View Full Version : Dilema

The Dogfather
30th January 2013, 05:29 PM
My neighbour has gone away on holiday leaving his car parked across part of the entrance to my driveway. He’s done this before and we’ve had to ask him to move it back. The problem is I need the full width of the driveway to get the motorhome off the drive, at the moment I risk damaging his car and the van if I attempt to move it.

The police have been and agreed that its causing an obstruction and are willing to have it towed away.

They want me to decide whether it gets moved, my neighbour will come back to a hefty bill and no car if I do.

What would you do?

I’d like to use the van this weekend and I don’t know when he’s coming back.

30th January 2013, 05:52 PM
You couldn't use a couple of trolley jacks and move it back a bit? Or does someone have those wheel dollys (they are like little cradles for the tyres to move them?

Unless you want to fall out with your neighbour u wouldn't get it towed.. It's a tough one tho... Hate when neighbours don't think about others. One of my neighbours guest parked in my garden with a disco 4 !!!

30th January 2013, 06:04 PM
I’d leave it, all it does is cause friction that lasts years. Before you know it something will be over the drive every day.

It's disrespectful I know and stops you enjoying your Van.

Big Col
30th January 2013, 06:27 PM
That is a tough one mate. If it was me I'd ask the police if there's any way they can get in touch with a family member or something to see if they can get it moved? Given he's done it before, you've spoken to him about it so knows its an issie and he's now left it there before going on holiday I think I'd wait till as late as possible and then get it towed. You shouldn't have to have your plans disrupted because of a plum.

As others have said though, there's no way back for the relationship I don't think so you'd need to be prepared for ill will with your neighbour till one of you move.

That being said his size to mental to nails ratio might have a bearing on my answer. :smilewinkgrin:

30th January 2013, 06:31 PM
Tough one, being very impulsive and suspicious the first thing I'd think is "get it towed! He's obviously done it on purpose" so I would leave it just where it is, I'm sure he didn't think when he parked it up, and may be mortified when he gets back and realises he's blocked you in. no way of shoving it over a bit?

30th January 2013, 07:10 PM
Tough one Paul.
I immediately thought, hell yeah, get it towed, teach him a lesson, however, for the long term hassle that this may cause it might not be worth your while.

My poll answer is based on the fact you've spoken to him before about it, plus, he should ahve noticed he had parked over your drive, no excuse for that.

Is there any way you can move it as been suggested? perhaps post a picture?

Edit: What would be the bill for the guy?

The Dogfather
30th January 2013, 07:21 PM
I believe is £150 for the tow and £40 per day storage, he might be gone for a month for all I know.

I’m thinking get the van out carefully and put it on the other drive (it’ll hang over the edge) stick the MX5 on the blocked drive. The Police have said they’ll give him a warning either way, if he does it again they take action.

30th January 2013, 07:31 PM
I believe is £150 for the tow and £40 per day storage, he might be gone for a month for all I know.

I’m thinking get the van out carefully and put it on the other drive (it’ll hang over the edge) stick the MX5 on the blocked drive. The Police have said they’ll give him a warning either way, if he does it again they take action.I thought you said you would damage the van if you attempted to move it? Sounds like you can move it ok :idunno: a picture would help :thumbs up:

Big Col
30th January 2013, 07:46 PM
If you can get the van oot then that horse of yours looks considerably more vertically successful VB! :p

30th January 2013, 07:49 PM
so difficult. Likewise I would be raging and want to shift it but I doubt I'd be willing to cause ongoing bad feeling. Few things wind me up more than selfish people. You don't have a moblie number for him I take it? Do any other neighbours potentially have contact details for him? Or as Col suggested are the police at all willing to contact him? If someone had a house key and got his permission to move it out of the way on his behalf it would be a better outcome, even if it was a bit of a pain.
If so a 'When are you back? I need to move my van and your car is blocking this, I obviously don't want to risk damaging your car while trying to squeeze past. I have also been advised I could have your car removed so it's not obstructing my property's access but I would rather not be forced to do this. ' kind of text. I'm thinking that you would have already done if you had a number for him though...

