View Full Version : This Sunday...

5th June 2013, 11:23 PM
Well this Sunday coming I will be having the difficult choice of having to choose between a Ferrari F430, Lamborghini Gallardo, Audi R8, Porsche 911 Turbo and a Nissan GT-R R35 to drive as my Supercar driving experience I got as a 40th birthday pressie from all my family clubbing together to get it for me, and Sunday 9th June is D-Day :dance::whoohoo:

...decisions decisions :scratch:

This is the reason why I cant go on ther big mini do with the rest of you guys that day :sad:

5th June 2013, 11:33 PM
I was going to say no excuses but damn that's a good one. Have fun, lots of pics mind.

6th June 2013, 06:54 AM
Enjoy buddy :D

6th June 2013, 08:02 AM
Enjoy it Ali - nice present ;)

6th June 2013, 08:56 AM
Have a good one Zimbo! :motoring: :thumbs up:

My friend's wife got him and I one of these (for our 50th birthdays) - run by a Scottish company. It was going to be at Crail round about now. Company folded last month :frown:
Guess I'll just have to get my thrills in a wee white car instead.

Neil - TXJ
6th June 2013, 09:17 AM
Have a good day. You on a track or road?

6th June 2013, 09:56 AM
Thanks guys, its at Crail and I cant wait :drool: and it's also run by a scottish company, got an email from them two days to remind me to bring my voucher and my drivers licence with me :thumbs up:

6th June 2013, 10:25 AM
Enjoy. has to the F430 for me or Lambo........

6th June 2013, 01:56 PM
Ferrari ......... enjoy :thumbs up:

6th June 2013, 02:04 PM
F430 or GT-R, enjoy the day matey, i got a voucher for 6 laps at Talledega raceway for my birthday

6th June 2013, 04:43 PM
Thanks for the comments guys :thumbs up:

6th June 2013, 04:48 PM
The lambo for the experience of driving one but for a pure driving experience it has to be the GT-R. I've been fortunate enough to do a few track days at the GT-R still makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up! Have a blast mate and take plenty snaps!

6th June 2013, 06:53 PM
Have a good time.
I'd choose the GTR.

7th June 2013, 09:34 AM
:ragin: ...i'm still struggling to decide between the F430 and the GT-R, thats because I am probably the biggest car nut in Scotland (:lol:) and I know both of these are exceptional cars in their own rights and I REALLY want to have a go in both (well all of them if I'm really honest!!) and I know I can't and I know it HAS to be one of them, damn it it's driving me insane trying to pick :argh:

Hopefully on the day seeing the actual cars in the flesh and hearing them will help me make an instant decision on which to choose assuming all of them are there on the day, coz apparently on some occasions partuicular cars may be absent due to maintenance schedules etc etc

7th June 2013, 09:39 AM
No matter what its going to be a great experience. Wait and see all this thought and something will force your hand like the G-TR is needing a service before they let loose again on the track :)

7th June 2013, 10:10 AM
No matter what its going to be a great experience. Wait and see all this thought and something will force your hand like the G-TR is needing a service before they let loose again on the track :)

LOL... It might need a service *AFTER* he;s been let loose in it! :hand::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

There'll be lots of photos :thumbs up: Hopefully the weather will stay like it is today! :cool:

7th June 2013, 12:53 PM
:ragin: ...i'm still struggling to decide between the F430 and the GT-R, thats because I am probably the biggest car nut in Scotland (:lol:) and I know both of these are exceptional cars in their own rights and I REALLY want to have a go in both (well all of them if I'm really honest!!) and I know I can't and I know it HAS to be one of them, damn it it's driving me insane trying to pick :argh:

Hopefully on the day seeing the actual cars in the flesh and hearing them will help me make an instant decision on which to choose assuming all of them are there on the day, coz apparently on some occasions partuicular cars may be absent due to maintenance schedules etc etc

Don't know if its the same company but when I did my last one, they gave you the opportunity on the day to buy extra laps if you wanted another go or a shot in a different car. I don't think it was madly expensive but enough to make you think twice. May be an option...

