View Full Version : nearly a new year

30th December 2014, 08:52 PM
Glad it's near time for a new year ,fed up eating things I don't need , and missing my work :argh: just want to get back to normal and look forward to the next show season,what about you lot ?

30th December 2014, 09:35 PM
Nah not looking forward to the new year, too many uncertainties with both our work.... I'll stick in 2014. :) :)

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30th December 2014, 10:00 PM
I'm looking forward to the new year, more shows, runs and tours :thumbs up:

30th December 2014, 10:26 PM
Can't say I'm missing work to be honest, enjoyed being able to switch off after quite a stressful year.

Looking forward to 2015, as Eddie says more shows, runs and tours and just hanging around with you nutty lot really.

Back on a diet on the 1st, well maybe the 2nd ;) and hit the gym again properly in an effort to get fitter for my first proper holiday in years :)

AndyP & Lenore
30th December 2014, 11:44 PM
I'm really looking forward to 2015. 2014 has been a dreadful year for us in the cinema - actually our worst since 1995 - and it's not just us, the whole cinema industry in the UK and the US has seen a massive drop in admissions. And it's all down to sh*t films. Simples. One of the effects of this was that we've hardly had any Sunday's off to attend runs etc.

2015, however, is looking significantly different. Several mahoosive films which will free up biz cash which means we can take some extra days off to attend more runs. :thumbs up:


Mon the fish
31st December 2014, 07:15 AM
Can't wait to see the back of (most of) 2014 as sciatica has really ruined my year, and I've lost a lot of fitness & stamina as a result. On the mend (slowly), so hopefully 2015 is the year where I can push on to some more PBs :)

31st December 2014, 09:52 AM
Looking forward to the end of 2014 but plenty uncertainties about 2015 ...:idunno:

31st December 2014, 11:26 AM
Well 2014 has been a really good year for us Jessica was born so that is defo my highlight of 2014 👍. Enjoyed the shows. Took the clubman to France. Bussinis did had its best year yet and took on two more staff. So all in a really good year. Now for 2015 well of the above I hope. Getting to see Jessica grow up. And lots of other plans that should make it a good year

I hope every one has a good 2015

MINI William
31st December 2014, 11:39 AM
Really looking forward to 2015, not beacuse 2014 has been a bad year as its been a great year. With taking over NMS, the great runs we have had, attending the shows (a must for everyones 2015 bucket list, you will have a blast), getting enaged :blink: , Highland Tour (roll on The Heartbeat Tour), NMS Winning Best Club Stand at BMS 2014 ,along with so much more. But 2015 has so much in store with more runs, shows again with so much more in store.

Have a great time everyone :thumbs up:

31st December 2014, 01:58 PM
Well what more can I say except to echo the sentiments already mentioned ...
Whilst 2014 hasn't been bad it's certainly been busy with the Commonwealth Games and Ryder Cup to mention a couple of work related things. I'm sure 2015 will be just as busy but hey that's life !
Like everyone else has said this year has been a cracking year "MINI" wise with the club going from strength to strength and laterally for me becoming part of the clubs admin team ... Thank you I feel very honoured.
NMS I'm sure during 2015 will continue to grow in strength and with everyone's time and effort I'm confident that we'll have another great year not just on the show front but also on runs, meets and everything else that comes our way. It's been great to share the memories along the way with like minded friends and to those that haven't managed to dip their toe in the water for runs, social events or even shows why not make 2015 a year to try it.
Thanks to everyone that has made 2014 an enjoyable year and here's to a happy, healthy and prosperous 2015.

31st December 2014, 02:10 PM
I'm really looking forward to '15.
This year has been the best yet in my few years on the MINI scene. I have always felt very lucky to be a part of GPUKOC but spending more time with my NMS family has really upped the ante for me and confirmed my 10%/90% outlook about MINI ownership.
I'm hoping that the NMS/GPUKOC Scotland run happens next year but I'll try my utmost to get up there whether it happens or not.
It's a shame that I can't make the Heartbeat Tour as it would have been great to see you on my own turf.
Oh well, maybe I'll have to try for the '16 run if you have one.
Thanks to all of you that I have met this year and here's hoping to meeting a few more of you in '15.

If you are celebrating tonight, don't do anything that I wouldn't do, but if you do, blame Davy and the alcohol.

It always works for me even if he wasn't there.

All the best and have a very happy and prosperous New Year.

...to Infinity and beyond !!!

31st December 2014, 04:31 PM
Yup roll on 2015 & days off work!! ....... Looking forward to the Heartbeat (time safely booked off work) & any other NMS runs we can attend.

Thus far over the so called 'festive period' (bah blinkin humbug) I've had days off on Sat 20th, Wed 24th & Thu 25th & my next scheduled day off is this Friday the 2nd. These have been exceptional times as I've had to cover for other colleagues. You could therefore say it's been kinda 'busy' (shouldn't really complain as that's what keeps us in a job) in the food retail/supermarket sector thus far! So if you lot could refrain from nipping down to your local 'supermercado' for a day or two just to allow volumes to drop just a 'tad', I might just be able to put my size 9's up :rolleyes:

Have a Happy New Year y'all & rest easy in the knowledge that you won't run out of essentials, cos I'm working tonight & your friendly local shops are all open to tomorrow :thumbs up:

On the bright side at least I'll not be dreading going back to work after the holidays :whoohoo:

31st December 2014, 09:37 PM
Shame you can't make the heartbeat tour ,but I am sure we will see you at some point during show season :yes nod: