View Full Version : Top gear is back

26th January 2014, 11:02 PM
Top gear is back on next Sunday @ 20:00H

Love TG looking forward to it ;)

26th January 2014, 11:09 PM
Poooooooowwwwwwwwer ! :thumbs up:

MINI William
26th January 2014, 11:18 PM
Looking forward to it. Can't beat TopGear

27th January 2014, 01:21 PM
Yep love a bit of Top Gear!

mini mad andy
28th January 2014, 10:24 PM
It's always good for a laugh :laugh:.

MINI William
2nd February 2014, 08:23 PM
Just a reminder folks. TopGear on at 8 tonight

2nd February 2014, 11:14 PM
Checked it out and can't believe one of them didn't buy a 205GTi :(

2nd February 2014, 11:19 PM
It was crap... :(. Hope not gets better as that was terrible ....

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3rd February 2014, 12:19 AM
Was going well right up until SIARPC which I haven't watched for a while now. The police chase stuff at the end was awful. Before that it wasn't too bad, awfully scripted but you get used to that now. It's approaching retirement now, but as long as it makes a bucket load of cash for the bbc it'll stay on.

3rd February 2014, 12:32 AM
Catching it on I-player tomorrow. As I’ve said they spread it so thin that out six shows you get one that reminds you why you love it and forget the other four or five seemed time fillers.

I think they have forgot it’s a Car show and we want to hear about the new stuff and get an review now and then. They have taken licence with this it’s entertainment especially when its too staged.

mini mad andy
3rd February 2014, 12:43 AM
You wonder if after filming anybody watches it, because surly they would realise that a lot of that was not really very funny :frown:.

Hope the rest of the series is better or I think it's days are numbered, there are only so many times that it is funny watching three people wrecking three cars.

Cheers :beer:.


3rd February 2014, 01:26 AM
It's just got slowly worse over the years and not sure they can even revive it now ...

3rd February 2014, 07:44 AM
:confused:do you ever feel that you just wasted an hour of your life
well that was top gear last night

3rd February 2014, 07:52 AM
The problem is all the above comments are true .seems they are doing that much other stuff ,there seems to be no time for the type of programme that they can/used to turn out

MINI William
3rd February 2014, 08:18 AM
Sadly the above comments are true. They could have fitted so much more into the show. With less and less programmes in a series now due to their live show. Would be nice to see the old shows come back where they review something while still having an entertaining show and not blowing up a caravan.

3rd February 2014, 10:41 AM
I've often had a moan about it, it's purely an entertainment show with cars now, rather than being a car show. I thought the supermarket bit was pretty comedy, the rest was dreadful. The first two minutes I thought brilliant, they'll have a wee shoot out with new hatches against old...I was wrong :(

Also agree, where was the Renault Clio Williams or the 205 GTi? Poor show!

3rd February 2014, 11:14 AM
Last nights show in a nutshell was cr4p :moonie:

3rd February 2014, 01:01 PM
I've often had a moan about it, it's purely an entertainment show with cars now, rather than being a car show. I thought the supermarket bit was pretty comedy, the rest was dreadful. The first two minutes I thought brilliant, they'll have a wee shoot out with new hatches against old...I was wrong :(

Also agree, where was the Renault Clio Williams or the 205 GTi? Poor show!

The supermarket bit was probably the best bit of it, which was disappointing. We actually laughed more at Dragons Den, oddly.....but I guess it's not every day you watch a guy pitch for cash, based on his idea of custom fit condoms.......I mean, really???


3rd February 2014, 02:58 PM
I watched this last night. What a pile of crap! Can I just say I'm really glad that NMS folks seem to agree, as I thought it was just because I'm a Grumpy Old Man :ragin:

IMO it's now just a poor imitation of a "Monkees" style 'comedy' show - except the Monkees had some great tunes - where we have a nod to motoring stuff but mainly 'characters' and 'humorous' situations. Like some others, at the start I thought they were going to do a proper 'Old Vs New Hot Hatch shootout'. Some hope. What followed was the p*ss poorest hour of badly scripted clunky TV I've seen in ages. Predictable? I mean who would've guessed they'd blow up the cars at the end? Unfortunately not with the presenters actually inside. The bit where Hammond supposedly 'binned' the Nova on the way down the hillclimb was SO toe-curlingly unconvincing I nearly burst my tartan baffies. I mean, look what happened the last time he crashed on a TG shoot - like the insurers would have given last night's moment of comedic genius the thumbs up. At least the dragster stylee one was genuine.