- - - Updated - - -

If you can get the van oot then that horse of yours looks considerably more vertically successful VB! :p

:scratch: neigh

The Dogfather
30th January 2013, 08:31 PM
I thought you said you would damage the van if you attempted to move it? Sounds like you can move it ok :idunno: a picture would help :thumbs up:

I said its a risk, its the back end swinging round when I come out. There’s a considerable overhang at the back which will swing towards his car.

Once its out it’ll have to go somewhere else until he moves the car.

- - - Updated - - -

Col, I know you’ve been living in Aberdeen a while now, but even with my knowledge of Doric that makes about as much sense as Burple buying hair gel.

30th January 2013, 09:25 PM
Do you get on with this dooshbag?

It really is a tough one, has he done this on purpose to annoy you?

Tow it, and yes you gain more agro and tit for tat battles for as long as you both stay there.

Probably the best course of action is to live with it, and tell him next time you see him, that you are not happy with the situation, whilst you enquired about having the vehicle towed away you've chosen not to do so on this occasion which has effected your own plans, however if it was to happen at any point in the future you will not hesitate in taking action.
Job done, conscious clear for the next time (should there be one)
And when you deliver the message, be as calm and nice about it as possible, to be angry and start an argument, may be just what he is looking for, it should annoy him more if you seem calm about it!!

The Dogfather
30th January 2013, 10:01 PM
I think he has a problem with the motorhome being there, he always parks as close to our drive as possible to cause me difficulty getting the van in/out. Hence why we’ve had to speak to him before.

I think I’ll try to get the van out tomorrow and if I can get it off the drive leave it with the police to warn him when he comes back.

To be honest I heard a rumour the house is on the market so he won’t be my problem for long, I hope.

30th January 2013, 10:59 PM
maybe he can't bear living next to a motorhome :ragin: and feels he has to move just to get away from it :lol: That would be a shame :sad: I do hope it doesn't lower his property's value for selling :eek:

As for Colin's kinda sentence, I am going to stab a guess (as an aberdonian myself, thinking perchance I can translate... :angel:) he thinks your motorhome makes your horse look small. I mean house (it's just a maybe, I have no idea what he's talking about really) :smilewinkgrin: VB stumped me for a bit... but that would be you. Now tell me I'm not a genius. :bow:


AndyP & Lenore
30th January 2013, 11:16 PM
Steal his alloys then torch it. Teach the wee sh!te a lesson. :yes nod:


31st January 2013, 11:52 AM
Drag the fecker off your driveway space & tell him you've done so.
Next time it'll be towed away ............. & he'll be ragdolled :yes:

31st January 2013, 11:55 AM
Not worth getting into a prolonged barney with any neighbours. If the police can tow it away, can they not just tow it 6ft along the road, so you can get out? Or get a garage to tow it 6ft and send him the bill. Might be cheaper for him than getting it towed away completely?

Big Col
31st January 2013, 12:06 PM
Col, I know you’ve been living in Aberdeen a while now, but even with my knowledge of Doric that makes about as much sense as Burple buying hair gel.

If a horse is vertically successful it becomes a high horse. ;););) <watches tumbleweed> A high horse!!! <listens to sounds of crickets for a bit> Aright I'll get me coat. :blush:

31st January 2013, 12:26 PM
Get a few 'big lads' from a local rugby club to 'bounce' it a few feet out of your way! Then you can get in and out, and (if he notices) he'll wonder why his car is in a slightly different place when he returns... :smilewinkgrin:
Only drawback is that it'll probably set off the alarm... :ragin:If he hasn't left it in gear, it might be 'pushable' :idunno:

Overall, maybe not worth getting into a fight about :knife:especially if he might be moving. I'm undecided! He does sound like a d*ck though :frown:

The Dogfather
31st January 2013, 01:58 PM
I did think about pushing it with my car with a mattress between the two, unfortunately is an automatic and its in park.

I managed to get the van off by driving across part of my flower bed, crushed a few plants I wasn’t particularly fond of, I won’t risking putting it back though. Van is on the front drive now, its got a bit of a overhang but I can use it now. I expect another neighbour will complain about it blocking the view around the corners for cars though. You realise its a big barsteward when its parked in the open, on the rear drive its hidden away a bit.

