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View Full Version : New MINI concept - stunning...

24th May 2014, 07:07 PM

MINI William
24th May 2014, 07:12 PM
Anything but stunning. Not a nice car.

24th May 2014, 07:22 PM
never a MINI :sad:

24th May 2014, 07:55 PM
It's a concept and will never happen.

However, I think it looks fantastic! Kind of like a cool 50/60s US car

24th May 2014, 09:11 PM
And the point of this is.....? :idunno:
Looks like a 50s/60s prototype but with style and flair cunningly removed. It's like the 'Tadpole Stage' of the original Batmobile! I think it looks quite bland, and the colour/standard MINI wheels don't do it any favours either.

Is it a MINI though? Nope :frown: No more than the plethora of Mini-based Kit Cars we had in the 60s and 70's. IMHO it's just another distraction to fill column inches in the mags/internet, despite the recent launch of the f56. It's as if they have an Attention Deficit Disorder and have to keep creating 'stuff' every other month or they'll cease to exist!

24th May 2014, 09:35 PM
The positive energy in this forum is too much for me at times!

24th May 2014, 09:38 PM
Love it ……… NOT

That's just wrong that stupid fin at the back

24th May 2014, 10:18 PM
I don't like it, but i can see the potential.

Can help but draw a comparison between the original concept ACV30 in 1997 which was an ugly ducking (IMO) which gave birth to the mini we all know and love now. Perhaps this concept once refined and fiddled with will give us another stunning car at the end?

Can't help but feel that the front end is taking a little bit of the rocket concept (hey what happened to that one?!?!) and an Aston?

Some nice design points in there, i do like the windscreen and the steering wheel, but it's just not MINI for me, too far detached from the brand.

24th May 2014, 10:33 PM
Perhaps the Rocketman is not dead.

24th May 2014, 10:56 PM
The positive energy in this forum is too much for me at times!
It's the sarcasm that kills me Ken! :smilewinkgrin:

If folks don't like something, surely it's 'positive' to be honest about it? No point in being dishonest just to promote some sort of false 'isn't everything MINI wonderful' vibe is there? If I thought this latest concept was good looking and technically interesting, I'd say so, but to me it's just another example of designers playing with themselves. It doesn't really break any new ground design-wise, it's probably (thankfully) never going to make it into production and overall it's just... not that good.

If you're going to start a thread saying something is 'Stunning', that's YOUR opinion, which is fine and you're perfectly entitiled to it, but it's a wee bit rich to make sarcastic remarks when others don't agree with you! :hand:

24th May 2014, 11:40 PM
Ho hum!

It is a concept and not something anyone is expected to buy.

I like the looks and the fact that they have skilled workers putting their heart and soul into it.

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I hope that this video does not show a MINI, just something that is ugly! apologies in advance ;-)

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My "sarcastic" remark was more about how this forum is not the most positive place to hang out. Sarcastic or the truth?

25th May 2014, 06:24 AM
Ok Ken are we not allowed are own options
As long as there the same as yours then we are ok ?? Shall we all be lost puppy dogs and follow your every word ??

This forum is a good place with good people you would know that if you cam to a run or a show !!

People are going to say what they think and have every right to

Just because the last 2 things you have like most regulars don't dose not meant this is a bad place it just different peoples options if you don't like it don't log on !!

Or are you a troll / keyboard warrior ??


25th May 2014, 06:38 AM
As Stoney has said if you don't like it don't log on .

MINI William
25th May 2014, 06:55 AM
Ho hum!

It is a concept and not something anyone is expected to buy.

I like the looks and the fact that they have skilled workers putting their heart and soul into it.

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I hope that this video does not show a MINI, just something that is ugly! apologies in advance ;-)

- - - Updated - - -

My "sarcastic" remark was more about how this forum is not the most positive place to hang out. Sarcastic or the truth?

Yes Ken it's a concept, which most car company's use to display there skills and what future design features they will be using in the future. This is a means of testing the water.

About the positive energy, you are sadly mistaken here also. NMS is a fantastic community with very positive members with only a few people that like to suck energy. My question would be what demonstrates this negative energy you speak of? People don't like a concept car, who cares? It's never going to be made?!!

Hopefully you will attended a meet in the future Ken to see how NMS really is.

25th May 2014, 08:35 AM
I really like it, imagine a sunny Sunday afternoon and a deserted b-road.

25th May 2014, 09:17 PM
:off topic:
My "sarcastic" remark was more about how this forum is not the most positive place to hang out. Sarcastic or the truth?

I think you're confusing the word 'truth' with the words 'my opinion' Ken. I'll try to answer this in an adult fashion, without the use of travel instructions or sexual swearwords... :smilewinkgrin:

NMS isn't about petty disagreements over actual or conceptualised conglomerations of metal and plastic, it's about a fairly diverse group of individuals who happen to love (in many ways) the MINI. Not ALL of us love the same MINIs, but that's OK, we all have enough in common to get along. For me, NMS is - with the odd hiccup - a pretty positive experience. There should be room for everyone's opinion, and respect given to everyone's opinion. Now the fact that some of us don't agree that this 'concept' is the greatest thing since sliced bread is actually not the deal.

You decided to label our genuine and honest opinions on this specific topic as an example of the supposed overall 'negativity' of the site (and presumably the negativity of those of us who disagreed with your opinion). I would respectfully suggest that you should come along to a few runs or days out and get to know some of these 'nay-sayers' before pigeonholing (illegal in 13 Counties) them.

This 'negative' site has allowed me to meet and get to know some extremely nice folk over the years and have some of THE best days/drives I can remember. Folks who will stick by you and lend a hand, or just give some kind words of support in hard times. So instead of looking at NMS as a narrow, limited 'Opinion Arena', get out and enjoy it to the full - there's a whole lot more to it than you seem to appreciate.

25th May 2014, 09:35 PM
Nuff said wee man - nuff said.

:thumbs up:

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26th May 2014, 01:19 PM
Just loves you elfman xxxxx

26th May 2014, 01:23 PM
Nuff said wee man - nuff said.

:thumbs up:

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Mon the fish
26th May 2014, 03:19 PM
I like speedsters as a concept - D-type Jags, Porsches etc. But I don't like the 'contrived' look of this - how its a speedster, but with Mini styling cues.

It's not just Mini who are at this idea of grafting on the 'brand look' onto cars that IMO don't suit the look - think of the Porsche Cayenne & Panamera, the Fiat 500L thingy (possibly the best contraception I've ever seen - have kids and end up in a family fun bus? No thanks!).

Grafting on Mini design cues onto a completely different type of car just doesn't work well IMO - like the cars I've mentioned above. The rear lights are a particular no-no for me.

I feel the Mini design department are really starting to lose their way, sadly

26th May 2014, 08:09 PM
Couldn't have put it better ^^ come meet the "gang" you might be surprised how positive we can be :)

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