View Full Version : Mad March Breakfast Dash 30th March 2014

MINI William
21st December 2013, 07:23 PM
Time for another March run I think. Route will be the same as the the Curry Run.
We will be meeting at Toby Carvery across from Mortonhall Crematorium for Breakfast - All you can eat for £3.99

The plan is to then head to Bejing Banquet for a Chinese Buffet. If I can have names for Bejing Banqut so I can book at table.

Names below and as always everyone is welcome .

We are also going to have a wee Easter egg hunt for a bit of fun.

1. William & Megan
2. Brian & Christina
3. Davie
4. David & Fiona
5. Andy & Lenore
6. Andrew
7. Fossys
8. Eddie & Rachel
9. Steve & Gill
10. Duncan & Helen
11. Jamie

Address for Toby Carvery
41 Howden Hall Road, Edinburgh, EH16 6PG

21st December 2013, 07:35 PM
William can't commit at this time but if I'm off or can change a shift nearer the time I'm in .. ;)

At 8000rpm no-one hears you scream !

MINI William
21st December 2013, 07:51 PM
William can't commit at this time but if I'm off or can change a shift nearer the time I'm in .. ;)

At 8000rpm no-one hears you scream !

Great you bringing the GP this time?

21st December 2013, 07:53 PM
It'll depend on what I have on at the time if I'm too busy to get it sorted then might just be the S ..

At 8000rpm no-one hears you scream !

21st December 2013, 08:24 PM

I went on one run a few years ago in my previous car, my current R53 has been poorly ever since I bought it in Aug, but it may be back on the road by then, so I'd be interested.



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21st December 2013, 08:55 PM
Don't think I will be there as due date is 31st :pram:

MINI William
21st December 2013, 09:29 PM
It'll depend on what I have on at the time if I'm too busy to get it sorted then might just be the S ..

At 8000rpm no-one hears you scream !

You will feel left out again :smilewinkgrin:

- - - Updated - - -


I went on one run a few years ago in my previous car, my current R53 has been poorly ever since I bought it in Aug, but it may be back on the road by then, so I'd be interested.



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No probs.

Don't think I will be there as due date is 31st :pram:
It will help bring along the baby quicker lol

21st December 2013, 09:31 PM
Lol the S was great fun last time .. Plus it was its last chance got me to finish off parts before I replaced them on the Monday ... Think I rebuilt the car (brake discs n pads, fluid, front wheel bearings and new tyres !! As well as a service) !! Might have the S mapped by then too ;)

21st December 2013, 10:57 PM
Should be fine for us William. May have to borrow a car to keep up !! Lol

21st December 2013, 11:22 PM
Can you Fiona & myself down for this Willam.:thumbs up::cool:

AndyP & Lenore
22nd December 2013, 01:18 AM
Stick Lenore and I down for this William. :thumbs up::thumbs up:

MINI William
22nd December 2013, 11:28 AM
Should be fine for us William. May have to borrow a car to keep up !! Lol

Can you Fiona & myself down for this Willam.:thumbs up::cool:

Stick Lenore and I down for this William. :thumbs up::thumbs up:

All added. Thanks guys

22nd December 2013, 03:14 PM
Stick me down as well William, long way off but it should be ok :)


22nd December 2013, 05:18 PM
We're up for it William. Like Rob, dependant on birth of the baby (Claire's) though.

23rd December 2013, 12:58 PM
We will have a baby by then but could maybe pop along for the breakfast but I dont imagine we will do the run with a 2 week old in the back.

Put us down as a maybe for the moment but will all depend on how the arrival goes.

23rd December 2013, 08:42 PM
I'm always up for a run put myself and Rachael down for this too please.

23rd December 2013, 08:48 PM
Add us please William:thumbs up:

MINI William
24th December 2013, 10:42 AM
Stick me down as well William, long way off but it should be ok :)


We're up for it William. Like Rob, dependant on birth of the baby (Claire's) though.

We will have a baby by then but could maybe pop along for the breakfast but I dont imagine we will do the run with a 2 week old in the back.

Put us down as a maybe for the moment but will all depend on how the arrival goes.

I'm always up for a run put myself and Rachael down for this too please.

