View Full Version : Brake Lights Stuck On!

15th August 2004, 05:22 AM

washing the car tonight, and noticed that the brake lights were on, they go off with the ignition, then bout 30 seconds after u start her up, they come back on again! :mad:

this seems dangerous to me, anyone else has this problem? now i'll have to watch who's behind me till monday :mad:

also, i wonder how long they have been like this :dead:

15th August 2004, 08:09 AM
a strange problem indeed...

new courtesy light feature utilising brake lights??;) (soz CooperTrooper! - hope you get your dealer to fix)

16th August 2004, 03:15 AM
Had this problem on my 1989 Ford Fiasco. It was the switch on the brake pedal stuck on.

It could be more complicated with the electronics on a moden car so best to get the dealer to check it. I think it is dangerous so best to get it checked asap.