella is doing today :thumbs up:

MINI William
18th May 2015, 04:41 PM
Well firstly a massive thanks to the big fella for all his hard work in making the run another success ... thank you. Secondly a massive thanks to all the GPUKOC members that made such an effort to attend not just the run but to make a weekend of it. From the minute you arrived to the minute that you left I can sincerely say that I had a ball, thank you. It was great to meet some of the newer members in both clubs and of course spend time with the "usual suspects" .. it's weekend like this that make it even harder to go back to work when you have to.
In short Friday saw the arrival of T and Pete along with John and Gaynor at the Premier Inn and after a few sherbets in the pub a few of us headed down to the local Indian for a spot of dinner where we were met by John another new local GP owner. After a spot of dinner we raced back to the pub to meet up with Brian and William to discuss the weekends events. Needless to say a few of us made sure the bar staff managed to get everyone out, the place sorted for breakfast and locked up before we headed to bed.
Saturday saw a bit of a long lie in for some ... before heading to Knockhill for the Colin McCrae 30th anniversary weekend. To say it was cold and windy was an understatement but for some it was an opportunity to get the cameras out and of course grab a bit of practice. Whilst up[ at the circuit news circulated that Daz and Kate appeared to be heading north in their GP and Facebook was followed with great fascination to see if they were going to make a "surprise visit". After an afternoon at the track T and Paul headed back to the Saltire Detailing base to give the cars a quick spruce up for the run on Sunday before we all met again in the bar a short time later along with the Harpers, Megan and our surprise guests. Another evening of stories accompanied by a G&T or two saw the night again draw to a close as T, Pete, John and Gaynor and I made sure the bar was indeed closed for business !! Everyone headed to bed and kept their fingers crossed Sunday would be a dry day.
Sunday morning I was awake bright and early as usual when the MINI is involved and after a quick chat with William it was time to meet the gang for the run. As we headed over to the starting point it never ceases to amaze me that a line of MINIs in the rear view mirror always brings a massive smile to my face. Not too sure about leading the convoy though as its too much responsibility for me ... anyway the rest is history as we say for those that made the run, thank you all for making it such a great day not just for NMS members but for those that travelled literally a thousand miles to join in the fun you are a credit to the club. Yes there were a couple of noteworthy moments along the way (as always) but I think that all the smiling faces and laughter in the car park at the end of the run said it all.
Thanks to John for a couple of sneaky photo's in Doune, excellent work but you really need to get that wee MINI involved one day and join us for the day ...
Once again thank you all for a great weekend and run and i'll get a few photo's up when i get a chance.
Roll on the next event ... when the MINI family can get back together for more fun a beer or two.
Hope everyone that travelled a distance made it home without incident ... speaking of which I better check to see how the big fella is doing today :thumbs up:

As always a great write up Davy. Again thanks for the laughs over the course of the weekend

18th May 2015, 09:14 PM
Craig's new MINI ...powered by Honda http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/45cfe1d4cd554424d59f96868788a91a.jpg

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18th May 2015, 09:23 PM
PMSL - aye thanks for that... When do I pick it up? :) :lol:

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MINI William
18th May 2015, 09:28 PM
Craig's new MINI ...powered by Honda http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/45cfe1d4cd554424d59f96868788a91a.jpg

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Neil - TXJ
18th May 2015, 09:37 PM
PMSL - aye thanks for that... When do I pick it up? :) :lol:

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You would probably do more miles on that a year than a certain GP!

19th May 2015, 05:26 PM
Well no doubt Pete will be along shortly with his thousand photos ..
A few to keep you entertained until he's sorted all his out

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19th May 2015, 05:30 PM

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19th May 2015, 05:34 PM

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19th May 2015, 05:36 PM

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19th May 2015, 06:01 PM
Some absolute belters in there Davy ;) Well done you ! Well prob more Cat to be honest as you were driving... ;) lol

19th May 2015, 06:15 PM
Hell yeah I'm not taking any credit for the photos it was all the hard work of the passenger !! :)

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19th May 2015, 06:36 PM
Great photos, looks like a great run in spite of the changeable weather

