View Full Version : Windows 8

AndyP & Lenore
22nd January 2013, 01:26 AM
Is quite simply the stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupidest, stupid... :ragin::ragin::ragin::ragin::ragin::ragin::ragin:: ragin::ragin::ragin::ragin::ragin:

pile of utter dog excrement I've ever seen in my entire life using PC's.:ragin:

And, NO, I'm not in the mood for the fruiterers to pop in here and say I should have bought a frikkin Mac. iPhones, iPad's etc, are all well and fine, but proper Mac's and Macbooks are both beyond my budget and my desire.:ragin:

Bought a nice shiny new HP Ultrabook the other day. Great spec and very sensible price. But it has Win 8 on it and I'm seriously thinking of going out and buying a clean copy of Win 7 to stick on it.:ragin:


22nd January 2013, 05:09 AM
Now now, what appears to be the problem :lol:
I'm used to it now and the navigation is simple, if you like the "normal" windows desktop simple click the desktop tile, then you can have all your icons on the lower bar as before etc etc etc.
One thing i'm not keen on is that on the main Win 8 screen the tiles move about themselves when you try to place one where you want one, but, other than that, i'm a happy windows 8 user :thumbs up:

22nd January 2013, 10:39 AM
Not even used windows 7 yet..... And I work in I.T. :lol:

Friend at work specifically looked for a laptop sold with 7 on it so he didn't have this issue ;)

22nd January 2013, 10:43 AM
Not even used windows 7 yet..... And I work in I.T. :lol:

Friend at work specifically looked for a laptop sold with 7 on it so he didn't have this issue ;)What issue, Andy hasn't even said what his problem is yet :lol:

22nd January 2013, 02:21 PM
Still to have the joy of this later in the year when I get a new PC. :sad:

As long as you can get it back to Classic desktop then I have no prob’s

The Dogfather
22nd January 2013, 05:26 PM
How about an Apple user saying that OSX has been steadily going downhill since they started to introduce iOS features.

Its a computer not a phone FFS.