View Full Version : Jumping ship.....

1st March 2014, 10:41 PM
Hey guys :bigwave:, after 14 years of driving Pugs, I've decided the time has come to jump ship and try my hand at a MINI. I had my heart on replacing my RCZ with a 208GTI but was so disppointed in it, it felt like I was driving a people carrier.
Anyhoo......I've testdriven a Cooper SD, which sadly goes like stink (!) compared to the RCZ and a 1.6 petrol Roadster (which was mucho fun!!), I've decided to go with the hatch as I think I would soon fall out of love with the Roadster after a harsh Aberdeen winter.
My dilemma is....blow the budget on a Cooper S (sacrificing diesel) or 'settle' for Cooper D ..... but would the D be fast enough after what I've been used to??
If the published MPG are accurate then I'll be happy, but I've heard from (older) MINI drivers that you get nothing like the published figures.
I'm just after some advice really as I want a 2014 hatch but perhaps I should maybe think of the current Cooper SD. Any advice would be great guys.....also anyone had any dealings with John Clark MINI in Aberdeen?

Neil - TXJ
2nd March 2014, 12:04 AM

I had a S and moved to an SD a few months ago. Was getting about 44 mpg from my S and about 54 from my SD.

It all depends on your needs and priorities. The S is a more 'fun' drive but I didnt get much chance to have 'spirited drives' with most of my driving is commuting. The driving styles are quite different as well with the SD requiring a lot more gear changing to keep in power band.

I got a very well specked SD that costs me considerably less to run than a S would but a big factor is because of fuel savings.

MINI William
2nd March 2014, 12:13 AM
Welcome to NMS, I hope you find the right car soon.

2nd March 2014, 04:14 AM
Your choice of car will depend on the way you drive, if you're sticking with a hatch then you have the choice of the way you'll drive either car.
With the S you're more likely to not "drive" it near the limits as you would in the SD, however, with the SD you'll possibly feel more rewarded for a more spirited driving style.
With the S you'll not be caught out as much by giving you that wee bit of oomph when you need it, for overtaking for example.

Nice dilemma to be in because there is no doubt a well driven SD can give you a bigger grin than a badly driven S

Mon the fish
2nd March 2014, 07:48 AM
Can't vouch for John Clark's sales team, but IMO the service dept are worse than useless. Wouldn't let them service my pushbike.

Tbh the R56 S gives the most diesel-like power delivery of any petrol car I've driven; it doesn't seem to relish high revs.

Best to drive both. An R56 S is good enough on fuel IMO

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2nd March 2014, 07:57 AM
Welcome along and good look in your search. Like the others have said try both and see which one you find better. Know a couple of lads with SDs and they love them.

2nd March 2014, 09:15 AM
Welcome and good luck with your search

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2nd March 2014, 11:41 AM
Cheers guys. Its such a shame that the SD is discontinued in the new 2014 hatch. I don't really want the old model :frown: (i prefer the new interior layout.....everything is where it 'should' be now!) but I will testdrive the Cooper 1.5D and the petrol Cooper S (providing the dealer has them both). I really want the more aggressive looking S but want the fuel economy of the now unavailable deisel version. It really is pants!
My OH wants the S but he's always been a petrolhead....but its me putting fuel in the thing :D

Aberdeen owners.......who do you use for servicing then?

Neil - TXJ
2nd March 2014, 12:24 PM
What about the cooper. Performance looks somewhere in between the S and D and consumption looks impressive.

2nd March 2014, 01:06 PM

But thats the problem, the NEW hatch is only Cooper, Cooper D (1.5) or Cooper S (2L petrol) ......

According to dealer there are no plans to reintroduce any diesel into the S and I don't know if the 1.5D will have enough grunt! Roll on test drive day ........

Typical woman.....always want what they can't get :argh:

Mon the fish
2nd March 2014, 02:41 PM
Tbh your favourite local garage can service Minis, they're not complicated. AW Autotech are good as a main dealer substitute, but not as cheap as an independent local

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2nd March 2014, 08:58 PM
The new S looks like a good engine and should do good mpg go for the S :)

3rd March 2014, 05:40 PM
Tbh the R56 S gives the most diesel-like power delivery of any petrol car I've driven; it doesn't seem to relish high revs.
Unless you have a JCW Stage 1 Kit, Milltek Downpipe, Forge Intercooler and Alta Intake of course! :smilewinkgrin: Having said that, it's still no screamer... :whiteflag:

Good luck with the car search Donna, whatever you decide to go for :thumbs up: As Ali said, the new F56 3-Pot COOPER looks like a good Performance/Economy choice.

8th March 2014, 03:44 PM
Cheers guys. Its such a shame that the SD is discontinued in the new 2014 hatch. I don't really want the old model :frown: (i prefer the new interior layout.....everything is where it 'should' be now!) but I will testdrive the Cooper 1.5D and the petrol Cooper S (providing the dealer has them both). I really want the more aggressive looking S but want the fuel economy of the now unavailable deisel version. It really is pants!
My OH wants the S but he's always been a petrolhead....but its me putting fuel in the thing :D

Aberdeen owners.......who do you use for servicing then?

Hello fellow Aberdonian:-)

I bought my roadster from John Clark last year and I guess it will be going back there for it's service but it would be against my better judgement after I fell out with them! Sales are fine, had no issues with them but servicing hmmmmm!!!
Having had the roadster over the winter, ok an almost tropical winter for Aberdeen, on the few days it was snowy it handled better than I was expecting tbh! Like you I was a bit hesitant about getting the roadster but so far it's been great and as it's going to be my only car til we flee these shores, I am more than happy with her :-)

Hope you find the one you want......I'm sure it must have been a bit like driving a sponge pudding after the RCZ!!


8th March 2014, 06:48 PM
Cheers Linz! I was gonna try and squeeze a TLC XL pack out of them to seal the deal but perhaps I should think again? It would be good to get some recommendations. I've been using Peugeot dealers for the last 14 years! I guess they'll be equipped to service any marque though....perhaps its "better the devil you know"!
The new 2014 demonstrators arrive at JC next weekend and all things going well (I.e. trade in for mine) I hope to "sod it" and go for the Cooper S. I'm pretty much settled on it but just want the OH to try it, I value his opinion!
As I'm only in Udny you'll no doubt see me zipping about in a Yellow S soon! Be sure to flash!

14th March 2014, 11:29 PM

15th March 2014, 12:05 AM
Cheers Linz! I was gonna try and squeeze a TLC XL pack out of them to seal the deal but perhaps I should think again? It would be good to get some recommendations. I've been using Peugeot dealers for the last 14 years! I guess they'll be equipped to service any marque though....perhaps its "better the devil you know"!
The new 2014 demonstrators arrive at JC next weekend and all things going well (I.e. trade in for mine) I hope to "sod it" and go for the Cooper S. I'm pretty much settled on it but just want the OH to try it, I value his opinion!
As I'm only in Udny you'll no doubt see me zipping about in a Yellow S soon! Be sure to flash!

Positively next door in Udny!!
The roadster hasn't had it's first service yet, I got the TLC pack too so I'm kinda tied into servicing with Mini but JC.....I'm in two minds about them!! Had a few niggles when I first got the car, persistent pulling to the left.....three visits to service and it's better but not 100%. Decided is run it for a bit longer and see if there was a worsening but so far, not so!

Will be looking out for you then!! If it's a sunny day....ok rare, I've normally got the top down and a daft hat on.....can't really miss the idiot in a huge furry hat!!!