Waiting for the police to ring me, I will be insisting that they give him a warning when he gets back.

One other factor in this is he’s from London, perhaps its the sort of thing they do down there, tw@s

31st January 2013, 02:39 PM
Glad you got it out Paul- ;) there is no need for being inconsiderate :(

AndyP & Lenore
31st January 2013, 07:24 PM
Despite my flippant remark earlier, I feel your pain. I hate inconsiderate neighbors. It's so difficult not lowering yourself to their levels but making sure they know you're not happy.

Glad it's off the drive and you can hopefully get away this weekend.


The Dogfather
31st January 2013, 07:28 PM
Chance of snow this weekend so we’ll wait, hopefully get the dogs to the beach though.

31st January 2013, 07:47 PM
yeah be good if the police can give him a warning. How much was he overhanging your access by?


:tumbleweed: :smilewinkgrin:

The Dogfather
31st January 2013, 08:26 PM
About a couple of foot, doesn’t sound like much but the van’s 20ft long and 8ft wide so it needs a lot of space.

Alex from NM
31st January 2013, 08:31 PM
if he does it again give me a shout. I've got 2 trolley jacks so we can move it around the corner :thumbs up:

31st January 2013, 08:34 PM
Its not the distance, it’s the Prats lack of respect if you ask me. I bet there was nothing to stop him being five or six or even a whole car length away.

Glad you got it out.

31st January 2013, 08:44 PM
agreed Stew, I just wondered

The Dogfather
31st January 2013, 11:49 PM
At first I thought moving the car back would be brilliant. That way if he had done it deliberately he would be seething because he couldn’t challenge me over it, because if he did he would be admitting to knowing he’d blocked us in.

Then I thought he could report some damage and because the police know about it blocking my drive and that the car had moved I’d get the blame.

I’m not sure how easy it would be to move either, I’d need to get all 4 wheels off the ground with it being an automatic.

1st February 2013, 07:09 PM
I feel your pain Paul. When I still lived at home, I went out and questioned someone who was visiting my neighbour. They parked over our drive way, and I mean parked over the whole thing and proceded to go to the neighbours. I asked what they were doing and they said visiting, so I said well if that's the case then why don't you block them in their drive way as they are clearly not going to be going anywhere if your with them instead of blocking me in mine! Some folk's logic is just unbelievable sometimes!

1st February 2013, 07:24 PM
With some its just lack of thinking on their part pulling up but if like in Pauls case you have asked nicely and the same plank is doing it again and again it just irritates. I must be built differently if someone asks or pointed out something I was doing I’d take it to heart and apologise and take a mental note not to do it again.

Just shows lack of class in my book not respecting others. I think anyone that has a drive in a street lined with cars gets it. Oh to live out in the Country.

The Dogfather
1st February 2013, 08:02 PM
I feel your pain Paul. When I still lived at home, I went out and questioned someone who was visiting my neighbour. They parked over our drive way, and I mean parked over the whole thing and proceded to go to the neighbours. I asked what they were doing and they said visiting, so I said well if that's the case then why don't you block them in their drive way as they are clearly not going to be going anywhere if your with them instead of blocking me in mine! Some folk's logic is just unbelievable sometimes!

Turns out his family when they visit block the girl on the other sides driveway as well. I don’t like grouping people together but some southerners are just terrible.

1st February 2013, 09:41 PM
Turns out his family when they visit block the girl on the other sides driveway as well. I don’t like grouping people together but some southerners are just terrible.

Paul, I don't think it's necessarily 'regional' - some people are just pure tw@ts irrespective of place of origin!

The Dogfather
1st February 2013, 09:57 PM
Yeah, you’re probably right.

Maybe I’m trying to justify his behaviour as a consequence of being from the overcrowded south, when actually him and his family are just a bunch of w@nkers.

1st February 2013, 10:25 PM
fingers crossed a visit from the polis will get the message across and hopefully also the fact that he could have been towed, and will next time. He'll have noone to blame but himself then.