19th May 2015, 07:25 PM
The Invasion II.
Well, how can I put into words what my feelings and thoughts are about The Invasion II.
It's gonna be very hard but here goes:
It all started at 12:15 on Thursday as I shot off to get mi hair cut, fill up wi Nitro+ and then back home to do a shed load of ironing, packing and get 1499 ready for a wee trip up t'North.
The ironing and packing was completely ignored as my quick foam, wash and dry of Redward turned into a 6 hour cleaning session with me still sat outside at 22:00 giving the wheels a wipe o'er wi some Speed Wipe.
The now customary texts between myself and Davy the night before a run/show hinted at the excitement that we both had for the few days ahead.
Bed at about 23:00 was preceded with the alarm being set for 04:00 !!
Alarm kicked in and the ironing and packing frenzy began in earnest.
As usual the 06:00 depature time went by as the endless FB posts needed to be replied to.
07:00 and I'm off.
A steady run up the A1, A66 and M74 was only interrupted by a wee wee and coffee break at Happendon Services which I just happened upon.
A quick check in on FB and Rob said that I should nip in and see Christine which sadly never happend due to due unforseen circumstances.
I left and headed towards the Falkirk Wheel for a bit of touristy stuff.
The Wheel was a bit of a disappointment for me but the I was now off to see The Kelpies.
The phone had died and just would not charge up so I was flying completely blind but after looking at a few maps at work I knew roughly where I needed to go.
Result, out of The Wheel and the AA had signposted my way to The Kelpies.
As I drove I passed a Shell garage which was a welcome drink for Redward and next on the list was a supermarket for some "important supplies" oh O.K. I needed some hairspray. I saw Paul's GP2 parked up in Tesco's but after a 15 minute wait there was no sign of him and Christina so a few cheeky "just spotted" pics were taken and I was off to The Kelpies.
The sculptures which are The Kelpies are a must see you are ever up near Falkirk.
I'll let the pictures explain what they look like as my words will never do them justice.
I now had to find the hotel wi no map or satnav. I just headed for Larbert and hoped for the best. After only the one wrong turn I saw a sign for Stirling Police and thought they could tell me where I needed to go. No need as I headed for the hotel I saw it on my left hand side and headed in to check in and see what the plan was for the evenings entertainment.
Result as the first pint went down very well, about 16:00 I think, and myself the usual suspects of Davy and Craig with the addition of T, John, Gaynor, John, Brian Christina, Willam & Megan made the evenings entertainment that more enjoyable.
A wee break from the pub as we went for an Indian, it was simply gorgeous, even though the waiter was unsure what I was ordering the chef nailed it to perfection, and it was back off to carry on drinking until we were kicked out.
Off to bed and the phone was ressurected so all was good.
Awake about 07:20 and a steady few hours as I awaited the arrival of the others for a trip up to Knockhill for the Colin McRae Day.
Laughs from start to finish, as always, as we all stood a various points on the circuit snapping away like a bunch of nutters.
Some great pics were had and the sight of Davy taking a selfie was a sight to behold. He actually managed to take a good pic of himsellf and not just the barrier or tarmac instead.
A shout from Craig exclaimed that Daz was on his way as Kate had took a pic of the "Welcome to Scotland" sign just past Gretna on the M74 and posted it on FB.
We all headed off back and agreed to meet up in the pub at 19:00.
Myself, T, Davy & Craig headed back to Satire Detailing HQ for 1321 to get a bit a treatment and a big thanks to T for the new supercharger cover bolts.
A mod involving me and Craig that was done in 4 minutes and completed without hammers !!
At 17:37 Christina messaged me to ask what time we were meeting in the pub. When I told her what time she said was the she was in the car park with Brian so after 10 minutes I met up with them and the alcohol, banter, food, alcohol and banter was at full flow once again.
We were kicked out of the pub again and then it was bedtime.
Sunday morning had finally arrived.
We met a few in the hotel car park and then we were off to meet the other NMS members at the services.
It was great to see Rob, Andrew, Eddie, James for the first time, and the rest of the NMS gang some who I've net before and others that 4th I was meeting go for the first time.
It started to rain as we set off but I just did not care. A few GPUKOC members and a load from NMS were on the move, a Sunday morning just does not get any better.
A few blasts between the meet point and the Green Welly were a nice treat between the hold ups from normal traffic.
We left the Green Welly and we headed off to see some scenery and enjoy the ribbons of tarmac.
For any of you that have not been on a run with NMS, they do not mess about as Daz found out. Speed limits in all villages and towns are obeyed and any National Speed Limit sections are driven at a "very enjoyable pace" when conditions and traffic allows.
Anyone who has not been to Scotland just can not begin to imagine the views and the roads. Only about 5% of the roads are as bad as they are in England the rest are perfectly smooth and aid the bits where you can drive at a "very enjoyable pace".
I pushed Redward on The Heartbeat Tour but mi limit was pushed that bit more on The Invasion II.
Being called a nutter by Davy may upset some folk but in the context he used it it put a HUGE smile on my face as has done so again as I typed that sentence out.
The change in conditions from wet to dry to wet to dry made the driving in my eyes that more enjoyable as I could keep pushing Redward to test its limits which are never reached. 1499 handled like a boss and never let me down once.
It was bubbled at 4-4.5K rpm for most of the day so I could lift off and let the engine slow me down or I could give it some hoof and the power would be instantly there.
We went to Oban for some fish and chips and to take in the glorious scenery.
I managed to wangle a place about 6 cars back from the Big Fella, who was leading the convoy, Becquerel that is where all "the action" is.
I held my own pretty well and enjoyed the site of Williams GP2 hitting the twisties at a "very enjoyable pace" for mile after mile.
My only WTF moment was when William pulled out so I followed him.
As I was getting near the rev limiter in 4th William's brake lights lit up like a Christmas Tree.
"This is not gonna end well" I thought.
A stomp on the brakes, a change down to third and a jink to the left between a Range Rover and a Polo, quickly followed by an overtake on the Polo, and I was laughing my head off.
Another double overtake further down the road proved to me that 1499 is an absolute dream to drive at a "very enjoyable pace" and can handle anything that I can throw its way.
Another quick stop to check on the Big Fella and his Flymo Convertible and we then headed back to the Green Welly.
Another MONSTER blast back to Larbert finished of the day brilliantly.
God yes we're said to Daz, Kate and the rest of the NMS gang and the pub was calling yet again.
The night ended up with myself and Cat having a great chat as Davy and T did the same.
The £5 handshake that I gave Davy as he sat in the taxi will no doubt be avenged but it was as very funny way to end a great few days in Scotlandshire.
Monday morning involved the usual check of the hotel room at least 6 times so that I didn't leave anything.
A fill up with more Nitro+ had me setting off at 10:00 which was followed by a steady straight through 4 hour cruise back home.
I'm already counting down to going back for another run in Scotland next year even though nothing has yet been arranged.
A big thank you to all members of GPUKOC and NMS involved but especially to Craig for the organization and a fantastic run and also to Davy for the usual "I owe you for that one" moments.
Thank you all and ah'll so thi soon.
(pics and vids to follow as soon as I can sort them out)

