View Full Version : Scottish Car Show 19th July 2015

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20th July 2015, 07:39 PM
Good to get out & about again and catch up with all things NMS. All the attending cars looked the biz & the organisation around the club stand is a credit to you all :clap:

Good to hear that the recruitment drive is in full flow & if its the same Kirsty (liquid yellow S?) from the early years, sorry we missed you & welcome back to the brilliantly run modern day NMS

Cheers for the grub (special thanks to M&S and the Catering Crew) & reckon we'll be another couple bidding for a space next year :thumbs up:

20th July 2015, 07:42 PM
I got home at about 18:00 after a very steady 240 mile, 4h 40m drive, which only used up 1/2 tank of Nitro+.
This is only a wee post for now Just to say a massive thank you to Christina & Brian for their hospitality and for also having Davy & Cat as guests which added more joviality to my stay.
I personally want to thank each and every single one of you for making The SCS such a great advert for NMS and for also making me feel so welcome again.
A better, longer, more in depth review will be posted tomorrow, with pics, the one I took of Cat's wing mirror is just mind blowing, because after only about 16-18 hours sleep since waking up on Thursday morning, I'm shattered at the mo.

Thank you to all,
(NMS Yorkshire Branch)

...enjoy the journey.

20th July 2015, 08:34 PM
Well then where do I start ... yeah I suppose as always at the beginning.