Add us please William:thumbs up:

All added folks

24th December 2013, 11:52 AM
Looks like someone will have to organise a "pram race" for the summer :thumbs up:

MINI William
5th January 2014, 05:53 PM
The plan for the run is to go for breakfast in the morning at Toby Carvery where we will meet up. We will then stop for a snack/picnic type lunch along the way like on the last run. The plan is to then head to Bejing Banquet for dinner on the way home. Bejing Banquet is just off SheriffHall so will be a central location for people to head home. If I can have numbers for people wanting to go to Bejing Banquet so I can book a table.

Sideways Steve
14th January 2014, 08:06 PM
At present were free on these dates so stick down me and Gill please :)

MINI William
14th January 2014, 09:09 PM
At present were free on these dates so stick down me and Gill please :)

Added Steve and welcome to the site

Sideways Steve
14th January 2014, 11:06 PM
Cheers William, looking forward to meeting everyone and getting out and about in the car !

MINI William
15th January 2014, 08:35 AM
Can people let me know if they are coming to the Bejinq Banquet after the run so I can book a table please.

15th January 2014, 09:05 AM
What time you talking for The banquet William?

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MINI William
15th January 2014, 09:29 AM
What time you talking for The banquet William?

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They open at 430 for dinner so from then.

15th January 2014, 09:45 AM
Ok will check with Mrs D. We will prob be a no tho (prob too long a day out for her)

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Sideways Steve
15th January 2014, 10:07 PM
Yup we will go for the banquet too :)

MINI William
15th January 2014, 10:08 PM
Yup we will go for the banquet too :)
Good man

AndyP & Lenore
16th January 2014, 12:11 AM
Unlikely we'll make the dinner William. We're just back off holiday the day before so will have lots to do. Just making the end of the run may end up being a challenge. If things change nearer the time, and there's spaces, we'll be a late addition to the dinner. :D

MINI William
16th January 2014, 06:37 AM
No problems

Duncan Stewart
17th January 2014, 08:58 PM
Add us please

MINI William
17th January 2014, 09:07 PM
Add us please

10th February 2014, 08:54 PM
have a look at first page ..we are going to add a wee easter egg hunt for a bit of fun as easter will not be to far away when we do run :thumbs up:

MINI William
12th February 2014, 08:45 AM
Going to book tables for breakfast and dinner at the weekend. Can people confirm if they are on for dinner afterwards please.

12th February 2014, 02:06 PM
William, we wont bother with the breakfast but if the plan is still to go for a Chinese buffet then we will just come along for that.
I dont think the baby would want to go on the run though.

Is the chinese buffet edinburgh area?

MINI William
12th February 2014, 02:50 PM
Bejing Banquet is in Danderhall next to Deutschmarque

12th February 2014, 04:07 PM
William, just put us down for brekkie. Cheers

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13th February 2014, 09:45 AM
Spoke with Sarah last night and she thinks its too soon after having the baby, incase the baby comes late. Also she reminded me that its mothers day and will be her first mothers day.

Sadly we wont be able to make this.

Big Col
13th February 2014, 11:49 AM
<insert whip noise here> :p:thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
14th February 2014, 12:13 PM
Will not stay for dinner after thanks. Will be heading home for a Mother's Day family meal.

22nd February 2014, 07:33 AM
Mmmmm Mother's Day dus that mean you pay for me William haha xxx:cool:

27th February 2014, 09:38 PM
Me please

MINI William
27th February 2014, 09:39 PM
Me please

Added Jamie

Sideways Steve
3rd March 2014, 12:25 PM
We won't be able to make the dinner anymore I'm afraid, forgot it was Mother's Day and we're going out for a meal lol !

Will still be on the run and there for breakfast though :)

MINI William
4th March 2014, 10:07 AM
We won't be able to make the dinner anymore I'm afraid, forgot it was Mother's Day and we're going out for a meal lol !

Will still be on the run and there for breakfast though :)

No bother Steve. Probably going to cancel the dinner anyway

7th March 2014, 12:28 AM
Sorry William, we are going to have to miss this:sad: as we have just sold our house :thumbs up::yes: We only have 3 weekends before we have to move.

MINI William
7th March 2014, 09:19 AM
Sorry William, we are going to have to miss this:sad: as we have just sold our house :thumbs up::yes: We only have 3 weekends before we have to move.

