View Full Version : The Masters

13th April 2013, 10:12 PM
For the holders out there what do you make of the Woods topic?

13th April 2013, 10:50 PM
As a golfer you play within the rules. It states that you must drop within a club length. If not its a 2 shot penalty. He dropped it more than a club length away therefore it's a 2 shot penalty. He did so (and he said so in the press Conf) so that he knew if he hit the same shot, it would land where he wanted. He knows the rules of golf and in my eyes lied for his own benefit. He therefore signed his card with the incorrect score. Others have been disqualified in the past for this issue so why not him??

Apparently ESPN were going to stop showing the golf if he got disqualified so is money the reason and the rules and sportsmanship in golf second ??

Quite frankly I think the USGA bottled it and bowed to the tiger machine.

Disgusted !

Big Col
29th April 2013, 01:13 PM
Just saw this. Seemed a reasonable decision to me but possibly a bit too late to be worthy of debate. :D