View Full Version : MCS Cabrio

16th August 2004, 05:39 PM
Seen a Cooper S cabrio yesterday in central Edinburgh - is this one officially out now? Think it might have been a dealers car.

16th August 2004, 05:40 PM
It's been out for around a month now, so, most likely some one's pride and joy :p

16th August 2004, 05:43 PM
Lucky b. Liked the look of it but still prefer the hardtop.

16th August 2004, 05:53 PM
Noticed one sitting outside the train station at the end of my street end of last week. Not my cup of tea but quite cute.

16th August 2004, 05:54 PM
A guy turned up at the Scottish Mini Weekend in a black one:p. I think the only thing he didnt spec was the bonnet stripes:eek:. Its a lot of money to be spending on a Mini at the end of the day. I still dont like those afterthought hinges for the tailgate:disapprove:

16th August 2004, 06:03 PM
Have to say, saving up for a works kit, new wheels and aero kit! Have to keep up with these cabrios

Duncan Stewart
16th August 2004, 08:54 PM
The cooper S cabro is just out. The guy at the Perth mini show told me BMW wanted to further delay the release until September but the folk with orders kicked up such a fuss they went ahead with the original release date (early august)

17th August 2004, 12:40 AM
quote:Originally posted by Duncan Stewart
The cooper S cabrio is just out.
Should have read the post properly :I Duncan is quite correct 8)

17th August 2004, 06:16 AM
Saw a nice blue S cabrio in Edinburgh, with the JCW wheels. Registration was P1GGS
Anybody have an idea who owns that one?
Can't wait 'till Sioban gets hers. The S version is really growing on me.

17th August 2004, 07:05 AM
Seen a few Mini One Cabrio's around Aberdeen but dont think they do the mini any justice. A S carbrio would probably look better but in Scotland, dont think you'd get the use out of a the softtop (just Aussie bias!) Our other car is a cabrio and sux in winter..each to their own so long as you enjoy and get out of your car what invest in it! I'd be concerned about the safety issue of small car being soft top..probably not an issue with its design just my perception. Any mini is a cool mini! :)

17th August 2004, 07:11 AM
quote:Originally posted by Nenah-M3RPM

Seen a few Mini One Cabrio's around Aberdeen but dont think they do the mini any justice. A S carbrio would probably look better but in Scotland, dont think you'd get the use out of a the softtop (just Aussie bias!) Our other car is a cabrio and sux in winter..each to their own so long as you enjoy and get out of your car what invest in it! I'd be concerned about the safety issue of small car being soft top..probably not an issue with its design just my perception. Any mini is a cool mini! :)

Sorry, but whats the main visual difference between the One and the "S" apart from probably a bigger set of wheels and a bonnet scoop?

17th August 2004, 08:09 AM
The main difference between one/cooper and S cabrios apart from the bonnet scoop and exhaust is knowing you have all that power. I've not had any 'hairdresser' comments since I picked up my MCSC a few weeks ago. My first Mini - wish I'd bought one years ago.

17th August 2004, 08:41 AM
I think it is just the colour of the Ones' I'd seen about town - they looked very basic (maybe JC dealer cars?) - two blue One's with black softtop roof - looked a bit naff to me but maybe that was the colour combo. :( I saw one in new purple/blue cooper s cabrio on the Cullen Run (heading into Cullen) and it did look better in comparison. Isnt the exhaust and bumbers different too?:)

18th August 2004, 01:10 AM
P1GGS is owned by a restrateur on Jeffrey Street.