No worries Daryl. Pleased yous got the house sold :thumbs up:

MINI William
18th March 2014, 03:11 PM
Updated the first post with the address for Toby Carvery where we are meeting for breakfast I will confirm the meeting time later today

MINI William
24th March 2014, 01:22 PM
Table booked for 9.30 on Sunday. Meet at 9 in the back car park at Toby Carvery

24th March 2014, 01:27 PM
:thumbs up: I'm looking forward to this since I missed the curry run.

24th March 2014, 01:40 PM
:thumbs up: I'm looking forward to this since I missed the curry run.
Curry run was great well worth getting up early for this one! :thumbs up:

What sort of time are we looking at for finishing William?

MINI William
24th March 2014, 02:55 PM
Curry run was great well worth getting up early for this one! :thumbs up:

What sort of time are we looking at for finishing William?

Not quite sure as there is no set time for stops etc

Duncan Stewart
26th March 2014, 05:30 PM
We will skip the breakfast bit and just come for the run. Looking forward to it
Cheers Duncan

MINI William
26th March 2014, 07:12 PM
Guys sorry I got it wrong the table it booked for 9 meet at 845

26th March 2014, 07:36 PM
You can tell Jude then ! :thud: :lol:

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MINI William
26th March 2014, 07:43 PM
You can tell Jude then ! :thud: :lol:

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Sorry Jude :blush:

AndyP & Lenore
26th March 2014, 09:03 PM
Sorry William, we won't make the breakfast.

What time are you thinking of starting the run at?

MINI William
26th March 2014, 09:37 PM
Sorry William, we won't make the breakfast.

What time are you thinking of starting the run at?

Probably around 1030

going to see if I can change to 930 for brekkie

AndyP & Lenore
26th March 2014, 09:58 PM
Probably around 1030

going to see if I can change to 930 for brekkie

Cheers. Although I'm not sure we'd be doing breakfast at all. So don't move things around just for us.

26th March 2014, 10:58 PM
William we are going to a wedding at the Zoo.......the elephant and the kangaroo........so we are staying at the hotel next door on Saturday night. Intention is to get to the Toby for the start of the run. We wont have breakfast, but are still up for banquette. Hope that makes sense.

MINI William
27th March 2014, 11:57 AM
No problems Malcolm. Not sure if the banquet is going ahead or not yet

27th March 2014, 03:41 PM
still up for banquette


It's always good to have a wee seat Malcolm! :smilewinkgrin:
Hope you all have a great day out, sorry I can't make it this time :sad: Doggy Bags welcome though :thumbs up:

27th March 2014, 06:24 PM
Can I come for the run. Think am getting AWOL time lol ;)

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MINI William
27th March 2014, 09:17 PM
Course you can Eddie.

MINI William
29th March 2014, 09:41 AM
Breakfast is now 930. Meet around 9 before we go for breakfast :yes nod:
Little bit of a longer lie in with the clocks going forward

mini mad andy
29th March 2014, 09:46 AM
Breakfast is now 930. Meet around 9 before we go for breakfast :yes nod:
Little bit of a longer lie in with the clocks going forward

Is it not a shorter lie in when the clocks go forward !!!

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Sideways Steve
29th March 2014, 10:02 AM
Lol yup shorter lie in !

William, we will be there just after 9am I would think as Gill is nightshift tonight so we need to leave a bit later to head over :) I take it were just meeting at the Toby Carvery where were having breakfast ?

29th March 2014, 10:03 AM
I'd say shorter lol. Is it still Toby cavery for meeting. Time is it for the non breakfast people. Half 10??

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MINI William
29th March 2014, 10:16 AM
Longer lie in by meeting at 9ish instead of 830ish. I know how the clocks work. So to muck folk about.

MINI William
29th March 2014, 10:18 AM
Lol yup shorter lie in !

William, we will be there just after 9am I would think as Gill is nightshift tonight so we need to leave a bit later to head over :) I take it were just meeting at the Toby Carvery where were having breakfast ?

Yehp just meet at Toby Carvery postcode on first post.

I'd say shorter lol. Is it still Toby cavery for meeting. Time is it for the non breakfast people. Half 10??

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We will be starting the run at 1030

Sideways Steve
29th March 2014, 11:45 AM
Ahh I get it now lol !