7th June 2013, 10:24 PM
Don't know if its the same company but when I did my last one, they gave you the opportunity on the day to buy extra laps if you wanted another go or a shot in a different car. I don't think it was madly expensive but enough to make you think twice. May be an option...

:hand: I wish Neil, but my wallet just now has moths exiting it everytime I open it... :lol::sad:

Awww cr4p I just went onto their website to see exactly what the cars were and there are 3 other cars also available: Aston Martin V8 Vantage, BMW M3 E92 and a 600bhp Ford Mustang GT :thud:

8th June 2013, 12:25 PM
this sounds great! have a lovely day won't you :thumbs up:

10th June 2013, 12:40 AM
:thumbs up:

10th June 2013, 07:37 AM
so how was it then come on what one did you drive ??

10th June 2013, 09:33 AM
so how was it then come on what one did you drive ??

Me! ....Mental!! lol ;):moonie::laugh::laugh:
Sure he'll be along soon with his pics.. I've got some too, just need a chance to get them sorted out :thumbs up:

10th June 2013, 11:22 AM
so how was it then come on what one did you drive ??

It was brilliant!! :yes nod:

I ended getting my decision made easier for me, by noticing once we arrived that the GT-R R35 was absent. So after I had a nosey to see what was available I immediately opted for the Ferrari :thumbs up:

The other cars were all awesome as well but it HAD to be the Ferrari for me :motoring:, once I finally got my chance to go out in the car it was everything I expected and MORE, was just amazing being behind the wheel of one my all time favourite exotic cars. As I'm sure a lot of you might remember, I had the opportunity last year to go out as a passenger in a Lamborghini and I ended up getting to go out in a brand new Matte Black Gallardo Superleggera and that just blew my mind (just rewatched the video I took of that ride :smilewinkgrin:).

Anyway that day was only topped by yesterdays chance to actually get behind the wheel of the F430 which unfortunately I could not get a video from inside of me driving the car BUT my awesome girlfriend Arlene endured what must have been an awfully long and possibly boring day for her :Whistle: to video me driving the Ferrari, which I now owe her big time for doing for me.

The little bald one also came along (well actually chauffered us to Crail :thumbs up:) minus his better half for some reason!! he appeared to be having an alright time happily snapping away on his camera and slightly drooling everytime that 600bhp Mustang started up and took off down the circuit lighting up the rear tyres every so often once the professional driver was behind the wheel, that thing just sounded insane (in a good way)

The other part of my day was the chance to go for a couple of laps in a car driven by a professional driver, turns out that the cars for that part of the day were a Subaru Impreza and an EVO, but the EVO was taken out for some reason due to some issues (which I dont know) so I was n't exactly too keen on the thought of going out in the scooby seeing as how I had one of my own 11 years ago, but because the EVO was out of comission so to speak, they started using a Porsche boxster as well to help reduce the waiting list of people waiting for there chance to go for rides, anyway I thought and told baldie Mmmm yeah the Boxster will be ok BUT I'd much rather get a chance to go out in that M3 that was being used for a different thing altogether, so when my time came arrived the last person before was being being strapped into the scooby and I could not believe my luck, the M3 turned up and offered to take 3 people out and my number was first in line and I called SHOTGUN and got my camcorder out for this ride and It was amazing, doing three laps in a figure of 8 drifting circuit at a fast pace, camcorder in right hand and my left hand almost ripping the door handle off trying to support myself from being thrown around the interior of the M3. That car is just UNBELIEVABLE the grip that car had considering its a rear wheel drive car just left me kinda speechless :lol:

Anyway heres some pics I took (with my phone) seeing as baldie was taking pics as well with his proper camera.

It was an AWESOME DAY :whoohoo: Huge thanks to Arlene and Ewan for coming with me :arms:

10th June 2013, 11:40 AM
Just a wee quicky.. you might recognise the ugly mug in the Ferrari...
I'll try to sort out some pics over lunch..


Some nice toys there... the Mustang sounded awesome as did the R8.. but my pick would definitely be the Porsche turbo.. that thing was ridiculously quick up the straight :cool::thumbs up::thumbs up::thumbs up: