View Full Version : Nenah

10th September 2004, 04:53 AM
On Anderson Drive at junction with Cocket Hat about 2.30/2.40pm. I was a passenger in the mercedes stopped next to you at the traffic lights. The other occupants were suitably impressed when I told them what was under the bonnet, though one, who drives a micra, sniffed in the air and said "ah but there no propper minis". Since he was my bosses eldest and his pride and joy I did not tell him about the remarkable similarity he shared with a certain part of the male anatomy!!

12th September 2004, 06:58 AM
Hey Sheilz! I wondered why the people in the merc where all checking out the wheels - sorry didnt see you to get a chance to say hi! It seems like ages that anyone has "I saw you" - sniff...micra drivers - what would they know about style, power and performance handling? but appreciate your efforts to help him see the light!

See you when I get back from States and hope youre enjoying the new wheels still.