It's been a busy few weeks for me not just at work but also after it or before I trying to firstly get Catherine's MINI (MAC) ready for the show and then after that I decided that the S needed a wee makeover too ! As the weekend approached there was a strange sense of relief that nothing more could (or would be done) and i could just enjoy the weekend. The plan had always been to have Catherine's MINI ready and on show at SCS so I knew that the weekend could potentially be a busy one. Getting one car ready for a show is sometimes hard enough but two ... oh well in for a penny !
The weather played a big part in the weekends proceedings and as I headed to bed on Friday night, listening to the rain, I had my fingers crossed that it would be dry when I woke up on Saturday morning.
As always on show weekend I woke up well before the alarm went off and rather than try and get back to sleep it was time to get up and pack the car. It was a weird feeling to be packing for the weekend given it was a "home show" as Catherine and I had been invited to spend the weekend with Brian and Christina, along with Pete at the chateaux Harper. So after the usual texts between Pete and I and then William I headed off early to check in and get started on cleaning the car. After a gentle drive over to Edinburgh, trying to avoid every pot hole, stone, twig, puddle etc to avoid the freshly painted parts getting chipped I met Andrew who was already in the drive waiting to make a start on his car. After a wee chat we noticed a couple of heads above the wall and Brian and William appeared to get us checked in. After a quick look round the "S" checking out the new additions it was time to make a start cleaning the cars whilst the sun was out. Andrew had been hard at work too during the week and decided he need more orange on his car and had decided to take a leaf out of Eddies book and try some painting. After producing the orange air scoop from the front of the car it was fitted and the cleaning began. The wind played a big part in the afternoons events with William wearing more snow foam than Megan's Countryman at one point.
As the cars were being washed the unmistakable sound of t'southern branch member could be heard and 1499 appeared within the driveway. Pete poured himself out of the GP and after the usual welcomes we returned to finishing the cars. Pete had decided to bring half a shop of goodies with him and after ten trips back and forth to the house to empty the GP he decided to continue with his usual exchange of "goodies" ... All I can say is thanks for the candle Pete revenge will be sweet (and Malcolm you'll not escape either for encouraging him) !
As we got the cars sorted Catherine appeared and I managed to get MAC washed before the usual Scottish weather came upon us and rain stopped play. Looking up the drive Carlsberg don't do driveways but if they did it would be that of The Harpers on Saturday afternoon.
A few hours later a few of us met for a pre show catch up at a local Indian restaurant ... The usual cider, beer and wine flowed and as the night wore on it was time to part company. Funnily enough the chat and drink continued back at the Harpers and another early night was off the cards. As we all headed to bed in the small hours of Sunday morning the rain was still coming down and the chance of a dry Sunday seemed like a distant possibility.
The alarm went off a few hours later and the usual excitement that accompanies a show overrides the brain that's saying "get back to sleep you've only had a couple of hours sleep".
Well I thought I was up early but as I ventured downstairs to get ready Christina was already at the cooker preparing breakfast ! As Brian, Pete and Catherine appeared one by one in the kitchen it transpired William, Megan and Andrew were still fast asleep !!!
A short time later though everyone was dressed, cars were packed and the convoy left to meet the rest of the show gang at Hermiston Gate. Brian and I headed for fuel (yes we know bad planning) and on our arrival it was great to see the NMS show gang ready to go. The convoy to the show was its usual chaotic self as we neared the entrance however Christina had it all in hand and after sweet talking herself into the queuing traffic she then let the rest of the NMS convoy in accordingly (can't teach that !) ... As my left leg got sore on and off the clutch as we queued to get in at least the rain was starting to go off. As we lined up in traffic approaching the main entrance "mom" made the mistake of putting down the windows to chat to everyone. After a long slow drive around part of the show the cars were parked and the gazebos erected. No sooner had that happened "mom n dad" had the WC50 emptied and the BBQ started with breakfast serving started. For those that attended the usual chat, banter and laughs continued throughout the day until the rain came on late on and everyone sought shelter under the gazebos ... A dash for the exits and an end of the show saw another great SCS come to an end.
On coming out of the show in the torrential rain chaos has obviously ensued at various parts of the surrounding roads.
A few of us decided it was only right to continue the day and we headed to a glorious wee Italian for dinner where as Brian said the banter continued between the restaurant staff and us. Needless to say another night came and went far too quickly and as folk drifted off home and to bed in preparation for work the following morning, Cat, Christina and I stayed up chatting.
All in all a fantastic weekend with what I would call a home game that felt like an away on ..
As always with these events I have a number of thanks to pass on ..
Firstly a massive thanks to The Harpers for the invite and putting up with Catherine and I (oh and Pete) for the weekend. We were spoilt all weekend and I personally can't thank you enough for having us. Also thanks for all the effort that William put in organising the event, these things don't just happen themselves and there's a lot to sort out well before the show.
A massive thanks to Pete for travelling up for the weekend, 1499 looked simply stunning and was a credit to all your pre show hard work. All at NMS appreciated your effort coming up for the show and our behalf "We thank you sir".
Another big thanks to "mom n dad" for their amazing hard work in making sure that everyone got fed. I don't know how you manage it yet make it look so easy, I take my hat off to you both and can't thank you enough for all your hard work yesterday. A big thanks to "mom" too for my box of goodies ... which I will share and dad for the PM on Saturday night (I genuinely appreciated the thought) ...
Lastly thanks to one and all of you that attended the show and brought all the goodies with you, you are ALL a credit to the club and like Brian says you should all take a bow going by all the comments yesterday. Everyone that I spoke to praised the high standard of the cars on display, the people on the stand and the atmosphere that the NMS stand gave off. I know that the show scene isn't everyone's cup of tea but I didn't see anyone without a smile on their face yesterday even when the heavens opened.
It was great to get a chat with everyone (I hope) at some point and hope that everyone that attended had a great day too. Thanks again to everyone at NMS for making the SCS a great success and here's to making the next event just as successful as this ... Until next time keep on MINIing

Crombers I'm sure you'll be there next year ... :):)

- - - Updated - - -

For some reason (probably too much talking) I didn't get many photos ... but the ones that I did take I'll fire up as soon as I get the chance. Off out to clean one of Catherine's wheels that'll probably take me about an hour !!

MINI William
20th July 2015, 10:18 PM
Another fantastic write up Davy. Again a huge heartfelt thanks to everyone who came along yesterday and also to Pete fot making the epic journey up for the show your efforts haven't went unnoticed. It was great to hear so many people taking about NMS and the fantastic cars that we had on display. Our pitch was far better than what we had last year which was a blessing as we could have all 20 cars spaced out and still have room for 2 gazebos and a mountain of food. Also a huge thanks to Malcolm and Siubhan for keeping us feed throughout the day.