19th May 2015, 08:13 PM
Brilliant Pete ... another great summary of the weekend and likewise just reading your post had me laughing at the weekends happenings. Money can't buy these weekends which make it even more special and it's great to see that you're picking up the NMS habit quickly. Might need to split you and William up next time he's a bad influence ... I can mind the HBT !!
Glad you had a great weekend and you're so so right revenge will be sweet ...
Thank you not only on a personal basis for coming up but on behalf of all the NMS members you certainly are a legend !
Until next time ... keep taking the tablets oh and of course the cider !

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19th May 2015, 08:20 PM
Ditto what Davy has just said! I'm gutted I had to work on Saturday or I'd have been at Knockhill too.

You two are just awesome at write ups, it's like doing it all over again every time I read them.

19th May 2015, 08:43 PM
Great write up's guys ......just does not get any better ........to those reading this post and have not yet joined in a run ,you are missing out on so much fun, get your names down we do not bite,if you think you can't keep up ...it is a varied pace ...we do not leave anyone behind ...modded or standard you will fit in :yes nod:

19th May 2015, 08:44 PM
^^^ cheers Eddie but I'm not a patch on Pete and he always has the photos to match. Although this time I had the video footage lol

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19th May 2015, 08:53 PM
Thanks guys but those of you who know me know that I just tell it as I see it.
You are too modest about your pics Davy, you take cracking oics and they always tell the story of the day/days out.
I'm still loading up the pics onto Flickr so I can post the link on here.
I just can't wait to start trawling through the vids !!

...enjoy the journey.

19th May 2015, 08:59 PM
A few pics ....

if you look to the right ,you can see the grass has been cut .....:shut up:


brothers in arms

great turn out



run details

John Martin
19th May 2015, 09:25 PM
Great write up's guys ......just does not get any better ........to those reading this post and have not yet joined in a run ,you are missing out on so much fun, get your names down we do not bite,if you think you can't keep up ...it is a varied pace ...we do not leave anyone behind ...modded or standard you will fit in :yes nod:

I have got to agree Brian, as this was my first run with the club I was made feel more than welcome, in fact from meeting the guy's and your self and William on the Friday night for a beer to the day out on the Saturday at Knock Hill, then the run it's self on the Sunday I can honestly say it was the best weekend that I have had in ages.
I have made a lot of friends this weekend, too many to name in fact but they know who they are, you should see my Facebook page! lol.
Already looking forward to the next outing and would recommend to any one to come along and join in.:thumbs up:

19th May 2015, 09:27 PM
Not sure if this will work as it's the first time that I've tried it.....