Like Hammond's Nova, TG's been going steadily downhill in the past few series, but it used to at least have SOME genuinely decent items mixed in with the creeping spoilt schoolboy dross. Last night's offering was more cartoon than car, a waste of TV licence money, not to mention the hour I could've spent doing ANYTHING more productively. Like sleeping. Though that wish was fulfilled by the 'Downton Manor in the reasonably priced car' segment.

I'm recording the rest of the series in the vague hope it actually has something resembling content for petrolheads... I can always fast-forward past the 45mins of rubbish 'sitcom' in each episode which they'll no doubt dedicate to Clarkson being crass and bigotted, Hammond doing that really annoying 'cute but quite dumb' thing and May being slow and knitted.

2/10 and that's being generous :frown:

3rd February 2014, 05:26 PM
They will have two or three segments that they have done over the winter that they will know are gems. They do these segments then seem to come back and have a panic about trying to fill an hour so go panto time on us.

If I wanted to watch arses doing over scripted poor comedy sketches I'd watch the Chuckle Brothers. At least they are being honest as that’s what their audience wants unlike the three wise men. Its Jobs for the boys on golden contracts so much so they have got lazy. Its almost like they have sat round the pub table firing out drink induced crap ideas only someone has actually noted them down and done them.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQRcHSrRwIv_scpSXnzLl5E_PTQyhxFO EZQp_c0DomfAN22sFYAcg

4th February 2014, 03:34 PM
Its almost like they have sat round the pub table firing out drink induced crap ideas only someone has actually noted them down and done them.

I'm still waiting for my "ELFMAN Wrestles the Olympic Heptathlon Ladies" series idea to be picked up... :frown:

4th February 2014, 07:04 PM
But what would you fill the other 58 minutes up with in that hour slot after the Wrestling :smilewinkgrin:

13th February 2014, 09:12 PM
It's been disappointing so far

13th February 2014, 10:56 PM
Your being very kind john - the first 2 episodes have been manure !! :(

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mini mad andy
14th February 2014, 09:59 AM
At least the second episode showed the Alfa 4C which is stunning, the rest was rubbish though.

Big Col
14th February 2014, 12:24 PM
Totally agree with everything that has been said and just want to add that this wee comment hasn't got the applause it deserves!

Like Hammond's Nova, TG's been going steadily downhill in the past few series,

:thumbs up::D

14th February 2014, 11:50 PM
Only bit I've enjoyed so far was getting a glimpse of the P1 and thats it :rolleyes:

I used to love watching TG, USED TO!! :frown:

15th February 2014, 01:57 AM
The P1, Alfa and capt Slow with the troops brightened up the show from the awful first.

15th February 2014, 12:12 PM
I do still enjoy seeing car reviews on TG, but the stupid challenges are just boring. I loved the first 5 minutes or so of the Alfa 4C clip.

If I told the same joke every week, I'd rightly be told to shut up by those around me.

Clearly though some people don't think so as I'm sure TG is the BBC's most expensive programs to produce.

Thank goodness for Sky+, fast forward the junk and repeat the clips that actually relate to (proper) cars.

In summary, I usually find the programme about 50 minutes too long, but I guess if we were all the same the World would be a boring place.

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16th February 2014, 05:00 PM
lets hope its better tonight :ragin:

16th February 2014, 05:28 PM
They had the big guns out last week with the P1 and Alfa in a short Euro blast. I suspect they will feel they can squeeze in a few Naf segments tonight.

Probably something like “We asked can you wash your House Windows while in the Car” to the groans of the viewer of “We really don’t care” Time to seriously drop The Three Stooges routines. We can but hope.