View Full Version : Insurance Discrimination?

13th January 2013, 01:11 PM
Hey folks,

Having some difficulties with my insurer at the moment. I have never posted it on here because I really don't like that the forums are now public, however I was the 3rd car in a shunt in October. Sitting stationary at a set of traffic lights the car behind me was hit from behind into me and I went into the guy in front. My car had about £4k worth of damage front and back and although I phoned my insurance and it came off the guys policy who hit us all, when I got my renewal in, I am being charged £140 more because I have been in an accident even though it was not my fault. Bearing in mind my insurance quote was roughly £280 if I don't declare the fact I've been in a non fault accident, it means they are charging me 50% more??? When I asked them about this, they said that if I have been involved in an accident, statistically I am more likely to be involved in another? I have asked them for a copy of this research to see what the p-value, who conducted it and where it was published so will see what they send through to me.

So then, am I within my right to get in touch with consumer advice and fight this? I am in a tough spot because even with declaring the non-fault accident I am still cheaper with admiral but I feel I am being held accountable for something that is not my fault.

If anyone has been in the same situation it would be great to hear what happened.

13th January 2013, 01:42 PM
Welcome to the world of insurance rip offs, basically any insurer can charge you anything they want, they are not duty bound to any set of rules, my advice, move to another insurer

13th January 2013, 03:13 PM
Yeah it’s not fair when firstly it was not your fault and secondly you could not have taken any precautions to protect yourself from it. Its like saying statistically if you take your car out on the roads your chances of a bump increase (No **** Sherlock).

Sorry to read about the Bump!

13th January 2013, 03:25 PM
not great Neil, and it can't be helped as Ins co's are a law unto themselves... I would go elsewhere tho, cos they are taking the p***

13th January 2013, 04:18 PM
This is a total disgrace, I would look carefully over the policy. It might also be worth asking the regulatory body what they think about this. That is if there is one.

I can't see how they can justify this especially if you still have the same no claims discount as before. You should have if it was all covered by a third parties insurance.

I have protected no claims for this very reason. But then this costs me extra every year and I've not had any claims in 10 years so it has cost a lot for no return.

Try LV, they are cheap for me.

13th January 2013, 05:00 PM
I just think they have a tick that says you’ve been involved in a claim no matter if you have NCP and they will push your price up. It sounds a great idea but in reality I think it’s just them getting extra money for nothing. Even if you move companies you can say I have my full NCD to carry over fine but they always have that box – have you had a claim in the last five years etc.

Then we have the young girls that are going to get clobbered this renewal when that no gender discrimination comes into force.

13th January 2013, 05:30 PM
Welcome to the world of insurance rip offs, basically any insurer can charge you anything they want, they are not duty bound to any set of rules, my advice, move to another insurer

not great Neil, and it can't be helped as Ins co's are a law unto themselves... I would go elsewhere tho, cos they are taking the p***

I would agree with Alan and Craig, Don't just take there quote for renewal, shop around to get the best offer, they will ask if you've been in an accident in the past but you will see what their quote is, compared with what you have at present, I would also protect my NCD for the little bit extra as it's piece of mind and worth it in the long run... :thumbs up:

The Co-operative Insurance I found was the best quote for myself and reasonable, a company that a lot forget about, Hope you get it resolved... :yes nod:

13th January 2013, 06:04 PM
I have protected no claims for this very reason. But then this costs me extra every year and I've not had any claims in 10 years so it has cost a lot for no return.

I would also protect my NCD for the little bit extra as it's piece of mind and worth it in the long run... :thumbs up:

Thanks for the advice folks, but they are still the cheapest, even with the higher price due to the no fault accident by about £100. Plus, I have protected no claims (what I thought was for this very reason) but that doesn't make a difference either. So that is still no help :(

The thing that is really peeving me off, and I may ask them to check, when I phoned up my insurance on the night of the bump, the woman said all of the claims will be coming off of the guys insurance and will not effect my premium...but obviously it is :(

13th January 2013, 07:47 PM
this is really crap :frown: I think the whole industry makes the rules up as they go along, just to suit them at the time. :ragin: The gender discrimination is nonsense as well and is just begging for someone to take age to the european court now. Then what - something else will be deemed similarly discriminating - years you've held a license, type of car? We'll all end up paying the same - and you can guarantee it'll be high. I really wish the industry would focus on the folk who don't even bother getting insurance in the first place. :ragin:

You could always give consumer direct a quick phone. They can tell you whether you have any case, they are very good and helpful in my experience. I've a feeling you're in a hole but it's odd if they've specifically said that that is THE reason the price went up. Not just rising prices etc etc. Hope you can get some discount.

13th January 2013, 07:54 PM
Thanks for the advice folks, but they are still the cheapest, even with the higher price due to the no fault accident by about £100. Plus, I have protected no claims (what I thought was for this very reason) but that doesn't make a difference either. So that is still no help :(

The thing that is really peeving me off, and I may ask them to check, when I phoned up my insurance on the night of the bump, the woman said all of the claims will be coming off of the guys insurance and will not effect my premium...but obviously it is :(

This ones got me beat Neil... :confused: ...You never claimed off your own insurance and have protected no claims, yet they still want to increase your yearly quote... :idunno: ...Well worth another phone call... :thumbs up:

13th January 2013, 08:18 PM
Don't we have a sponsor on NMS that deals in insurance? Worth giving them a call I'd say.

13th January 2013, 10:11 PM
This ones got me beat Neil... :confused: ...You never claimed off your own insurance and have protected no claims, yet they still want to increase your yearly quote... :idunno: ...Well worth another phone call... :thumbs up:

Yeah tell me about it!! Going to phone consumer advice when they open tomorrow. I have a feeling I'm going to have to pay but it is still ridiculous.

AndyP & Lenore
14th January 2013, 12:42 AM
Insurance companies hide behind a veil of bull-sh!t which is almost impossible to break down. Give Consumer Direct a call, but I suspect they'll tell you they sympathise with you but every insurance company has the right to quote a price for insurance based on the risks you pose to them as an insured party. If you successfully argue your case that the insurance should not have gone up because of a non fault (recuperated) claim, they will likely say... "No problem Mr Shepherd, your premium for next year will be "£same as previously quoted." When you ask why this time they will simply say they have revised their risk portfolio and underwriters are asking for a new premium to cover the risk. And there's absolutely b**gger all you can do about it.

A few years ago there was an incident in the building I run my business. I had to claim £50k of damages from my own ins co. This was recovered by my ins co. from the insurance co representing the company that caused the incident. At renewal they increased our premium from £8k to £15k. I asked why and they said... " 'cos we can!" Voted with our feet and now insured by another company.

You can't win.:frown:


14th January 2013, 07:16 PM
Any excuse to bump up the premium... :-(

insurance companies are robbing b******s...!!!!