...enjoy the journey.

John Martin
19th May 2015, 09:31 PM
It works Pete.:thumbs up:

19th May 2015, 09:32 PM
I have got to agree Brian, as this was my first run with the club I was made feel more than welcome, in fact from meeting the guy's and your self and William on the Friday night for a beer to the day out on the Saturday at Knock Hill, then the run it's self on the Sunday I can honestly say it was the best weekend that I have had in ages.
I have made a lot of friends this weekend, too many to name in fact but they know who they are, you should see my Facebook page! lol.
Already looking forward to the next outing and would recommend to any one to come along and join in.:thumbs up:

Kind words John ....thank you

19th May 2015, 09:37 PM
Kind words Pete and John. I'm just glad you all had fun :). Its an amazing weekend that will live with me for a long time ;)

19th May 2015, 09:40 PM
As the others have said John it was our pleasure. We had a blast too and like we've said before NMS isn't just about the cars. Roll on the next outing ...

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19th May 2015, 09:44 PM
Yes Pete the link works and can I just say some of those Kelpie photos are superb. Even I didn't know there was that many views to them ... and each one makes them look different. Can't believe my Subaru photo isn't there PMSL !!

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19th May 2015, 09:49 PM
A big thanks to Craig for organising another fantastic run with the NMS family amazing roads and scenery and the weather held up better than expected . Great to see all the usual faces and meet new ones as well and Pete etc for travelling as far to part of it all . Roll on the next meet:hand::thumbs up:

MINI William
19th May 2015, 09:54 PM
Cracking photos everyone and another world class write up by Pete. Again huge thanks for making the trip up and the same goes to the rest of GPUKOC that made the journey. It's always great meeting new people on runs and watching get hooked on the whole atmosphere that the people on runs create

19th May 2015, 10:37 PM
Yes Pete the link works and can I just say some of those Kelpie photos are superb. Even I didn't know there was that many views to them ... and each one makes them look different. Can't believe my Subaru photo isn't there PMSL !!

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Thank you kindly.
I've not downloaded the wee "Davy camera" just yet. That's a job for tomorrow or Thursday night.

19th May 2015, 10:53 PM
A timelapse of my run from here to Happendon Services.

The hooning vids are still being edited.


...enjoy the journey.

20th May 2015, 11:42 AM
I've just worked out that from 16:00 on Friday to leaving the bar on Sunday night we spent about 18 hours in the pub plus a few snifters in the Indian.

...enjoy the journey.

20th May 2015, 12:42 PM
I can't believe that was all Pete ... We need to try harder next time ;)

20th May 2015, 02:11 PM
If you insist.....

...enjoy the journey.

20th May 2015, 02:13 PM
:) :)

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21st May 2015, 07:25 AM
The video should be finished tonight.
Not too sure how long a 1h 20m long 60fps HD vid will take to upload to YouTube though.

It'll be free to watch but you'll have to buy your own popcorn.

...enjoy the journey.

21st May 2015, 05:36 PM
Sounds like I'll need to get the recliner in front of the TV and a few cans on standby :)
Bet it's a comedy ...

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21st May 2015, 08:56 PM
Still waiting :popcorn:

22nd May 2015, 06:15 AM


MINI William
22nd May 2015, 06:39 AM
Great video Pete. Only had a quick skim through it but will watch in full later

22nd May 2015, 07:35 AM
Ta Wiiliam.
Aye it's not sommat that you can watch in 5 minutes.

...enjoy the journey.

MINI William
22nd May 2015, 08:45 AM
Ta Wiiliam.
Aye it's not sommat that you can watch in 5 minutes.

...enjoy the journey.

It is not. Its a small film, wonder if we could get the Pooles to give us a premier :laugh:

22nd May 2015, 08:47 AM
Cracking video Pete ...I'll need to do that with mine too. How long did it take you to put it altogether and edit it ?

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22nd May 2015, 09:08 AM
Great vid Pete :)

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22nd May 2015, 09:32 AM
PMSL William.
Thanks Davy & Craig.
It took about 6-7 hours to edit in total Davy, 3 hours of that was deciding which gauges to use and where to put 'em !!

...enjoy the journey.