Now what we have all been waiting on ... Pictures I hope I got one with everyone's car.
http://i167.photobucket.com/albums/u122/miniwilliam/002_zpswei6pahb.jpg (http://s167.photobucket.com/user/miniwilliam/media/002_zpswei6pahb.jpg.html)
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20th July 2015, 10:33 PM
What a cracking turn- out! Really diverse range of Minis, not to mention the added NMS 'extras' of the BBQ and the Banter. Sorry I couldn't make it, but once again you all did NMS proud, well done everybody!

20th July 2015, 11:18 PM
What a great day....yet again. And we were So lucky with the weather. Massive thanks to all the Harpers, for organising yet another great event and for taking NMS "onwards and upwards". I take my hat off to you all. :thumbs up:

Enough food to feed an army.....quite literarily . Big thanks to Tam for all his help and to everyone else who offered to assist with the cooking. I hate barbequing, but once I got rolling, I didn't see the point of anyone else "smelling like a sausage" for the day. Next year Mom and I will pick up the meat and rolls as usual, but I'll happily let someone else do the cooking.
Volunteers take one step forward please.

I didn't eat too much BBQ food, (I know who cooked it) but I did make up for it by having one of everyone's cakes and my fair share of tablet. (Pete's found yet another Scottish delicacy). Oh yes.... and more than one truffle...mmmmmm

Didn't take too many photographs, but managed to get a couple of the NMS crew with our "personal security". Mom has spent all day on the internet trying to find out where you can adopt a soldier. :computer:




21st July 2015, 09:32 AM
I had an absolutely fab time weekend. Everything went so smoothly and was no doubt down to all the hard work put in by others. Thank you to William for organising it all, and keeping me right, both on the road and off it. With it being my first show taking my own car, I was a bit nervous but everyone were so helpful and nothing was too much trouble. Mac says he definitely wants to come back! Thank you so much to Malcolm and Siobhan for literally feeding an army, food was delicious. A massive thank you to my other half for all his hard work helping me get Mac's bits and pieces changed, and getting him ready. Davy you're a star! Biggest thank you to Brian and Christina for such a warm welcome, to have us to stay in your home all weekend was just so generous and your hospitality was second to none. Was amazing of Pete to come so far to be with everyone too. All in all I had such a fantastic time, the show, the meals, the banter and laughs. And that giant wine glass! Lol. I'll try and put a few pics on, not sure how successful that will be [emoji12][emoji12]

Turns out not to be successful at all. Oh well Davy will get some up later on [emoji13]

21st July 2015, 12:12 PM
So this was my first time on a stand at the SCS and my second show with the club and it's just keeps getting better. The spirit and friendliness around the club is just miles above any other gathering I've attended, it truely is the people that make the club. Thanks for the hospitality, the food was amazing (really appreciate the effort that went into the BBQ and preparation) and the organisation was spot on. Myself and Phaven had a great day. Only took a few pictures here are all the MINI related ones, every car looked fantastic, proud to be a part of this club. http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/77a7d0a52ef65c3eea2f3bdb30e25058.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/c884d678ec5ec5edd82464a0974e2a48.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/731bfcf293386ff35e81355f188acc83.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/198c651d56cc3c157c38195edca2b2a0.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/ce5cb0914be65a362a9dcd8b309c8285.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/3a6aa1e5a47676ad6e3835acb431d890.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/b0415eb84c257b0e6ccadec116e8c35f.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/9a95f0303636efed6190ee4ed3e3e314.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/a35040222597ac398604ce1df2a735a4.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/af0cc58790d49ddc8db5e7e86bf50442.jpg

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MINI William
21st July 2015, 12:18 PM
What a cracking turn- out! Really diverse range of Minis, not to mention the added NMS 'extras' of the BBQ and the Banter. Sorry I couldn't make it, but once again you all did NMS proud, well done everybody!

Euan your spot on we had a great spread of the full MINI range from R50,53,55,56,57,58,60 and F56 also with different levles of modifacation, showing what NMS is all about

21st July 2015, 04:48 PM
Some pics of the day http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/abe53cc02edb09ad1f35276244dda37c.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/23a52a00550df31c1ff1cfdf149ee4a2.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/6ee7d0b54b225091706a17e091ad2f46.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/b5719020f10b0dbfcf9579ecef70eca5.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/5da0ae9d9e5b8c2398f35a5b9f8b782e.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/94fd4232aba5d632bc99dc893a481364.jpghttp://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/07/21/e85eed3de88f04418c5dd43a934d0dbe.jpg

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21st July 2015, 07:10 PM
As I mentioned I'm sorry but unusually for me I didn't get many photos at all ... The few that I did get aren't the best and I'll be in trouble as I didn't even get a photo of our two MINIs together ....