29th March 2014, 05:55 PM
Dayshift tomorrow so starting at 5am in old money :smilewinkgrin: ........... not!!

Have a great day folks & may the sun shine :thumbs up:

Neil - TXJ
29th March 2014, 07:41 PM
Sons football and mother duties or would be there. Have a good day.

MINI William
29th March 2014, 09:33 PM
Looking forward to this. See everyone in the morning

29th March 2014, 09:34 PM
Looking forward to this. See everyone in the morning

Me too, see you in the morning.

AndyP & Lenore
29th March 2014, 11:25 PM
Looking forward to this run. Will be our first run for about a year I think. :blush:

William, do you have run notes for this run?

29th March 2014, 11:57 PM
Looking forward to this run. Will be our first run for about a year I think. :blush:

William, do you have run notes for this run?

Not sure if the run is exactly the same but the Curry Run notes might be of use.


See you all tomorrow :)

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MINI William
30th March 2014, 07:06 AM
Looking forward to this run. Will be our first run for about a year I think. :blush:

William, do you have run notes for this run?

its ts the same as the Curry run apart from about the first mile.

I'll bring run notes for everyone

30th March 2014, 09:36 AM
Enjoy the run guys, gutted we can't make it :sad: Move out the house on Wednesday, so the packing continues

30th March 2014, 10:55 AM
Enjoy all - I'll be by the toilet all day ! Lol :lol:

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30th March 2014, 11:28 AM
Enjoy guys sorry could not make it not had much sleep last night lol

MINI William
30th March 2014, 05:19 PM
Thanks to those that came today we had a great day. Glad the fog never put to much of a dampener on our fun. Will get pictures up later after dinner.

30th March 2014, 05:22 PM
Thanks William. That was a great run, we really enjoyed today.

Breakfast was fantastic for the price. Those roads we were on are my kind of roads, excellent choice of route. Good to see my car not being the only manky one for a change :carwash: .
Nice to see another White Silver hatch on a run too :thumbs up:

30th March 2014, 05:30 PM
Great run. Cheers William n dad :)

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Sideways Steve
30th March 2014, 05:49 PM
Yup cheers William ! Great run and we really enjoyed ourselves.

Sorry we had to leave early but had to pop past both mums to see them for a bit !

I'll also try and get photos up later on after dinner :)

http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0858_zpsbedc2f08.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0858_zpsbedc2f08.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0859_zps6e7fd17b.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0859_zps6e7fd17b.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0862_zps85f17c57.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0862_zps85f17c57.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0864_zpsd45b32b2.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0864_zpsd45b32b2.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0866_zps4ecc88e9.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0866_zps4ecc88e9.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0867_zpscdf1fbf1.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0867_zpscdf1fbf1.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0868_zps8ec46a38.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0868_zps8ec46a38.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0870_zps2d1698fb.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0870_zps2d1698fb.jpg.html)

Sideways Steve
30th March 2014, 07:13 PM
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0871_zpsd5f6f6d1.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0871_zpsd5f6f6d1.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0872_zps2d6b1d71.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0872_zps2d6b1d71.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0873_zps548390f4.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0873_zps548390f4.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0874_zps98127567.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0874_zps98127567.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0875_zpseb4af0d9.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0875_zpseb4af0d9.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0876_zpsc3d8f97c.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0876_zpsc3d8f97c.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0877_zps3c23f86b.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0877_zps3c23f86b.jpg.html)
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http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0881_zpsea3a243e.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0881_zpsea3a243e.jpg.html)
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http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0892_zps5c0add9a.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0892_zps5c0add9a.jpg.html)
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http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0897_zps6dca6994.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0897_zps6dca6994.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0898_zps753a2390.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0898_zps753a2390.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0899_zps2d8d52ec.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0899_zps2d8d52ec.jpg.html)
http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn287/Driftysteve/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0900_zps573a21fe.jpg (http://s307.photobucket.com/user/Driftysteve/media/NMS%20Breakfast%20Run%202014/DSC_0900_zps573a21fe.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:18 PM
nice pics Steve will get some more posted in a bit

