View Full Version : Sad Day :(

12th October 2013, 11:26 PM
Many of you here will have no idea who I am. But the old-timers will be sad to know that I did the unthinkable today and Bumble has been traded in for a Nissan Juke (toddler and "stuff") forces the need for change :(

Although I've not been on a run for a few years now (again, baby/toddler) my MINI ownership has been a blast!

i'll still see what some of you are up to via Facebook. As always, have fun on the twisties!


13th October 2013, 12:14 AM
No way !!!!

That's the last Liquid Yellow Coop gone.... Sorry to here you have gone to the dark side... :)

Enjoy the Juke :)

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13th October 2013, 12:14 AM
Shame you are Miniless but need must and family comes first.

Enjoy your new car. :motoring:

13th October 2013, 05:24 AM
No worries Lynn, as you know we are more than just a mini family, don't be scared to look in :thumbs up:
Good luck with the Nissan Joke, erm Juke :Whistle:

13th October 2013, 07:51 AM
No worries Lynn, as you know we are more than just a mini family, don't be scared to look in :thumbs up:
Good luck with the Nissan Joke, erm Juke :Whistle:

^^^^^ this good luck lyn

13th October 2013, 11:48 AM
:thud: no way!!

lol just kidding Lynn, Bumble has had a good run with you as her owner, when little ones come along priorities change and bigger cars are needed no matter how much we love our beloved minis :frown:. Good luck with the Juke when you get it :thumbs up:

13th October 2013, 06:52 PM
My wee yellow pal from the first HT :(. It's done you proud all the same. I bet the pop up tent has not lasted as well ;)

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14th October 2013, 09:18 AM
:blink: :dizzy: :thud::frown: Bumble Gone... but Bumble not forgotten!
Some of us aren't on Basefook, so don't forget to drop in to the 'proper' site from time to time! :thumbs up:
All the Best Lynn! :bigwave: There'll always be a place at our "Weans' Table" for you and the family.

14th October 2013, 12:29 PM
Shame it had to go Lynn, I know the feeling all too well. Many happy miles with the new motor.

14th October 2013, 05:16 PM
Thanks troops! I will try to drop in now and again but I've not much down time these days. Lol at Nissan Joke (thanks Alan). Thinking of calling new car Daisy (can you see what I did there?)



- - - Updated - - -

Elfman, I will always be at the Weans table! I'm a founding member after all!

14th October 2013, 05:44 PM
The Mk1 club loses another member (not many left now!) :sad:

Enjoy the 'Jukebox' (chap at work has one, had a shot .... liked it) :thumbs up:

14th October 2013, 06:21 PM
Thanks troops! I will try to drop in now and again but I've not much down time these days. Lol at Nissan Joke (thanks Alan). Thinking of calling new car Daisy (can you see what I did there?) 'ater Lx

Elfman, I will always be at the Weans table! I'm a founding member after all!

DAMN RIGHT YOU WILL! :thumbs up:
I hope you get an extremely tight Denim car cover for 'Daisy'... YEEEEEE! and indeed HA! :drool:

Mini Ecosse
14th October 2013, 06:48 PM
I remember you, so I guess I am an old timer! Oh wait a minute I am an old timer LOL Thought I better get that in before Craig makes a funny comment.

I was also on the verge of getting rid of our mini for something else. However Allyson beat me to it and sold our mini for a Paceman!

Good luck with your new mode of transport and all the best to the family.