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MINI William
21st July 2015, 07:12 PM
Fantastic pics everyone

21st July 2015, 07:45 PM
Great pics people ,if no one minds I will use a few for the NMS Instagram page :thumbs up:

21st July 2015, 10:21 PM
The few pics that I took have finally been uploaded.....


...enjoy the journey.

21st July 2015, 11:18 PM
The boy doing the registration plates had clearly met Pete before ... http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/34ddcd57f617390399bbb3c86adf8ea1.jpg

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22nd July 2015, 06:25 AM
The boy doing the registration plates had clearly met Pete before ... http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/34ddcd57f617390399bbb3c86adf8ea1.jpg

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MINI William
22nd July 2015, 07:18 AM
The boy doing the registration plates had clearly met Pete before ... http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc428/GPEcosse/34ddcd57f617390399bbb3c86adf8ea1.jpg

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22nd July 2015, 07:22 AM
Aye, ya cheeky sod.
I wished I'd kept mi gob shut now.

...enjoy the journey.

22nd July 2015, 11:03 AM
Euan your spot on we had a great spread of the full MINI range from R50,53,55,56,57,58,60 and F56 also with different levles of modifacation, showing what NMS is all about

Couldn't agree more. It's "All for one and one for all" with NMS, whether your MINI is old or new, standard or modded to the max, you're welcome, and that's before you find out what a great (and equally diverse) bunch of folks we are.

Making Mini Memories - that's NMS!

ps Fab photos! Especially the ones with the Army being outnumbered and outmanoevered by Sioban! S.A.S. - Sioban's Army Soldiers? (Thought I'd better keep it clean!)

