View Full Version : Red MCS Rubislaw Hill

19th August 2004, 02:11 AM
Gent in red MCS behind me at lights (SV04RXY ?) this morning - Small wave out my window met with minimal response - You ?

19th August 2004, 03:25 AM
I got a similar/lesser response from two drivers of lecy blues today in Hilton area. Oh well, cant win them all!

19th August 2004, 03:27 AM
ps. Are you the chap that lives beside my work? Havent noticed your car there for a while, but noticed it at the weekend. Have you been on holiday?

19th August 2004, 09:05 PM
I noticed that a few people just ignore any other mini - I always smile at least, especially if it's the same colour! :D

19th August 2004, 10:24 PM
I've almost given up on the waving/flashing thing. So many people just look at you like your a stalker. There are a lot of mini drivers out there who just buy them to be cool and dont really care about the actual car or its legend.

I pretty much only flash at folk I know now.

21st August 2004, 04:46 AM
Sheilz - yes - I'm just back after a couple of weeks away - car was garaged elsewhere. Drop in when your next passing !

Got responses from a new PW/B MC twice in the last two days, my friendly early morning chum B11MSK and another black MSC Aero (SV04 ???) this evening. Its just the old f*rts that don't wave.

21st August 2004, 05:24 PM
Cheers! Wondered where the wee fella went to. There used to be a lecy blue further up the road. Used to drool over it on a daily basis - in fact it contributed to my decision to get a cooper in the first place, did you ever speak to the owner? Dont know if he/she moved away or if they just sold the car. kept a look out for it for a while but it disappeared. Saw an orange convertible with black bonnet stripes besides your place when you were away but haven't seen it since. Guess it must have been visitors or perhaps they are addicted to driving it and just haven't got back yet! I've almost touched 2K on my new one and that's it just two weeks old. Cant fathom out how on earth I've managed to accomplish that in such a short time. have been told that if I spent as much time steering my hoover as i do my min i'd have the cleanest hoos in Aberdeen. Said I will do this when the hoover learns to go vroom vroom. Will give you a toot when I pass tonight. Start at 5pm and dont finish till 8.30am Sun. :(:(