30th March 2014, 07:26 PM
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0005-1.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0005-1.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0007-1.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0007-1.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0012-1.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0012-1.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:28 PM
talking about 6 pot brakes
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0014-2.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0014-2.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0019-1.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0019-1.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0026-1.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0026-1.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:29 PM
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0030-1.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0030-1.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0033-1.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0033-1.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:31 PM
on the hunt for the first Easter Egg
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0041.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0041.jpg.html)
First winner
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0051.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0051.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:34 PM
getting foggy
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0055.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0055.jpg.html)
second egg hunt
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0064.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0064.jpg.html)
second winner
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0067-2.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0067-2.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:37 PM
looking for egg's
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0078.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0078.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0100.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0100.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:45 PM
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0105.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0105.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0106.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0106.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0110.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0110.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:51 PM
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0112.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0112.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0114.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0114.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0125.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0125.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:53 PM
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0129.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0129.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0131.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0131.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:55 PM
Great pics :). sorry we couldn't make it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

30th March 2014, 07:56 PM
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0133.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0133.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0136.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0136.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:57 PM
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0140.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0140.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0143.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0143.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0146.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0146.jpg.html)
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0147.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0147.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:59 PM
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0150.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0150.jpg.html)

The end everyone gets an Egg
http://i463.photobucket.com/albums/qq359/badwolf340/DSC_0160.jpg (http://s463.photobucket.com/user/badwolf340/media/DSC_0160.jpg.html)

30th March 2014, 07:59 PM
Cracking pics looks like,e you guys had a good time

30th March 2014, 08:01 PM
Great pics :). sorry we couldn't make it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

no probs Craig hope your feeling better :yes nod:

30th March 2014, 08:02 PM
Cracking pics looks like,e you guys had a good time

Great day out Rob :thumbs up:

30th March 2014, 08:10 PM
Some superb pics :thumbs up:

MINI William
30th March 2014, 08:45 PM
Great pics everyone

30th March 2014, 08:46 PM
Great day out, apologies we were both breathing "the lurgy" over everyone. Could be "scarlet fever" Helen, feels bad enough....lol

30th March 2014, 08:50 PM
Brilliant pics. Have to say, the van looks superb. :thumbs up:

AndyP & Lenore
30th March 2014, 08:52 PM
Fantastic day today. LOVED IT! Great roads, great company.

Many thanks to William and the Harpers for organising another very successful day out for the MINI crew. Thanks also for the easter eggs. Om nom nom nom.... :smilewinkgrin::smilewinkgrin:

Couple of pics...






30th March 2014, 08:56 PM
great pics Andy love the pic of the rear of the van :thumbs up:

30th March 2014, 08:59 PM
Fab day again today and a wee easter treat thanks guys. Breakfast was a nice way to start the day, would definitely be up for that again :D

As I suspected the easter egg made it as far as the jam on the ring road before it was munched :thumbs up: that was my second attempt at getting on the ring road, missed the junction the first time doh! one of these days I'll complete a run without a wrong turn. That's why I doubt you'll see me planning one, I can't direct myself never mind a whole gaggle of us!

MINI William
30th March 2014, 09:04 PM
Some of my pics from today

30th March 2014, 09:12 PM
Yeah massive thanks to Christina, Brian and Megan too. Coffee at the first stop on the run was fantastic, knew the van had it's purpose :lol: winning an egg was a bonus :thumbs up:

Duncan Stewart
30th March 2014, 09:51 PM
Great pics everyone. We had a fab time today. Thanks to the Harper family for organising it, and everyone who came along.

30th March 2014, 11:22 PM
Great pics, sounds like a fine day oot :thumbs up:


31st March 2014, 03:05 AM
Excellent photos and totally gutted that we couldn't make it both of us were working today !
Glad everyone had a great time and Catherine not happy she missed out on the chance of chocolate ;);)

31st March 2014, 08:46 AM
Looks like you had a great day folks - some rally good photos too, the foggy ones are pure dead atmospheric! Well done the Harpers and all who made the run :thumbs up:
Sorry I missed it, but I just couldn't fit it in with the pile of stuff I had to do :sad:

Sideways Steve
31st March 2014, 04:19 PM
I love the water splash pics !

31st March 2014, 09:08 PM
Had a great day at the breakfast run thanks to William & Brian for organising it and thanks to Christine & Megan for the coffee.Great pics:thumbs up::hand::cool:

1st April 2014, 03:31 PM
Glad everyone had fun. Gutted I missed the chocolate.