26th July 2015, 01:05 AM
Sorry it's late but here's my contribution to the Scottish Car Show write ups.
As always my show prep starts on the Monday night before with a text or two to Davy.
The excitement from the texts sent and received is so easy to see it always makes me smile and is a great way to get ready for a show.
A text to ask Davy if some wax I'd bought for The Hearse was met with a cautionary reply but I jumped in with both feet and caked 1499 in Collinite 476S and sent the odd pic to Davy and awaited the reply.
The answers can not be posted in full due to excessive use of sweary language by the answers were very favourable and made me feel like I'd made the right choice.
After about 4 hours sleep on Friday night I awoke before the alarm at 04:50 and started to cobble some clothes together and load up the rear of 1499 with enough crisps to feed the 5,000, my clothes, camera gear, cleaning box and the all important folding chair which was never used.
I set off at 07:30 under clear blue skies and bright sunshine which inevitably did not last for long.
Driving up the A1 through North Yorkshire, in a monsoon, resulted in me leaning forward to watch the rain streaming up the bonnet which gave me the hope that 1499 may not suffer too badly on it's trip up t'North.
After a steady driver up the M6 and M74, I turned off onto the A702.
I'll save my thoughts on that stretch of road for anyone who wants to ask but all I will say is that "yes Davy, it is classed as lifting off even if you only lose 1mph" lol and at the start of the A702 I had averaged 38mpg but by the time I reached Loanhead it was sitting at 32mpg.
That must have been caused by the uphill sections.
; )
I arrived at Château Harper about 13:00 to be greeted by the sight of a cleaning frenzy which was interrupted by the usual friendly hellos and and a quick sniff around each car to see if there had been any additions since the MMM.
When Brian said that it was time to meet Blue I stared at the garden gate in trepidation as he opened it.
Blue came hurtling at me, barking his head off, but thankfully Christina had prewarned me that he would do this and after he'd given me a quick once over he was such a pleasure to be around and turned out to be one of the most friendly and inquisitive dogs that I have ever met and is a huge credit to Brian & Christina.
I decided that 1499 lstill looked good enough to not warrant a full foam, wash and dry and just gave it a wipe o'er with some Speed Wipe which spruced it up a treat.
Christina arrived from work and offered me a Bulmers which I turned down so that I could make sure that 1499 looked the best that I could get it.
Eventually the cleaning was finished and the Bulmers was gladly opened.
It was followed by a few more and then it was off out for an Indian, back home for a few more snifters and then to bed for a few hours sleep.
Up at 05:30 and I hosed off Christina's Countryman after Brian had given it a wash, Davy appeared on the driveway and then the banter and excitement started to build quickly.
Away to meet the others at a Shopping Centre and then off to the SCS.
The traffic surprised me somewhat as I have never been to a major car show to be on a club stand before.
A slow drive in and then the task of putting up the tents and wiping 1499 down again with the Speed Wipe was over a done with in what felt like minutes.
The crowds started to arrive and the day was spent chatting to loads of strangers, most of which I did actually understand, about Redward, NMS in general, and the reasoning behind why I had driven 240 miles to be with NMS, if they needed to ask the just wouldn't understand.
The amount of food on the stand was just unbelievable.
If anyone ventured towards the back of the stand they were not going to get away without either a bacon, sausage, steak or burger butty in their hands.
Mum & Dad, you two are just unbelievable and a huge personal thanks from me for the BBQ'd food, it was gorgeous.
The day was over in a flash and the dismantling, began after a slight rain delay and we were off home after yet another cracking show with the NMS family.
The weather kicked in again and I ended following William blindly wondering where the hell we were going.
A quick call from William explained all so I followed him to his house and then it was back to Château Harper for a few more drinks and then off out for more food.
The waiter in the restaurant had to be experienced to be believed. He may act up for all the other customers but he made us all laugh and I threw back one or quips which he did laugh about.
Eddies coffee, Megan's Nutella with loaf of bread and Cat's new wine glass will make me giggle each time that I think about them.
Back home for another round of laughs and tipples and it was then back to bed for another few hours sleep.
Up at 06:30 and a goodbye to Brain as he left for work and me and Christina awaited Davy and Cat waking up.
A stunning breakfast made by Christina was followed by a trip in Edinburgh for a visit to Bowden's......
I have NEVER been as nervous in my life when I have walked into a clothes shop.
YES, I did try on a kilt but my decision on if I will be wearing trews, a kilt, a suit or something else for William's & Megan's wedding will have to remain a secret until next year I'm afraid.
A quick trip up onto Arthur's Seat was a great wee addition to the day.
We then headed back home.
After saying our goodbyes I left Christina, Blue, Davy & Cat for a steady 4.5 hour trip back home.
It was a blast from start to finish, but as always, went by way too fast.
I would like to thank you all for making my weekend yet another cracking one away with NMS.
You are all a credit to yourselves and to this club.
A special thanks to Christina & Brain for your stunning hospitality, to Davy & Cat for the presents, they will be treasured as always but one will definitely get more use than the other, lol, and especially to William for the organisation.
I know that I missed out quite a few moments from the weekend but if I wrote down every memorable moment that I had you'd still be reading it this time next year.
I'll see some of you at MITP, BMS or both, and the rest of you at some point next year.

Thank you all,
(NMS Yorkshire Branch)

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MINI William
27th July 2015, 05:09 PM
Pete just seen this, don't know how I missed it. It was a pleasure to have you up and on the NMS stand, anytime. Really pleased that you had a great time and made so many memories. Looking forward to MITP already and what is has in store for us all.

27th July 2015, 07:22 PM
Pete I'm so glad you had a good time xx you are more than welcome anytime Xx

27th July 2015, 07:23 PM
Pete just saw this ......don't know how I missed it :ragin: excellent write up and very kind words ,I still find it amazing how a love of a certain type of car brings so many people together and then the car element becomes not as important as the social/friendship side of things ,as so many have said before yes it is a car club that does shows and meets ....but we are so much more than that ,come and join us ....you never know you might just enjoy it and more importantly you will make new friends that I have found will be there whenever you need them :yes nod:

28th July 2015, 09:33 AM
Nae worries Brian.
I just write up as I find it.
As I've said before my theory about MINI ownership is now 5%/95%.
5% is actually owning the car and 95% is about the people you meet, the friends that you make and the great memories that you collect.

...enjoy the journey.