View Full Version : Noisy in car doing my head in

23rd December 2014, 06:51 AM
Right this is starting to do my head right in,

I have plastics that seem to be making a noise cracking squeaking etc I can't pin point it down to one location it seems to be everywhere as I can here it from all directions,

Any advice other than selling my R56 would be great the mini is the noisiest in car I have ever had.

Mon the fish
23rd December 2014, 07:18 AM
Minis rattle, it's what they do

23rd December 2014, 02:50 PM
If it's got warranty take it back

23rd December 2014, 06:26 PM
Where exactly or roughly is the rattle coming from ?

23rd December 2014, 08:55 PM
If you have a mini without rattles or squeeaks the chances are there are bits missing ( fallen off)

23rd December 2014, 10:03 PM
In the back somewhere and the front passenger side i think

24th December 2014, 03:15 AM
a piece of soft rubber tubing placed in one ear and earplug in the other and use the tube like a stethoscope to pinpoint the noise
had to use this method a few times to find bad bearings squeaks and rattles on equipment at work

25th December 2014, 10:07 AM
Thanks guys

Alex from NM
25th December 2014, 11:22 AM

I feel your pain! I had the same rattle and stripped the car out. Absolute nightmare. It was caused by a combination of the rear quarter panels not fitting right (they still don't but now they have a load of anit-rattle tape behind them), and more significantly, my car was lowered. Around the top of the rear springs is a plastic cone that stops the original springs from corrosion. This was rubbing on the springs and made it sound like it was coming from the rear quarter. It only stopped when I broke the cone driving enthusiastically :thumbs up: